MySQL 5.6 Reference Manual Including MySQL NDB Cluster 7.3-7.4 Reference Guide The ndbinfo disk_write_speed_aggregate_node Table

The disk_write_speed_aggregate_node table provides aggregated information per node about the speed of disk writes during LCP, backup, and restore operations.

As of NDB 7.4.3, the disk_write_speed_aggregate_node contains the following columns (information relating to NDB 7.4.2 and earlier can be found later in this section):


Prior to NDB 7.4.3, columns of this table showed values in kilobytes. (In NDB 7.4.3 and later, the columns display all such values in bytes.) (Bug #74317, Bug #19795072) In NDB 7.4.2 and earlier, the disk_write_speed_aggregate contains the following columns:

The disk_write_speed_aggregate_node table was added in NDB 7.4.1.