MySQL NDB Cluster 7.2 Release Notes

38 Changes in MySQL NDB Cluster 7.2.1 (5.5.15-ndb-7.2.1) (2011-10-03, Development Milestone Release)

MySQL NDB Cluster 7.2.1 is a new development preview release of NDB Cluster, incorporating new features in the NDB storage engine for testing and user feedback.

Obtaining MySQL NDB Cluster 7.2.  MySQL NDB Cluster 7.2 source code and binaries can be obtained from

This release also incorporates all bug fixes and changes made in previous NDB Cluster releases, as well as all bug fixes and feature changes which were added in mainline MySQL 5.5 through MySQL 5.5.15 (see Changes in MySQL 5.5.15 (2011-07-28, General Availability)).

Functionality Added or Changed

  • Important Change; NDB Replication: Due to the existing layout of binary log row events, it was not possible to extend them with extra information which could be safely ignored by old slaves. New versions of the WRITE_ROW, UPDATE_ROW, and DELETE_ROW events have been implemented; these are referred to as Version 2 binary log events, and are intended for future enhancements such as improved conflict detection and resolution. The TABLE_MAP event is not affected.

    Version 2 binary log row events are not backward compatible, and cannot be read by older slaves. A new mysqld option --log-bin-use-v1-row-events can be used to force writing of Version 1 row events into the binary log. This can be used during upgrades to make a newer mysqld generate Version 1 binary log row events that can be read by older slaves.

  • Important Change: By default, data nodes now exhibit fail-fast behavior whenever they encounter corrupted tuples—in other words, a data node forcibly shuts down whenever it detects a corrupted tuple. To override this behavior, you can disable the CrashOnCorruptedTuple data node configuration parameter, which is enabled by default.

    This is a change from MySQL NDB Cluster 7.0 and MySQL NDB Cluster 7.1, where CrashOnCorruptedTuple was disabled (so that data nodes ignored tuple corruption) by default. (Bug #12598636)

  • Important Change: The default values for a number of MySQL NDB Cluster data node configuration parameters have changed, to provide more resiliency to environmental issues and better handling of some potential failure scenarios, and to perform more reliably with increases in memory and other resource requirements brought about by recent improvements in join handling by NDB. The affected parameters are listed here:

    In addition, when MaxNoOfLocalScans is not specified, the value computed for it automatically has been increased by a factor of 4 (that is, to 4 times MaxNoOfConcurrentScans, times the number of data nodes in the cluster).

  • Important Change: MySQL user privileges can now be distributed automatically across all MySQL servers (SQL nodes) connected to the same MySQL NDB Cluster. Previously, each MySQL Server's user privilege tables were required to use the MyISAM storage engine, which meant that a user account and its associated privileges created on one SQL node were not available on any other SQL node without manual intervention. MySQL NDB Cluster now provides an SQL script file ndb_dist_priv.sql that can be found in share/mysql under the MySQL installation directory; loading this script creates a stored procedure mysql_cluster_move_privileges that can be used following initial installation to convert the privilege tables to the NDB storage engine, so that any time a MySQL user account is created, dropped, or has its privileges updated on any SQL node, the changes take effect immediately on all other MySQL servers attached to the cluster. Note that you may need to execute FLUSH PRIVILEGES on any SQL nodes with connected MySQL clients (or to disconnect and then reconnect the clients) in order for those clients to be able to see the changes in privileges.

    Once mysql_cluster_move_privileges has been executed successfully, all MySQL user privileges are distributed across all connected MySQL Servers. MySQL Servers that join the cluster after this automatically participate in the privilege distribution.

    ndb_dist_priv.sql also provides stored routines that can be used to verify that the privilege tables have been distributed successfully, and to perform other tasks.

    For more information, see Distributed Privileges Using Shared Grant Tables.

  • Performance: Added support for pushing down joins to the NDB kernel for parallel execution across the data nodes, which can speed up execution of joins across NDB tables by a factor of 20 or more in some cases. Some restrictions apply on the types of joins that can be optimized in this way; in particular, columns to be joined must use exactly the same data type, and cannot be any of the BLOB or TEXT types. In addition, columns to be joined must be part of a table index or primary key. Support for this feature can be enabled or disabled using the ndb_join_pushdown server system variable (enabled by default); see the description of this variable for more information and examples.

    As part of this improvement, the status variables Ndb_pushed_queries_defined, Ndb_pushed_queries_dropped, Ndb_pushed_queries_executed, and Ndb_pushed_reads also been introduced for monitoring purposes. You can also see whether a given join is pushed down using EXPLAIN. In addition, several new counters relating to push-down join performance have been added to the counters table in the ndbinfo database. For more information, see the descriptions of the status variables previously mentioned.

  • NDB Replication: Added two new conflict detection functions NDB$EPOCH() and NDB$EPOCH_TRANS() useful in circular replication scenarios with two MySQL NDB Clusters. Each of these functions requires designating one cluster as primary and one as secondary, and implements a primary always wins rule for determining whether to accept conflicting changes. When using NDB$EPOCH(), conflicting rows on the secondary are realigned with those on the primary; when using NDB$EPOCH_TRANS(), it is transactions containing rows in conflict (and any transactions which depend on them) on the secondary that are realigned.

    Using NDB$EPOCH_TRANS() as the conflict detection function has two additional requirements:

    1. The binary log must be written using Version 2 row events; that is, the mysqld processes on both the primary and the secondary must be started with --log-bin-use-v1-row-events=0.

    2. The secondary must include transaction IDs for all rows written into its binary log. This can be done by setting --ndb-log-transaction-id=1. (This server option is also added in this release.)

    A number of new server status variables have been added to monitor conflict detection and resolution performed using these functions, including Ndb_conflict_fn_epoch, Ndb_conflict_fn_epoch_trans, and Ndb_conflict_trans_row_conflict_count. See NDB Cluster Status Variables.

    For more information, see NDB Cluster Replication Conflict Resolution.

  • It is now possible to filter the output from ndb_config so that it displays only system, data node, or connection parameters and values, using one of the options --system, --nodes, or --connections, respectively. In addition, it is now possible to specify from which data node the configuration data is obtained, using the --config_from_node option that is added in this release.

    For more information, see ndb_config — Extract NDB Cluster Configuration Information. (Bug #11766870)

Bugs Fixed

  • Incompatible Change; NDB Cluster APIs: Restarting a machine hosting data nodes, SQL nodes, or both, caused such nodes when restarting to time out while trying to obtain node IDs.

    As part of the fix for this issue, the behavior and default values for the NDB API Ndb_cluster_connection::connect() method have been improved. Due to these changes, the version number for the included NDB client library ( has been increased from 4.0.0 to 5.0.0. For NDB API applications, this means that as part of any upgrade, you must do both of the following:

    • Review and possibly modify any NDB API code that uses the connect() method, in order to take into account its changed default retry handling.

    • Recompile any NDB API applications using the new version of the client library.

    Also in connection with this issue, the default value for each of the two mysqld options --ndb-wait-connected and --ndb-wait-setup has been increased to 30 seconds (from 0 and 15, respectively). In addition, a hard-coded 30-second delay was removed, so that the value of --ndb-wait-connected is now handled correctly in all cases. (Bug #12543299)

  • AUTO_INCREMENT values were not set correctly for INSERT IGNORE statements affecting NDB tables. This could lead such statements to fail with Got error 4350 'Transaction already aborted' from NDBCLUSTER when inserting multiple rows containing duplicate values. (Bug #11755237, Bug #46985)