MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes

10.5 Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 6.5.3 (2012-02-27, Release Candidate)

Second Release Candidate (RC) release.

Bugs Fixed

  • The performance when setting the CommandText property on the MySqlCommand class was improved by enhancing the efficiency of a string comparison operation. (Bug #13739383, Bug #64012)

  • Fixed MySqlTime parsing to avoid throwing an exception when handling milliseconds (as result of a timediff operation). (Bug #13708884, Bug #64268)

  • In Visual Studio Table Designer, when adding a second foreign key, the new name was incorrectly assigned to the first foreign key in the list. (Bug #13613824)

  • In Visual Studio Table Designer, changes to a field were sometimes not detected until you switched focus away from that field. (Bug #13613755)