MySQL 5.6 Reference Manual Including MySQL NDB Cluster 7.3-7.4 Reference Guide Using libmemcached with C and C++

The libmemcached library provides both C and C++ interfaces to memcached and is also the basis for a number of different additional API implementations, including Perl, Python and Ruby. Understanding the core libmemcached functions can help when using these other interfaces.

The C library is the most comprehensive interface library for memcached and provides functions and operational systems not always exposed in interfaces not based on the libmemcached library.

The different functions can be divided up according to their basic operation. In addition to functions that interface to the core API, a number of utility functions provide extended functionality, such as appending and prepending data.

To build and install libmemcached, download the libmemcached package, run configure, and then build and install:

shell> tar xjf libmemcached-0.21.tar.gz
shell> cd libmemcached-0.21
shell> ./configure
shell> make
shell> make install

On many Linux operating systems, you can install the corresponding libmemcached package through the usual yum, apt-get, or similar commands.

To build an application that uses the library, first set the list of servers. Either directly manipulate the servers configured within the main memcached_st structure, or separately populate a list of servers, and then add this list to the memcached_st structure. The latter method is used in the following example. Once the server list has been set, you can call the functions to store or retrieve data. A simple application for setting a preset value to localhost is provided here:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <libmemcached/memcached.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  memcached_server_st *servers = NULL;
  memcached_st *memc;
  memcached_return rc;
  char *key= "keystring";
  char *value= "keyvalue";

  memcached_server_st *memcached_servers_parse (char *server_strings);
  memc= memcached_create(NULL);

  servers= memcached_server_list_append(servers, "localhost", 11211, &rc);
  rc= memcached_server_push(memc, servers);

    fprintf(stderr,"Added server successfully\n");
    fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't add server: %s\n",memcached_strerror(memc, rc));

  rc= memcached_set(memc, key, strlen(key), value, strlen(value), (time_t)0, (uint32_t)0);

    fprintf(stderr,"Key stored successfully\n");
    fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't store key: %s\n",memcached_strerror(memc, rc));

  return 0;

To test the success of an operation, use the return value, or populated result code, for a given function. The value is always set to MEMCACHED_SUCCESS if the operation succeeded. In the event of a failure, use the memcached_strerror() function to translate the result code into a printable string.

To build the application, specify the memcached library:

shell> gcc -o memc_basic memc_basic.c -lmemcached

Running the above sample application, after starting a memcached server, should return a success message:

shell> memc_basic
Added server successfully
Key stored successfully libmemcached Base Functions

The base libmemcached functions let you create, destroy and clone the main memcached_st structure that is used to interface with the memcached servers. The main functions are defined below:

memcached_st *memcached_create (memcached_st *ptr);

Creates a new memcached_st structure for use with the other libmemcached API functions. You can supply an existing, static, memcached_st structure, or NULL to have a new structured allocated. Returns a pointer to the created structure, or NULL on failure.

void memcached_free (memcached_st *ptr);

Frees the structure and memory allocated to a previously created memcached_st structure.

memcached_st *memcached_clone(memcached_st *clone, memcached_st *source);

Clones an existing memcached structure from the specified source, copying the defaults and list of servers defined in the structure. libmemcached Server Functions

The libmemcached API uses a list of servers, stored within the memcached_server_st structure, to act as the list of servers used by the rest of the functions. To use memcached, you first create the server list, and then apply the list of servers to a valid libmemcached object.

Because the list of servers, and the list of servers within an active libmemcached object can be manipulated separately, you can update and manage server lists while an active libmemcached interface is running.

The functions for manipulating the list of servers within a memcached_st structure are:

   memcached_server_add (memcached_st *ptr,
                         char *hostname,
                         unsigned int port);

Adds a server, using the given hostname and port into the memcached_st structure given in ptr.

   memcached_server_add_unix_socket (memcached_st *ptr,
                                     char *socket);

Adds a Unix socket to the list of servers configured in the memcached_st structure.

unsigned int memcached_server_count (memcached_st *ptr);

Returns a count of the number of configured servers within the memcached_st structure.

memcached_server_st *
   memcached_server_list (memcached_st *ptr);

Returns an array of all the defined hosts within a memcached_st structure.

   memcached_server_push (memcached_st *ptr,
                          memcached_server_st *list);

Pushes an existing list of servers onto list of servers configured for a current memcached_st structure. This adds servers to the end of the existing list, and duplicates are not checked.

