MySQL 5.6 Release Notes

20 Changes in MySQL 5.6.33 (2016-09-06, General Availability)

Compilation Notes

  • CMake support was added for compiling with Developer Studio 12.5. (Bug #82249, Bug #24303829, Bug #81274, Bug #23212938)

Test Suite Notes

  • In, a limit of 50 was imposed on the number of workers for parallel testing, which on systems with more than 50 CPUs resulted in exhaustion of unique thread IDs. The ID-exhaustion problem has been corrected, and the limit of 50 on number of workers has been lifted. Thanks to Daniel Black for the patch on which this change was based. Additionally, these changes were made:

    • To avoid idle workers, the number of parallel workers now is limited to the number of tests.

    • Previously, if --parallel=auto was given and the MTR_MAX_PARALLEL environment variable was not set, a limit of 8 was imposed on the number of parallel workers. This limit has been lifted.

    (Bug #22342399, Bug #79585)

Bugs Fixed

  • InnoDB: An operation that dropped and created a full-text search table raised an assertion. (Bug #24315031)

  • InnoDB: Accessing full-text search auxiliary tables while dropping the indexed table raised an assertion. (Bug #24009272)

  • InnoDB: An online DDL operation on a table with indexed BLOB columns raised an assertion during logging of table modifications. (Bug #23760086)

  • Replication: mysqlbinlog --read-from-remote-server log1 log2 was opening a new connection for log2 without freeing the connection used for log1. Thanks to Laurynas Biveinis for the contribution. (Bug #81675, Bug #23540182)

  • Replication: With binlog_row_image=FULL, when updating single tables temporary tables were unnecessarily being used. The fix ensures single table update follows the same pattern as multi-table update. (Bug #79867, Bug #22510353)

  • For mysqld_safe, the argument to --malloc-lib now must be one of the directories /usr/lib, /usr/lib64, /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu, or /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu. In addition, the --mysqld and --mysqld-version options are accepted only on the command line, not in option files. (Bug #24464380)

    References: See also: Bug #24619033, Bug #82920.

  • It was possible to write log files ending with .ini or .cnf that later could be parsed as option files. The general query log and slow query log can no longer be written to a file ending with .ini or .cnf. (Bug #24388753)

  • Privilege escalation was possible by exploiting the way REPAIR TABLE used temporary files. (Bug #24388746)

  • If the basedir system variable was set at server startup from the command line or option file, the value was not normalized (on Windows, / was not replaced with \). (Bug #23747899, Bug #82125)

  • In-place ALTER TABLE operations which when executed separately caused no table rebuild could when combined into a single statement result in a table rebuild. (Bug #23475211, Bug #81587)

  • A blank server name in CREATE SERVER statements produced a server exit rather than an error. (Bug #23295288)

  • A prepared statement that used a parameter in the select list of a derived table that was part of a join could cause a server exit. (Bug #22392374, Bug #24380263)

  • MEDIUMINT columns used in operations with long integer values could result in buffer overflow. (Bug #19984392)

  • A spurious ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE error could occur when attempting to execute a prepared CREATE TABLE ... SELECT statement that used a temporary table in the FROM clause and called a stored function. The same error could occur for a nonprepared version of the statement if used in a stored procedure when the procedure was re-executed. (Bug #16672723, Bug #68972)

  • EINTR handling in the client library has been fixed so that interrupted read and write calls are retried. Previously, EINTR was ignored. (Bug #82019, Bug #23703570)