MySQL Enterprise Backup User's Guide (Version 3.12.5)

4.3.2 Making a Differential or Incremental Backup

Assuming a good portion of the data on your MySQL server remains unchanged over time, you can increase the speed and reduce the required storage space for your regular backups by backing up not all the data on the server each time, but only the changes to the data which have taken place over time. In order to that, after making first a full backup that contains all data, you can do one of the following:

MySQL Enterprise Backup supports both incremental and differential backups. You should decide on which backup strategy to adopt by looking at such factors like how much storage space you have, how quickly you have to be able to restore data, and so on.

MySQL Enterprise Backup treats differential backup as a special case of incremental backup that has a full backup as its base. To create a differential backup, simply follow the instructions below for performing incremental backups, and make sure you specify a full backup as the base of your incremental backup using the methods we describe below; you should also ignore any instructions that only apply to the handling of multiple incremental backups.

See Section 14.7, “Incremental Backup Options”, for descriptions of the mysqlbackup options used for incremental backups. An Incremental backup is enabled with one of the two options: --incremental and --incremental-with-redo-log-only option. See Creating Incremental Backups Using Only the Redo Log for their differences.

When creating an incremental backup, you have to indicate to mysqlbackup the point in time of the previous full or incremental backup. For convenience, you can use the --incremental-base option to automatically derive the necessary log sequence number (LSN) from the metadata stored in a previous backup directory or on the server. Or, you can specify an explicit LSN value using the --start-lsn option, providing to mysqlbackup the ending LSN from a previous full or incremental backup (see Other Considerations for Incremental Backups on some limitation that applies when using the --start-lsn option).

To prepare the backup data to be restored, you combine all incremental backups with an original full backup. Typically, you perform a new full backup after a designated period of time, after which you can discard the older incremental backup data.

Creating Incremental Backups Using Only the Redo Log

The --incremental-with-redo-log-only might offer some benefits over the --incremental option for creating an incremental backup:

Other Considerations for Incremental Backups

The incremental backup feature is primarily intended for InnoDB tables, or non-InnoDB tables that are read-only or rarely updated. Incremental backups detect changes at the level of pages in the InnoDB data files, as opposed to table rows; each page that has changed is backed up. Thus, the space and time savings are not exactly proportional to the percentage of changed InnoDB rows or columns.

For non-InnoDB files, the entire file is included in an incremental backup if that file has changed since the previous backup, which means the savings for backup resources are less significant when comparing with the case with InnoDB tables.

You cannot perform incremental backups with the --compress option.

When making an incremental backup that is based on a backup (full or incremental) created using the --no-locking option, use the --skip-binlog option to skip the backing up of the binary log, as binary log information will be unavailable to mysqlbackup in that situation.

No binary log files are copied into the incremental backup if the --start-lsn option is used. To include binary log files for the period covered by the incremental backup, use the --incremental-base option instead, which provides the necessary information for mysqlbackup to ensure that no gap exists between binary log data included in the previous backup and the current incremental backup.

Examples of Incremental Backups

This example uses mysqlbackup to make an incremental backup of a MySQL server, including all databases and tables. We show two alternatives, one using the --incremental-base option and the other using the --start-lsn option.

With the --incremental-base option, you do not have to keep track of LSN values between one backup and the next. Instead, you can just specify the location of the previous directory backup (either full or incremental), and mysqlbackup figures out the starting point for this backup based on the metadata of the earlier one. Because you need a known set of directory names, you might want to use hardcoded names or generate a sequence of names in your own backup script, rather than using the --with-timestamp option.

$ mysqlbackup --defaults-file=/home/dbadmin/.my.cnf --incremental \
  --incremental-base=dir:/incr-backup/wednesday \
  --incremental-backup-dir=/incr-backup/thursday \
...many lines of output...
mysqlbackup: Backup created in directory '/incr-backup/thursday'
mysqlbackup: start_lsn: 2654255717
mysqlbackup: incremental_base_lsn: 2666733462
mysqlbackup: end_lsn: 2666736714

101208 17:14:58 mysqlbackup: mysqlbackup completed OK!

Note that if your last backup was a single-file instead of a directory backup, you can still use --incremental-base by specifying for dir:directory_path the location of the temporary directory you supplied with the --backup-dir option during the full backup.

As an alternative to specifying --incremental-base=dir:directory_path, you can tell mysqlbackup to query the end_lsn value from the last successful backup as recorded in the backup_history table on the server using --incremental-base=history:last_backup (this required that the last backup was made with mysqlbackup connected to the server).

You can also use the --start-lsn option to specify where the incremental backup should start. You have to record the LSN of the previous backup reported by mysqlbackup at the end of the backup:

mysqlbackup: Was able to parse the log up to lsn 2654255716

The number is also recorded in the meta/backup_variables.txt file in the folder specified by --backup-dir during the backup. Supply then that number to mysqlbackup using the --start-lsn option. The incremental backup then includes all changes that came after the specified LSN. Since then the location of the previous backup is not very significant then, you can use --with-timestamp to create named subdirectories automatically.

$ mysqlbackup --defaults-file=/home/dbadmin/.my.cnf --incremental \
  --start-lsn=2654255716 \
  --with-timestamp \
  --incremental-backup-dir=/incr-backup \
...many lines of output...
mysqlbackup: Backup created in directory '/incr-backup/2010-12-08_17-14-48'
mysqlbackup: start_lsn: 2654255717
mysqlbackup: incremental_base_lsn: 2666733462
mysqlbackup: end_lsn: 2666736714

101208 17:14:58 mysqlbackup: mysqlbackup completed OK!

To create an incremental backup image instead, use the following command, specifying with --backup-dir a temporary directory for storing the metadata for the backup and some temporary files:

$ mysqlbackup --defaults-file=/home/dbadmin/.my.cnf --incremental \
  --start-lsn=2654255716 \
  --with-timestamp \
  --backup-dir=/incr-tmp \
  --backup-image=/incr-backup/ \

In the following example though, because --backup-image does not provide a full path to the image file to be created, the incremental backup image is created under the folder specified by --backup-dir:

$ mysqlbackup --defaults-file=/home/dbadmin/.my.cnf --incremental \
  --start-lsn=2654255716 \
  --with-timestamp \
  --backup-dir=/incr-images \ \

On how to restore your database using the incremental backups, see Section 5.2.3, “Restoring an Incremental Backup”

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