MySQL 5.6 Reference Manual Including MySQL NDB Cluster 7.3-7.4 Reference Guide

16.2.2 Using memcached

To start using memcached, start the memcached service on one or more servers. Running memcached sets up the server, allocates the memory and starts listening for connections from clients.


You do not need to be a privileged user (root) to run memcached except to listen on one of the privileged TCP/IP ports (below 1024). You must, however, use a user that has not had their memory limits restricted using setrlimit or similar.

To start the server, run memcached as a nonprivileged (that is, non-root) user:

shell> memcached

By default, memcached uses the following settings:

Typically, you would specify the full combination of options that you want when starting memcached, and normally provide a startup script to handle the initialization of memcached. For example, the following line starts memcached with a maximum of 1024MB RAM for the cache, listening on port 11211 on the IP address, running as a background daemon:

shell> memcached -d -m 1024 -p 11211 -l

To ensure that memcached is started up on boot, check the init script and configuration parameters.