MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual Including MySQL NDB Cluster 8.0 Native Pluggable Authentication

MySQL includes a mysql_native_password plugin that implements native authentication; that is, authentication based on the password hashing method in use from before the introduction of pluggable authentication.

The following table shows the plugin names on the server and client sides.

Table 6.12 Plugin and Library Names for Native Password Authentication

Plugin or File Plugin or File Name
Server-side plugin mysql_native_password
Client-side plugin mysql_native_password
Library file None (plugins are built in)

The following sections provide installation and usage information specific to native pluggable authentication:

For general information about pluggable authentication in MySQL, see Section 6.2.17, “Pluggable Authentication”.

Installing Native Pluggable Authentication

The mysql_native_password plugin exists in server and client forms:

  • The server-side plugin is built into the server, need not be loaded explicitly, and cannot be disabled by unloading it.

  • The client-side plugin is built into the libmysqlclient client library and is available to any program linked against libmysqlclient.

Using Native Pluggable Authentication

MySQL client programs use mysql_native_password by default. The --default-auth option can be used as a hint about which client-side plugin the program can expect to use:

shell> mysql --default-auth=mysql_native_password ...