MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual Including MySQL NDB Cluster 8.0

A.9 MySQL 8.0 FAQ: Security

A.9.1. Where can I find documentation that addresses security issues for MySQL?
A.9.2. What is the default authentication plugin in MySQL 8.0?
A.9.3. Does MySQL 8.0 have native support for SSL?
A.9.4. Is SSL support built into MySQL binaries, or must I recompile the binary myself to enable it?
A.9.5. Does MySQL 8.0 have built-in authentication against LDAP directories?
A.9.6. Does MySQL 8.0 include support for Roles Based Access Control (RBAC)?


Where can I find documentation that addresses security issues for MySQL?

The best place to start is Chapter 6, Security.

Other portions of the MySQL Documentation which you may find useful with regard to specific security concerns include the following:


What is the default authentication plugin in MySQL 8.0?

The default authentication plugin in MySQL 8.0 is caching_sha2_password. For information about this plugin, see Section, “Caching SHA-2 Pluggable Authentication”.

The caching_sha2_password plugin provides more secure password encryption than the mysql_native_password plugin (the default plugin in previous MySQL series). For information about the implications of this change of default plugin for server operation and compatibility of the server with clients and connectors, see caching_sha2_password as the Preferred Authentication Plugin.

For general information about pluggable authentication and other available authentication plugins, see Section 6.2.17, “Pluggable Authentication”, and Section 6.4.1, “Authentication Plugins”.


Does MySQL 8.0 have native support for SSL?

Most 8.0 binaries have support for SSL connections between the client and server. See Section 6.3, “Using Encrypted Connections”.

You can also tunnel a connection using SSH, if (for example) the client application does not support SSL connections. For an example, see Section 6.3.4, “Connecting to MySQL Remotely from Windows with SSH”.


Is SSL support built into MySQL binaries, or must I recompile the binary myself to enable it?

Most 8.0 binaries have SSL enabled for client/server connections that are secured, authenticated, or both. See Section 6.3, “Using Encrypted Connections”.


Does MySQL 8.0 have built-in authentication against LDAP directories?

The Enterprise edition includes a PAM Authentication Plugin that supports authentication against an LDAP directory.


Does MySQL 8.0 include support for Roles Based Access Control (RBAC)?

Not at this time.