MySQL NDB Cluster 7.2 Release Notes

40.10 Changes in MySQL NDB Cluster 7.2.23 (5.5.47-ndb-7.2.23) (2016-01-19, General Availability)

Bugs Fixed

  • NDB Cluster APIs: The binary log injector did not work correctly with TE_INCONSISTENT event type handling by Ndb::nextEvent(). (Bug #22135541)

    References: See also: Bug #20646496.

  • NDB Cluster APIs: Ndb::pollEvents() and pollEvents2() were slow to receive events, being dependent on other client threads or blocks to perform polling of transporters on their behalf. This fix allows a client thread to perform its own transporter polling when it has to wait in either of these methods.

    Introduction of transporter polling also revealed a problem with missing mutex protection in the ndbcluster_binlog handler, which has been added as part of this fix. (Bug #79311, Bug #20957068, Bug #22224571)

  • In debug builds, a WAIT_EVENT while polling caused excessive logging to stdout. (Bug #22203672)

  • When executing a schema operation such as CREATE TABLE on a MySQL NDB Cluster with multiple SQL nodes, it was possible for the SQL node on which the operation was performed to time out while waiting for an acknowledgement from the others. This could occur when different SQL nodes had different settings for --ndb-log-updated-only, --ndb-log-update-as-write, or other mysqld options effecting binary logging by NDB.

    This happened due to the fact that, in order to distribute schema changes between them, all SQL nodes subscribe to changes in the ndb_schema system table, and that all SQL nodes are made aware of each others subscriptions by subscribing to TE_SUBSCRIBE and TE_UNSUBSCRIBE events. The names of events to subscribe to are constructed from the table names, adding REPL$ or REPLF$ as a prefix. REPLF$ is used when full binary logging is specified for the table. The issue described previously arose because different values for the options mentioned could lead to different events being subscribed to by different SQL nodes, meaning that all SQL nodes were not necessarily aware of each other, so that the code that handled waiting for schema distribution to complete did not work as designed.

    To fix this issue, MySQL NDB Cluster now treats the ndb_schema table as a special case and enforces full binary logging at all times for this table, independent of any settings for mysqld binary logging options. (Bug #22174287, Bug #79188)

  • Using ndb_mgm STOP -f to force a node shutdown even when it triggered a complete shutdown of the cluster, it was possible to lose data when a sufficient number of nodes were shut down, triggering a cluster shutodwn, and the timing was such that SUMA handovers had been made to nodes already in the process of shutting down. (Bug #17772138)

  • The internal NdbEventBuffer::set_total_buckets() method calculated the number of remaining buckets incorrectly. This caused any incomplete epoch to be prematurely completed when the SUB_START_CONF signal arrived out of order. Any events belonging to this epoch arriving later were then ignored, and so effectively lost, which resulted in schema changes not being distributed correctly among SQL nodes. (Bug #79635, Bug #22363510)

  • Schema events were appended to the binary log out of order relative to non-schema events. This was caused by the fact that the binary log injector did not properly handle the case where schema events and non-schema events were from different epochs.

    This fix modifies the handling of events from the two schema and non-schema event streams such that events are now always handled one epoch at a time, starting with events from the oldest available epoch, without regard to the event stream in which they occur. (Bug #79077, Bug #22135584, Bug #20456664)

  • NDB failed during a node restart due to the status of the current local checkpoint being set but not as active, even though it could have other states under such conditions. (Bug #78780, Bug #21973758)

  • The value set for spintime by the ThreadConfig parameter was not calculated correctly, causing the spin to continue for longer than actually specified. (Bug #78525, Bug #21886476)