MySQL for Visual Studio Release Notes

2.3 Changes in MySQL for Visual Studio 2.0.4 (2016-10-06, Development Milestone)

Functionality Added or Changed

  • Enhanced the logic that migrates stored MySQL connections to the MySQL Workbench connections.xml file. In previous versions, the migration was offered and if not done at that moment, the dialog to migrate was shown every time the MySQL Connections Manager dialog was shown, but there was no way to choose to remain storing MySQL connections in the MySQL for Visual Studio configuration folder instead of merging them with MySQL Workbench.

    Now, the connection migration dialog offers a way to postpone the migration by either 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month or indefinitely. If the migration is postponed, the dialog is shown again after that time elapses. If it is postponed indefinitely, then an option is added to the MySQL Connections Manager dialog that permits the connection migration to be done manually, as long as MySQL Workbench is installed.

  • When the MySQL Script Editor window is opened (either by selecting SQL, JavaScript, or Python from the New MySQL Script menu), the Results area was visible showing a big gray area in the editor, despite having nothing to display. Now, this area is hidden until results are ready to display, which happens after clicking Run.

  • The SQL syntax parser was updated to handle the optimizer hints that were introduced in MySQL 5.7.7.

  • The SQL editor was updated to check the syntax of a script before sending the statements to the server. If syntax errors are present, the Visual Studio Output pane displays the errors and the script is not executed.

  • A drop-down list of connections was added in the MySQL editor toolbar to enable fast switching among connections while editing SQL, JavaScript, and Python scripts. The list, located next to the Connect to MySQL button, shows all Server Explorer connections for the MySQL data provider with compatible protocol support.


    JavaScript and Python editors show only the connections that support the X Protocol.

Bugs Fixed

  • MySQL Workbench was unable to open connections added from the MySQL Connection Manager, as executing them would emit the following error: "Cannot connect to Database Server". This is because an invalid "socket=." value was added to the connection definition. To solve this, MySQL for Visual Studio was updated to use the latest MySQL.Utility version, which fixes code in the MySQL Workbench class to only write the socket value into the XML nodes if the connection is of type Sockets or Pipe. (Bug #24666952)

  • After connections were added to the Server Explorer through the MySQL Connections Manager, clicking Refresh on the Server Explorer toolbar caused the refresh operation to hang, and nothing else could be done within the Server Explorer pane. Clicking Cancel Refresh was required to fix this. (Bug #24666931)

  • SHOW statements executed from the SQL editor failed to display the expected output. (Bug #24622881)

  • Queries executed from the SQL editor against nonunique data in NoSQL tables emitted error messages and failed to return result sets. (Bug #24462707, Bug #82589)

  • The main XML element in %APPDATA%\Oracle\MySQL For Visual Studio\settings.config was renamed to MySQLforVisualStudio from MySQLForExcel. Indentations were added to improve the overall readability of configuration settings. (Bug #24291264, Bug #82221)

  • JavaScript and Python editors permitted connections to versions of MySQL that did not support the X Protocol if those connections were unnamed or temporary, but the scripts did not work properly. This fix adds validation to ensure that all connections related to JavaScript and Python scripts are to servers with the X Plugin enabled. (Bug #24290570, Bug #82219)

  • Selecting the New MySQL Script context-menu option by right-clicking a Server Explorer connection in Visual Studio emitted an error if the connection was first closed and then opened. (Bug #24064816, Bug #82205)

  • Visual Studio was unable to open a design window for any selected table in a MySQL database. (Bug #23642010)

  • Opening a new MySQL script file from the Visual Studio File > New menu displayed the following error: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". (Bug #23619311)

  • Processing a Result object from the X Protocol substituted an error or information message in place of some collection output. (Bug #22983803)

  • Advanced, Connect, and Cancel buttons were missing from the Connect to MySQL dialog for connections made from the script editor window. (Bug #22114315)

  • Dragging and dropping a table from the Server Explorer in Visual Studio to a project would fail with the following error: "Some updating commands could not be generated automatically. The database returned the following error: You have a usable connection already". After clicking OK, Visual Studio would emit the following error "Mouse drag operation failed. Could not retrieve schema information from table or view". To solve this issue, MySql.Data was updated to version 6.9.9.

  • From the Query Designer, selecting Verify SQL Syntax would always display "Not supported by the provider" instead of verifying the SQL syntax.

  • The Python code editor displayed session options for JavaScript instead of options for the Python language.

  • In some cases, selecting Retrieve Data for a table with a valid connection failed to populate the table with data.