MySQL Enterprise Backup 4.1 Release Notes

3 Changes in MySQL Enterprise Backup 4.1.4 (2020-01-24)

Functionality Added or Changed

  • When mysqlbackup fails to connect to a server, the warning returned by mysqlbackup now includes the hostname and port number for TCP connections, and the socket information for socket connections. This is particularly helpful for a Group Replication setup, for which mysqlbackup might attempt to connect to more than one host. (Bug #30040027)

  • Before the current release, when backing up a server that used the keyring_okv plugin for InnoDB table encryption, mysqlbackup must not be run by a sudo user of its operating system. This restriction has now been removed. (Bug #29020232)

  • A new option, --lock-wait-retry-count, can now be used to specify the maximum number of retries to be attempted by mysqlbackup after the FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK statement, issued during the final stage of a backup to temporarily put the database into a read-only state, fails due to a timeout. See the description of the option for details. (Bug #26008480)

  • The --uncompress option is now supported for the extract operation: Files from a compressed single-file backup can now be extracted and uncompressed with a single command. (WL #13233)

Bugs Fixed

  • A backup failed for a server containing encrypted InnoDB tables when mysqlbackup was connected to it with --socket option. It was because mysqlbackup did not pass the value of --keyring-migration-socket to the keyring migration server; this fix makes mysqlbackup pass the option whenever it connects to the server to be backed up with a Unix socket or Windows named pipe. (Bug #30082039)

  • A compressed and encrypted single-file backup was sometimes corrupted if the backed-up server was configured with innodb_file_per_table=OFF. (Bug #29798621)

  • Backups on busy servers failed due to redo log overwrites, even when the redo log size was big. It was actually caused by a costly but unnecessary check for relay log overwrites, which has been removed by this fix. (Bug #29526337)

  • When tables were altered in some ways during backup (for example, renamed, deleted and then replaced by tables of the same names, and so on), mysqlbackup reported success for the backup, but the backup could not be restored. This fix makes sure all those cases of table alterations are properly handled by mysqlbackup, so the backup can be restored. (Bug #29462340)

  • A back up failed with mysqlbackup complaining that Error Log scan was only able to reach... if the server to be backed up was started with the system variable setting innodb_checksum_algorithm=none. (Bug #29285006)

  • A restore operation failed with the error that the binary log index file could not be opened if the binary log base name for the backed-up server was a substring of the word index. (Bug #29273947)

  • When backing up a server that used the keyring_okv plugin for InnoDB table encryption, if the --host, --user, and --port options were not specified with the mysqlbackup command via the command line or a configuration file, the backup failed. It was because in that case, mysqlbackup had no values for those options it could use to connect to the server that took care of keyring operations. With this fix, default values are now set, so that mysqlbackup connects to the server on localhost as root and on port 3306 for keyring operations when those options are not specified. (Bug #29015923)

  • A restore operation for a TTS backup failed if the backed-up server has ANSI_QUOTES as one of its SQL modes, as specified in its system variable sql-mode. (Bug #28979134)

  • Attempts to extract binary log files from a compressed backup failed with a No such file or directory error when the size of the binary log files on the backed up server was greater than 16MB. (Bug #28787312)

  • After restoring an incremental backup taken from a MySQL Community Server with encrypted InnoDB tables, the keyring file of the restored server became corrupted, so the server could not be started. (Bug #28422191)

  • During the InnoDB buffer pool dump in a backup operation, mysqlbackup sometimes reported failure for the dump while it was actually still in progress. The fix prevents the problem by improving the way mysqlbackup checks for the status of the dump. (Bug #27185901)

  • mysqlbackup tried to connect to a remote host specified by the --host option, while it was supposed to ignore the option (see Connection Options for details). With this fix, the option is now ignored.


    As a side-effect of this change, on Unix-like platforms, mysqlbackup command that used the --host option now needs to use the --protocol=TCP option to indicate explicitly that mysqlbackup is to connect to localhost using TCP/IP.

    (Bug #25911987)

  • Backups failed for database containing tables created with transparent page compression, with complaints of page corruption. It was because mysqlbackup did not perform decompression before data validation, and that has been corrected with this fix. (Bug #24366571)

  • A backup failed at the step when mysqlbackup applied the FLUSH TABLES tbl_name [, tbl_name] ... WITH READ LOCK statement on all non-InnoDB tables if any table names contained reserved words or special characters. It was because mysqlbackup did not enclose table names in backticks when issuing the statement, and this fix makes sure that is done. (Bug #19709505, Bug #74144)