MySQL Installer Release Notes

14 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.24 (2018-03-14)

Functionality Added or Changed

  • By default, the server_character_set and default_character_set options in the configuration files produced by the MySQL Installer now are disabled. The default character set of the server being configured will be used. To assign a different character set, remove the comment character from each option in the configuration file and add the new values manually. (Bug #27540479)

  • The Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 is a prerequisite to configure the sandbox InnoDB cluster with Community Edition components. If the prerequisite is not installed on the host, the option to configure a sandbox InnoDB cluster is disabled and a link to resolve the prerequisite is presented. This prerequisite does not apply to Commercial Edition releases. (Bug #27306354)

  • The correct netsh command is used to control Microsoft Windows Firewall behavior and it may differ depending on the version of the operating system. (Bug #27162170, Bug #88615)

  • To detect and install pre-release products when the Developer Default, Client only, or Full setup type is selected during the initial setup, the following new options were added to the Choosing a Setup Type step:

    • Install all products: Enables the new behavior to install both GA and pre-release products when they are detected in the download. Default option.

    • Only install GA products: Keeps the traditional behavior to install GA products only, which could prevent some items from being installed because they are not yet GA.

    MySQLInstallerConsole.exe was also updated as part of this fix. The install command now includes the -only_ga_products switch to detect and install GA products only. Omitting the switch enables the new default behavior of installing both GA and pre-release products. (Bug #26855213)

  • Sandbox InnoDB cluster configuration assistance is not available when the architecture is 32-bit. (Bug #26366217)

  • A new server-configuration step was added to provide an alternative to caching_sha2_password, which is the default authentication plugin in MySQL 8.0. For information about the implications of this change for server operation and compatibility of the server with clients and connectors, see caching_sha2_password as the Preferred Authentication Plugin.

  • MySQL Installer now deselects the server upgrade for milestone releases within a release series. In addition, it displays a warning to indicate that the upgrade is not supported, identifies the risks of continuing, and provides a summary of alternative steps to perform manually.

Bugs Fixed

  • The combination of MySQL 8.0.4 with MySQL Shell 1.0 and MySQL Router 2.16 when installed produced an error message during the configuration of MySQL Router. The server now can use either caching_sha2_password or mysql_native_password to support the password authentication required by these client applications. (Bug #27632297)

  • On-screen product configuration information was enhanced to remove unnecessary details. (Bug #27528838)

  • The password-strength indicator appeared when entering an existing password. (Bug #27524410)

  • Configuration changes made to the my.ini file were not preserved when the server was upgraded. (Bug #27509661)

  • A server instance listed in the Connect to Server step was duplicated after configuring samples and examples successfully and then returning to the Connect to Server step. (Bug #27381894)

  • An error message was generated when MySQL Installer was unable to locate 32-bit client products within a setup that excluded the 32-bit server. This fix now locates and returns 32-bit products and enhances the error message to explain why some products are not found. (Bug #27255942)

  • MySQL Documentation 8.0 together with Samples and Examples 8.0 were missing from the Full setup type during an initial setup with MySQL Installer. (Bug #24566550)

  • A few comments within the my.ini file generated by MySQL Installer were updated for clarity. (Bug #22837596, Bug #80537)

  • The requirements check was incremented each time the Back button was used to move between Check Requirements and Choosing a Setup Type during an initial setup. This fix clears and recalculates the requirements list to avoid repeating the operation. (Bug #20793864)

  • Prerequisite software was installed multiple times when more than one MySQL product shared a requirement for the same software. (Bug #20563787)