Oracle Enterprise Manager for MySQL Database

2.3 MySQL Database Homepage Regions

This section describes the regions displayed on the MySQL Database target homepage. The following regions are available:

Availability History

The Availability History region displays the MySQL Database's uptime in graph format. It displays the uptime as a percentage of time monitored and as a bar chart.

Configuration Summary

The Configuration Summary region displays the configuration details of the monitored host. It displays such details as the hostname, MySQL version, and so on.

The following configuration elements are listed:

  • Host: hostname of the MySQL instance.

  • Version: the MySQL version.

  • TCP/IP Port: the TCP/IP port used by the MySQL instance.

  • UNIX Socket: the UNIX domain socket, if available.

  • Base Directory: the installation directory of the MySQL instance.

  • Data Directory: the data directory of the MySQL instance.

  • Temp Directory: the temp directory of the MySQL instance.

  • Up Since: time since the management agent first made contact with the MySQL instance.

  • Monitored By: the full name of the Monitoring Agent's host machine.


The Connections region displays the number of connections (y-axis) over time (x-axis).

The graphs are broken down into the following:

  • Cached connections.

  • Current connections.

  • Running connections.

If you hover the cursor over one of the lines, a tooltip displays details of the connection type.

Transaction Activity

The Transaction Activity region displays the number of transactions (y-axis) over time (x-axis).

The graph is broken down into the following transaction types:

  • Commit (Delta)

  • Rollback (Delta)

  • Release Savepoint (Delta)

  • Rollback to Savepoint (Delta)

  • Savepoint (Delta)

  • Begin (Delta)

If you hover the cursor over one of the lines, a tooltip displays details of the transaction type.

Row Activity

The Row Activity region displays the number of row-based actions (y-axis) over time (x-axis).

The graph is broken down into the following transaction types:

  • Write (Delta)

  • Rows Read Via Scan (Delta)

  • Rows Read Via Indexes (Delta)

  • Update (Delta)

  • Delete (Delta)

InnoDB Buffer Pool Usage (pages)

The InnoDB Buffer Pool Usage (pages) region displays the usage in a pie chart.

The following metrics are displayed as percentages:

  • Buffer Pool Pages Data

  • Buffer Pool Pages Dirty

  • Buffer Pool Pages Free

  • Buffer Pool Pages Misc.

Response Time (ms)

The response Time (ms) region graphs the response time of the Availability Ping metric, in milliseconds. This metric performs a full connection to the database and executes a ping statement for each availability check.

Statement Activity

The Statement Activity region displays the number of statement executions (x-axis) over time (y-axis). The following statement types are graphed:

  • All Deletes (Delta)

  • All Inserts (Delta)

  • All Replaces (Delta)

  • All Updates (Delta)

  • Call Procedure (Delta)

  • Select (Delta)

Incidents and Problems

The Incidents and Problems region is an Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) default component. Consult your OEM documentation for more information.