The memcached_server_st structure can be used to create a list of memcached servers which can then be applied individually to memcached_st structures.

memcached_server_st *
   memcached_server_list_append (memcached_server_st *ptr,
                                 char *hostname,
                                 unsigned int port,
                                 memcached_return *error);

Adds a server, with hostname and port, to the server list in ptr. The result code is handled by the error argument, which should point to an existing memcached_return variable. The function returns a pointer to the returned list.

unsigned int memcached_server_list_count (memcached_server_st *ptr);

Returns the number of the servers in the server list.

void memcached_server_list_free (memcached_server_st *ptr);

Frees the memory associated with a server list.

memcached_server_st *memcached_servers_parse (char *server_strings);

Parses a string containing a list of servers, where individual servers are separated by a comma, space, or both, and where individual servers are of the form server[:port]. The return value is a server list structure. libmemcached Set Functions

The set-related functions within libmemcached provide the same functionality as the core functions supported by the memcached protocol. The full definition for the different functions is the same for all the base functions (add, replace, prepend, append). For example, the function definition for memcached_set() is:

   memcached_set (memcached_st *ptr,
                  const char *key,
                  size_t key_length,
                  const char *value,
                  size_t value_length,
                  time_t expiration,
                  uint32_t flags);

The ptr is the memcached_st structure. The key and key_length define the key name and length, and value and value_length the corresponding value and length. You can also set the expiration and optional flags. For more information, see Section, “Controlling libmemcached Behaviors”.

The following table outlines the remainder of the set-related libmemcached functions and the equivalent core functions supported by the memcached protocol.

libmemcached Function Equivalent Core Function
memcached_set(memc, key, key_length, value, value_length, expiration, flags) Generic set() operation.
memcached_add(memc, key, key_length, value, value_length, expiration, flags) Generic add() function.
memcached_replace(memc, key, key_length, value, value_length, expiration, flags) Generic replace().
memcached_prepend(memc, key, key_length, value, value_length, expiration, flags) Prepends the specified value before the current value of the specified key.
memcached_append(memc, key, key_length, value, value_length, expiration, flags) Appends the specified value after the current value of the specified key.
memcached_cas(memc, key, key_length, value, value_length, expiration, flags, cas) Overwrites the data for a given key as long as the corresponding cas value is still the same within the server.
memcached_set_by_key(memc, master_key, master_key_length, key, key_length, value, value_length, expiration, flags) Similar to the generic set(), but has the option of an additional master key that can be used to identify an individual server.
memcached_add_by_key(memc, master_key, master_key_length, key, key_length, value, value_length, expiration, flags) Similar to the generic add(), but has the option of an additional master key that can be used to identify an individual server.
memcached_replace_by_key(memc, master_key, master_key_length, key, key_length, value, value_length, expiration, flags) Similar to the generic replace(), but has the option of an additional master key that can be used to identify an individual server.
memcached_prepend_by_key(memc, master_key, master_key_length, key, key_length, value, value_length, expiration, flags) Similar to the memcached_prepend(), but has the option of an additional master key that can be used to identify an individual server.
memcached_append_by_key(memc, master_key, master_key_length, key, key_length, value, value_length, expiration, flags) Similar to the memcached_append(), but has the option of an additional master key that can be used to identify an individual server.
memcached_cas_by_key(memc, master_key, master_key_length, key, key_length, value, value_length, expiration, flags) Similar to the memcached_cas(), but has the option of an additional master key that can be used to identify an individual server.

The by_key methods add two further arguments that define the master key, to be used and applied during the hashing stage for selecting the servers. You can see this in the following definition:

   memcached_set_by_key(memcached_st *ptr,
                        const char *master_key,
                        size_t master_key_length,
                        const char *key,
                        size_t key_length,
                        const char *value,
                        size_t value_length,
                        time_t expiration,
                        uint32_t flags);

All the functions return a value of type memcached_return, which you can compare against the MEMCACHED_SUCCESS constant. libmemcached Get Functions

The libmemcached functions provide both direct access to a single item, and a multiple-key request mechanism that provides much faster responses when fetching a large number of keys simultaneously.

The main get-style function, which is equivalent to the generic get() is memcached_get(). This function returns a string pointer, pointing to the value associated with the specified key.

char *memcached_get (memcached_st *ptr,
                     const char *key, size_t key_length,
                     size_t *value_length,
                     uint32_t *flags,
                     memcached_return *error);

A multi-key get, memcached_mget(), is also available. Using a multiple key get operation is much quicker to do in one block than retrieving the key values with individual calls to memcached_get(). To start the multi-key get, call memcached_mget():

    memcached_mget (memcached_st *ptr,
                    char **keys, size_t *key_length,
                    unsigned int number_of_keys);

The return value is the success of the operation. The keys parameter should be an array of strings containing the keys, and key_length an array containing the length of each corresponding key. number_of_keys is the number of keys supplied in the array.

To fetch the individual values, use memcached_fetch() to get each corresponding value.

char *memcached_fetch (memcached_st *ptr,
                       const char *key, size_t *key_length,
                       size_t *value_length,
                       uint32_t *flags,
                       memcached_return *error);

