MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual Including MySQL NDB Cluster 7.5 and NDB Cluster 7.6 The ndbinfo threads Table

The threads table provides information about threads running in the NDB kernel.

The threads table contains the following columns:


Sample output from a 2-node example cluster, including thread descriptions, is shown here:

mysql> SELECT * FROM threads;
| node_id | thr_no | thread_name | thread_description                                               |
|       5 |      0 | main        | main thread, schema and distribution handling                    |
|       5 |      1 | rep         | rep thread, asynch replication and proxy block handling          |
|       5 |      2 | ldm         | ldm thread, handling a set of data partitions                    |
|       5 |      3 | recv        | receive thread, performing receive and polling for new receives |
|       6 |      0 | main        | main thread, schema and distribution handling                    |
|       6 |      1 | rep         | rep thread, asynch replication and proxy block handling          |
|       6 |      2 | ldm         | ldm thread, handling a set of data partitions                    |
|       6 |      3 | recv        | receive thread, performing receive and polling for new receives |
8 rows in set (0.01 sec)

This table was added in NDB 7.5.2.