MySQL 5.6 Reference Manual Including MySQL NDB Cluster 7.3-7.4 Reference Guide The ndbinfo disk_write_speed_aggregate Table

The disk_write_speed_aggregate table provides aggregated information about the speed of disk writes during LCP, backup, and restore operations.

The disk_write_speed_aggregate table in NDB 7.4.3 and later contains the following columns:


Prior to NDB 7.4.3, the standard deviation used in obtaining the values shown in the std_dev_backup_lcp_speed_last_10sec, std_dev_redo_speed_last_10sec, std_dev_backup_lcp_speed_last_60sec, and std_dev_redo_speed_last_60sec columns of this table was not calculated correctly. (Bug #74317, Bug #19795072)

Prior to NDB 7.4.3, some columns of this table showed values in kilobytes or other multiples of bytes. (In NDB 7.4.3 and later, all such columns display values in bytes, as shown previously.) (Bug #74317, Bug #19795072) In NDB 7.4.2 and earlier, this table contained the following columns:

The disk_write_speed_aggregate table was added in NDB 7.4.1.