MySQL Installer Release Notes

8 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.30 (2019-05-17)

Known limitation: There is an issue for MySQL 8.0.16 and higher that prevents the server from starting when the data directory from an earlier server version is reused for a new server installation. MySQL Server automatically initiates an upgrade when an existing data directory from an earlier server installation is reused and MySQL Installer does not process the upgrade as expected.

The workaround is to use the Upgrade operation in MySQL Installer, instead of removing the earlier server installation and then installing a fresh server instance that reuses the previous data directory. Alternatively, install a new server instance with the same version number as the data directory to be reused, then upgrade the server afterwards.

Functionality Added or Changed

  • Some onscreen instructions were updated. (Bug #29615915, Bug #94931)

  • Convenient links to the latest MySQL product documentation, blogs, webinars, and more now are easy to locate from within the MySQL Installer dashboard. To view the resource links, click the question mark (?) icon to display the About page and then click the double-arrow button.

  • Configuration validation and error messaging now are enhanced to provide a consistent Windows experience.

Bugs Fixed

  • A MySQL server instance that was configured as a Windows process and then upgraded without upgrading the system tables could produce an error and stop during the upgrade if the host processor was slow or busy. Now, if the upgraded server is started as a process, the execution of the configuration operation waits until the server is ready to accept connections. (Bug #29564426)

  • MySQL Installer stopped working when an attempt was made to join a second local server instance to an existing production InnoDB Cluster with a seed instance configured on the same host already. An error icon is shown now to indicate that the operation is not permitted and the configuration cannot continue. (Bug #29516757)

  • A helpful onscreen link (Why is this option disabled?) was shown when the option to configure InnoDB Cluster was available to select. Now, the link appears only if the option is disabled and it enumerates the possible missing requirements. (Bug #29516185)

  • The option to skip the system tables upgrade check was presented for selection when a previous upgrade operation, performed on the same server, skipped the check already. It is not permitted to skip the system tables upgrade check more than one time. This fix dims the check box when the option to skip is invalid. (Bug #29410730)

  • A change to the authentication method made during the reconfiguration step caused the operation to end unsuccessfully. (Bug #29410163)

  • During the reconfiguration operation, which could follow an upgrade, the configuration fields for MySQL Router were empty and no configuration steps were applied. This fix alters the process to exclude products having no configuration options. (Bug #29399687, Bug #29399684)

  • The MySQL server configuration options for logging were rendered inactive when an invalid character was entered into Seconds setting. Now, an onscreen message confirms the value must be numeric and not less than zero. (Bug #28879669)

  • A large number of empty lines were shown in the onscreen Log tab after a successful upgrade operation. (Bug #28878212)

  • The difference in color between the font and background of a drop-down list in the Types and Networking step did not deliver good readability. Contrast was added. (Bug #28723672, Bug #92603)

  • MySQL Installer stopped working when an invalid character, such as the pipe character (|), was entered as part of an alternative path to the installation or data directories in Advanced Options. New validation now provides a notification message if either alternative path name is invalid. (Bug #28507924)

  • If the host name specified in the MySQL Router configuration was not a primary (seed) server within an InnoDB Cluster, MySQL Installer generated an error during the final configuration step. MySQL Installer now validates the host name on the configuration page, and if the host name is invalid, it generates an onscreen error icon (with an error-message tooltip) and disables the operation until a valid host name is provided. (Bug #28495480)

  • An unquoted password that contained blank spaces was accepted during the initial configuration of MySQL Server, but later caused MySQL Installer to stop working when an attempt to reconfigure the server instance was performed. (Bug #28439207)

  • Unrelated or empty logging messages were visible if copied to the clipboard at the end of a successful product installation. (Bug #27839465)

  • An InnoDB Cluster instance could not be removed, added again, and configured within a single MySQL Installer session. (Bug #25829194)