The function returns the key value, with the key, key_length and value_length parameters being populated with the corresponding key and length information. The function returns NULL when there are no more values to be returned. A full example, including the populating of the key data and the return of the information is provided here.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sstring.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <libmemcached/memcached.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  memcached_server_st *servers = NULL;
  memcached_st *memc;
  memcached_return rc;
  char *keys[]= {"huey", "dewey", "louie"};
  size_t key_length[3];
  char *values[]= {"red", "blue", "green"};
  size_t value_length[3];
  unsigned int x;
  uint32_t flags;

  char return_key[MEMCACHED_MAX_KEY];
  size_t return_key_length;
  char *return_value;
  size_t return_value_length;

  memc= memcached_create(NULL);

  servers= memcached_server_list_append(servers, "localhost", 11211, &rc);
  rc= memcached_server_push(memc, servers);

    fprintf(stderr,"Added server successfully\n");
    fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't add server: %s\n",memcached_strerror(memc, rc));

  for(x= 0; x < 3; x++)
      key_length[x] = strlen(keys[x]);
      value_length[x] = strlen(values[x]);

      rc= memcached_set(memc, keys[x], key_length[x], values[x],
                        value_length[x], (time_t)0, (uint32_t)0);
      if (rc == MEMCACHED_SUCCESS)
        fprintf(stderr,"Key %s stored successfully\n",keys[x]);
        fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't store key: %s\n",memcached_strerror(memc, rc));

  rc= memcached_mget(memc, keys, key_length, 3);

      while ((return_value= memcached_fetch(memc, return_key, &return_key_length,
                                            &return_value_length, &flags, &rc)) != NULL)
          if (rc == MEMCACHED_SUCCESS)
              fprintf(stderr,"Key %s returned %s\n",return_key, return_value);

  return 0;

Running the above application produces the following output:

shell> memc_multi_fetch
Added server successfully
Key huey stored successfully
Key dewey stored successfully
Key louie stored successfully
Key huey returned red
Key dewey returned blue
Key louie returned green Controlling libmemcached Behaviors

The behavior of libmemcached can be modified by setting one or more behavior flags. These can either be set globally, or they can be applied during the call to individual functions. Some behaviors also accept an additional setting, such as the hashing mechanism used when selecting servers.

To set global behaviors:

   memcached_behavior_set (memcached_st *ptr,
                           memcached_behavior flag,
                           uint64_t data);

To get the current behavior setting:

   memcached_behavior_get (memcached_st *ptr,
                           memcached_behavior flag);

The following table describes libmemcached behavior flags.

Behavior Description
MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_NO_BLOCK Caused libmemcached to use asynchronous I/O.
MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_TCP_NODELAY Turns on no-delay for network sockets.
MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_HASH Without a value, sets the default hashing algorithm for keys to use MD5. Other valid values include MEMCACHED_HASH_DEFAULT, MEMCACHED_HASH_MD5, MEMCACHED_HASH_CRC, MEMCACHED_HASH_FNV1_64, MEMCACHED_HASH_FNV1A_64, MEMCACHED_HASH_FNV1_32, and MEMCACHED_HASH_FNV1A_32.
MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_DISTRIBUTION Changes the method of selecting the server used to store a given value. The default method is MEMCACHED_DISTRIBUTION_MODULA. You can enable consistent hashing by setting MEMCACHED_DISTRIBUTION_CONSISTENT. MEMCACHED_DISTRIBUTION_CONSISTENT is an alias for the value MEMCACHED_DISTRIBUTION_CONSISTENT_KETAMA.
MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_CACHE_LOOKUPS Cache the lookups made to the DNS service. This can improve the performance if you are using names instead of IP addresses for individual hosts.
MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_SUPPORT_CAS Support CAS operations. By default, this is disabled because it imposes a performance penalty.
MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_POLL_TIMEOUT Modify the timeout value used by poll(). Supply a signed int pointer for the timeout value.
MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_BUFFER_REQUESTS Buffers IO requests instead of them being sent. A get operation, or closing the connection causes the data to be flushed.
MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_VERIFY_KEY Forces libmemcached to verify that a specified key is valid.
MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_SORT_HOSTS If set, hosts added to the list of configured hosts for a memcached_st structure are placed into the host list in sorted order. This breaks consistent hashing if that behavior has been enabled.
MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_CONNECT_TIMEOUT In nonblocking mode this changes the value of the timeout during socket connection. libmemcached Command-Line Utilities

In addition to the main C library interface, libmemcached also includes a number of command-line utilities that can be useful when working with and debugging memcached applications.

All of the command-line tools accept a number of arguments, the most critical of which is servers, which specifies the list of servers to connect to when returning information.

The main tools are:

  • memcat: Display the value for each ID given on the command line:

    shell> memcat --servers=localhost hwkey
    Hello world
  • memcp: Copy the contents of a file into the cache, using the file name as the key:

    shell> echo "Hello World" > hwkey
    shell> memcp --servers=localhost hwkey
    shell> memcat --servers=localhost hwkey
    Hello world
  • memrm: Remove an item from the cache:

    shell> memcat --servers=localhost hwkey
    Hello world
    shell> memrm --servers=localhost hwkey
    shell> memcat --servers=localhost hwkey
  • memslap: Test the load on one or more memcached servers, simulating get/set and multiple client operations. For example, you can simulate the load of 100 clients performing get operations:

    shell> memslap --servers=localhost --concurrency=100 --flush --test=get
    memslap --servers=localhost --concurrency=100 --flush --test=get	Threads connecting to servers 100
    	Took 13.571 seconds to read data
  • memflush: Flush (empty) the contents of the memcached cache.

    shell> memflush --servers=localhost