MySQL™ Cluster Manager 1.3.6 User Manual

3.5.2 Importing a Cluster Into MySQL Cluster Manager: Example

As discussed previously (see Section 3.5.1, “Importing a Cluster Into MySQL Cluster Manager: Basic Procedure”), importing a standalone or wild cluster that was created without the use of MySQL Cluster Manager into the manager requires the completion of four major tasks: create a cluster in MySQL Cluster Manager and update its configuration such that this matches that of the wild cluster; prepare the wild cluster for MySQL Cluster Manager control; verify all PID files for cluster processes; and performing a dry run and then the actual import using the import cluster command. The example provided over the next few sections shows all steps required to perform the importation of a small, standalone MySQL Cluster into MySQL Cluster Manager.

Sample cluster used in example.  The wild cluster used in this example consists of four nodes—one management node, one SQL node, and two data nodes running ndbd. Each of these nodes resides on one of four hosts, all of which are running a recent server release of a typical Linux distribution. The host names for each of these hosts is shown in the following table:

Table 3.4 Nodes used in example cluster

Node type (executable) Host name
Management node (ndb_mgmd) alpha
Data node (ndbd) beta
Data node (ndbd) gamma
SQL node (mysqld) delta

We assume that these hosts are on a dedicated network or subnet, and that each of them is running only the MySQL Cluster binaries and applications providing required system and network services. We assume on each host that the MySQL Cluster software has been installed from a release binary archive (see Installing an NDB Cluster Binary Release on Linux). We also assume that management node is using /var/lib/mysql-cluster/config.ini as the cluster's global configuration file, which is shown here:

[ndbd default]
DataMemory= 16G
IndexMemory= 12G
NoOfReplicas= 2






The objective for this example is to bring this cluster, including all of its processes and data, under MySQL Cluster Manager control. This configuration also provides for a free SQL node or NDB API application not bound to any particular host; we account for this in the example.