MySQL Connector/Python Release Notes

5.6 Changes in MySQL Connector/Python 2.0.0 (2014-07-24, Alpha)

Functionality Added or Changed

  • Incompatible Change: Previous series of Connector/Python had separate Python 2 and Python 3 code bases. For Connector/Python 2.0, the source tree has been reorganized to have a single code base, for easier maintenance, testing, and distribution.

    This reorganization results in an incompatible change in behavior: With the use of raw cursors, the returned values is of the bytearray type. This is necessary for having both Python 2 and 3 return the same data. Consider the following example:

    import mysql.connector
    cnx = mysql.connector.connect(raw=True)
    cursor = cnx.cursor()
    cursor.execute('SELECT 1')

    In Connector/Python 1.x, the output is:

    • Using Python 2: [('1',)]

    • Using Python 3: [(b'1',)]

    In Connector/Python 2.0, for both Python versions, the output is: [(bytearray(b'1'),)]

    To get the same value as in Connector/Python 1.x, do this:

    • Using Python 2: str(bytearray(b'1'))

    • Using Python 3: bytes((bytearray(b'1'))

  • Important Change: Previously, to enable use of LOAD DATA LOCAL, clients had to explicitly set the ClientFlag.LOCAL_FILES flag. This flag is now enabled by default. To disable it, the allow_local_infile option for connect()can be set to False.

  • For a stored procedure that produces multiple result sets, it is now possible to execute the procedure and process its results by executing a CALL statement. Execute the statement using execute() with a multi=True argument, and use the returned iterator to process each result in turn. (Bug #73291, Bug #19207922)

  • Connector/Python now supports option files using two new options for connect():

    • option_files: Which option files to read. The value can be a file path name (a string) or a sequence of path name strings. By default, Connector/Python reads no option files, so this argument must be given explicitly to cause option files to be read. Files are read in the order specified.

    • option_groups: Which groups to read from option files, if option files are read. The value can be an option group name (a string) or a sequence of group name strings. If this argument is not given, the default value is ['client, 'connector_python'] to read the [client] and [connector_python] groups.

    For more information, see Connector/Python Option-File Support.

  • The mysql.connector.cursor module supports four new cursor classes:

    • The MySQLCursorDict cursor class returns each row as a dictionary. The keys for each dictionary object are the column names of the MySQL result.

      cursor = cnx.cursor(dictionary=True)
    • The MySQLCursorBufferedDict cursor class is like MySQLCursorDict, but fetches the entire result set after executing the query and buffers the rows.

      cursor = cnx.cursor(dictionary=True, buffered=True)
    • The MySQLCursorNamedTuple cursor class returns each row as a named tuple. Each column is accessible through an attribute of the tuple-like object.

      cursor = cnx.cursor(named_tuple=True)
    • The MySQLCursorBufferedNamedTuple cursor class is like MySQLCursorNamedTuple, but fetches the entire result set after executing the query and buffers the rows.

      cursor = cnx.cursor(named_tuple=True, buffered=True)

    For more information, see Subclasses cursor.MySQLCursor.

  • The packaging modules and supporting files have been removed from the main repository and from the source packages for Connector/Python. They are still available in the Connector/Python 1.x series.

Bugs Fixed

  • Django TimeField values of 00:00:00 were incorrectly converted to NULL because Python considered that value equal to False. (Bug #72732, Bug #18956789)

  • Fetching results from a prepared statement that returned many columns could produce an error. (Bug #72602, Bug #18742429)

  • Previously, a RuntimeError exception was raised when a Django application was inactive for a while. Now, the Django back end verifies that the database connection is still valid each time a database request is made. (Bug #72545, Bug #18843153)