MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes

2.11 Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.14 (2019-01-21, General Availability)

Functionality Added or Changed

  • The internal method called by the MySqlX.XDevAPI.Relational.Table.Count, MySqlX.XDevAPI.Collection.Count, and MySqlX.XDevAPI.Collection<T>.Count methods were moved to a standardized location within the library.

  • The auth connection option (along with aliases authentication and authentication mode) was removed from the MySqlBaseConnectionStringBuilder class. This option now is available for X Protocol connections only.

  • The following obsolete (deprecated) members of Connector/NET 8.0 API classes were removed:

    • Collection.Remove(Object) method

    • Collection.Remove(DbDoc) method

    • FindStatement.Limit(Int64, Int64) method

    • MySqlParameterCollection.Add(String, Object) method

    • TableSelectStatement.Limit(Int64, Int64) method

    • BaseResult.WarningCount property

    • MySqlBaseConnectionStringBuilder.Auth property

    • Result.RecordsAffected property

    • SqlResult.AutoIncrementValue property

    • SqlResult.RecordsAffected property