MySQL 5.6 Reference Manual Including MySQL NDB Cluster 7.3-7.4 Reference Guide

4.6.16 mysql_zap — Kill Processes That Match a Pattern

mysql_zap kills processes that match a pattern. It uses the ps command and Unix signals, so it runs on Unix and Unix-like systems.

This program is deprecated as of MySQL 5.6.19 and is removed in MySQL 5.7.

Invoke mysql_zap like this:

shell> mysql_zap [-signal] [-?Ift] pattern

A process matches if its output line from the ps command contains the pattern. By default, mysql_zap asks for confirmation for each process. Respond y to kill the process, or q to exit mysql_zap. For any other response, mysql_zap does not attempt to kill the process.

If the -signal option is given, it specifies the name or number of the signal to send to each process. Otherwise, mysql_zap tries first with TERM (signal 15) and then with KILL (signal 9).

mysql_zap supports the following additional options: