MySQL Enterprise Backup User's Guide (Version 4.0.3)

7.1 Setting Up a New Replication Slave

MySQL Enterprise Backup allows you to set up a replication slave by backing up the master and restoring the backup on a new slave server, without having to stop the master.

For servers NOT using GTID:

  1. Take a full backup of the master and then use, for example, the copy-back-and-apply-log command, to restore the backup and the log files to the right directories on the new slave and prepare the data.


    Do not use the --no-locking option when backing up the server, or you will be unable to get a proper binary log position in Step 4 below for initializing the slave.

  2. Edit the my.cnf file of the new slave and put skip-slave-start and event_scheduler=off (if the master uses the Event Scheduler) under the [mysqld] section.

  3. Start the new slave mysqld. You see the following in the server's output:

    InnoDB: Last MySQL binlog file position 0 128760007, file name ./hundin-bin.000006

    While a Last MySQL binlog file position has been displayed, it is NOT necessarily the latest binary log position on the backed up server, as InnoDB does not store binary log position information for any DDL operations or any changes to non-InnoDB tables. Do not use this binary log position to initialize the slave. The next step explains how to find the correct binary log position to use.

  4. Look for the file datadir/meta/backup_variables.txt where datadir is the data directory of the new slave. Look into the file to retrieve the latest binary log position and the corresponding log file number stored inside:


  5. Use the CHANGE MASTER TO SQL statement and the information you have retrieved in the last step to initialize the slave properly:

  6. Set the statuses of any events that were copied from the master to SLAVESIDE_DISABLED. For example:

    mysql> UPDATE mysql.event SET status = 'SLAVESIDE_DISABLED';

  7. Remove the line skip-slave-start and event_scheduler=off entries you added to the my.cnf file of the slave in step 2. (You can also leave the skip-slave-start entry in, but then you will always need to use the START SLAVE statement to start replication whenever you restart the slave server.)

  8. Restart the slave server. Replication starts.

For servers using GTIDs (see Setting Up Replication Using GTIDs on how to enable servers to use GTIDs):

  1. Take a full backup of the master and then use, for example, the copy-back-and-apply-log command, to restore the backup and the log files to the right directories on a new GTID-enabled slave and prepare the data.

  2. Edit the my.cnf file of the new slave and put skip-slave-start and event_scheduler=off (if the master uses the Event Scheduler) under the [mysqld] section.

  3. Start the new slave server.

  4. Connect to the slave server with the mysql client. Then, execute the following statement to reset the binary log:

    mysql> RESET MASTER;

    And execute the following statement to stop the binary logging:

    mysql> SET sql_log_bin=0;

  5. When a server using the GTID feature is backed up, mysqlbackup produces a file named backup_gtid_executed.sql, which can be found in the restored data directory of the new slave server. The file contains a SQL statement that sets the GTID_PURGED configuration option on the slave:

    # On a new slave, issue the following command if GTIDs are enabled:
    SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED='f65db8e2-0e1a-11e5-a980-080027755380:1-3';

    It also contains a commented-out CHANGE MASTER TO statement for initializing the slave:

    # Use the following command if you want to use the GTID handshake protocol:

    Uncomment the command and add any needed connection and authentication parameters to it (for example, MASTER_HOST, MASTER_USER, MASTER_PASSWORD, and MASTER_PORT):

    # Use the following command if you want to use the GTID handshake protocol:

    Execute the file with the mysql client

    mysql> source /path-to-backup_gtid_executed.sql/backup_gtid_executed.sql

  6. Set the statuses of any events that were copied from the master to SLAVESIDE_DISABLED. For example:

    mysql> UPDATE mysql.event SET status = 'SLAVESIDE_DISABLED';

  7. Remove the skip-slave-start and event_scheduler=off entries you added to the my.cnf file of the slave in step 2. (You can also leave the skip-slave-start entry in, but then you will always need to use the START SLAVE statement to start replication whenever you restart the slave server.)

  8. Restart the slave server. Replication starts.

For more information on the GTIDs, see GTID feature.