MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual Including MySQL NDB Cluster 8.0

18.9.2 Group Replication Limitations

The following known limitations exist for Group Replication. Note that the limitations and issues described for multi-primary mode groups can also apply in single-primary mode clusters during a failover event, while the newly elected primary flushes out its applier queue from the old primary.


Group Replication is built on GTID based replication, therefore you should also be aware of Section, “Restrictions on Replication with GTIDs”.

Limit on Group Size

The maximum number of MySQL servers that can be members of a single replication group is 9. If further members attempt to join the group, their request is refused. This limit has been identified from testing and benchmarking as a safe boundary where the group performs reliably on a stable local area network.

Limits on Transaction Size

If an individual transaction results in message contents which are large enough that the message cannot be copied between group members over the network within a 5-second window, members can be suspected of having failed, and then expelled, just because they are busy processing the transaction. Large transactions can also cause the system to slow due to problems with memory allocation. To avoid these issues use the following mitigations:

  • If unnecessary expulsions occur due to large messages, use the system variable group_replication_member_expel_timeout to allow additional time before a member under suspicion of having failed is expelled. You can allow up to an hour after the initial 5-second detection period before a suspect member is expelled from the group. From MySQL 8.0.21, an additional 5 seconds is allowed by default.

  • Where possible, try and limit the size of your transactions before they are handled by Group Replication. For example, split up files used with LOAD DATA into smaller chunks.

  • Use the system variable group_replication_transaction_size_limit to specify a maximum transaction size that the group accepts. In MySQL 8.0, this system variable defaults to a maximum transaction size of 150000000 bytes (approximately 143 MB). Transactions above this size are rolled back and are not sent to Group Replication's Group Communication System (GCS) for distribution to the group. Adjust the value of this variable depending on the maximum message size that you need the group to tolerate, bearing in mind that the time taken to process a transaction is proportional to its size.

  • Use the system variable group_replication_compression_threshold to specify a message size above which compression is applied. This system variable defaults to 1000000 bytes (1 MB), so large messages are automatically compressed. Compression is carried out by Group Replication's Group Communication System (GCS) when it receives a message that was permitted by the group_replication_transaction_size_limit setting but exceeds the group_replication_compression_threshold setting. For more information, see Section 18.6.3, “Message Compression”.

  • Use the system variable group_replication_communication_max_message_size to specify a message size above which messages are fragmented. This system variable defaults to 10485760 bytes (10 MiB), so large messages are automatically fragmented. GCS carries out fragmentation after compression if the compressed message still exceeds the group_replication_communication_max_message_size limit. In order for a replication group to use fragmentation, all group members must be at MySQL 8.0.16 or above, and the Group Replication communication protocol version in use by the group must allow fragmentation. For more information, see Section 18.6.4, “Message Fragmentation”.

The maximum transaction size, message compression, and message fragmentation can all be deactivated by specifying a zero value for the relevant system variable. If you have deactivated all these safeguards, the upper size limit for a message that can be handled by the applier thread on a member of a replication group is the value of the member's slave_max_allowed_packet system variable, which has a default and maximum value of 1073741824 bytes (1 GB). A message that exceeds this limit fails when the receiving member attempts to handle it. The upper size limit for a message that a group member can originate and attempt to transmit to the group is 4294967295 bytes (approximately 4 GB). This is a hard limit on the packet size that is accepted by the group communication engine for Group Replication (XCom, a Paxos variant), which receives messages after GCS has handled them. A message that exceeds this limit fails when the originating member attempts to broadcast it.