MySQL 5.6 Reference Manual Including MySQL NDB Cluster 7.3-7.4 Reference Guide The setup_consumers Table

The setup_consumers table lists the types of consumers for which event information can be stored and which are enabled:

mysql> SELECT * FROM performance_schema.setup_consumers;
| NAME                           | ENABLED |
| events_stages_current          | NO      |
| events_stages_history          | NO      |
| events_stages_history_long     | NO      |
| events_statements_current      | YES     |
| events_statements_history      | NO      |
| events_statements_history_long | NO      |
| events_waits_current           | NO      |
| events_waits_history           | NO      |
| events_waits_history_long      | NO      |
| global_instrumentation         | YES     |
| thread_instrumentation         | YES     |
| statements_digest              | YES     |

The consumer settings in the setup_consumers table form a hierarchy from higher levels to lower. For detailed information about the effect of enabling different consumers, see Section 22.4.7, “Pre-Filtering by Consumer”.

Modifications to the setup_consumers table affect monitoring immediately.

The setup_consumers table has these columns:

TRUNCATE TABLE is not permitted for the setup_consumers table.