MySQL Enterprise Monitor 4.0.13 Manual

15.2 Monitored Instance Details

The monitored instance section (untitled) lists all the instances currently monitored by this installation and enables you to delete and edit instance configuration.

Editing Instances

To edit an instance, do the following:

  • Select an instance by selecting the check box on the left of the instance name.

  • Click Edit Instances. The Edit Instances dialog is displayed.

    The Edit Instances window is identical to the Add Instance Connection window described in Section 15.3.1, “Adding a MySQL Instance”, with the exception of the first tab, Instance Details.

When editing an individual instance, the Instance Details tab enables you to edit the instance Display Name and add notes on the instance. For example, if the instance name is MySQLServer001, and ThisIsMyServer is added in the Display Name field, ThisIsMyServer is displayed in the MySQL Instance Details list, and everywhere else the instance name is used.

If you add a note, a note icon is displayed in the Notes column for that instance.

Deleting Instances

To delete an instance, or multiple instances, select the instance(s) and click Delete Instances, or select Delete Instance from the instance-specific drop-down menu.


The following columns are available:

Table 15.4 MySQL Instance Details

Name Description


The instance names, in their assigned Groups. If no groups are defined, all MySQL instances are contained by the All group. The check box enables you to select all instances.


Displays a note icon, if a note was defined on the Instance Details tab. If a note was defined, hover the cursor over the note icon. The note is displayed as a tooltip.

Versions: MySQL

Displays the version of the monitored MySQL instance.

Versions: Agent

Displays the version of the monitoring agent.

Versions: Operating System

Displays the type and version of operating system on which the MySQL instance is installed.


Displays the configured MySQL port.

Data Dir

Displays the configured data directory of the MySQL installation.

Group and Instance Context Menu


The menu items listed in this section depend on the permissions defined. If you do not have the required permissions, some or all of these menu items may be inactive.

The group-level context menu contains the following:

  • Support Diagnostics: Opens the Support Diagnostics page. This enables you to generate a set of reports which you can send to MySQL Support as an attachment to a reported issue. This report can take several minutes to generate. The reports archive also includes a SQL dump of the Advisor Schedules, Inventory and Configuration schemas.

The instance-level menu contains the following:

  • Edit Instance: opens the Edit Instance dialog.

  • Delete Instance: deletes the instance from MySQL Enterprise Service Manager.


    It is not possible to delete the repository from the list. If you delete it, it is automatically restored to the list.

  • Refresh Inventory: forces an inventory of the selected instance.

  • Support Diagnostics: opens the Support Diagnostics dialog. This enables you to generate a set of reports which you can send to MySQL Support as an attachment to a reported issue. This report can take several minutes to generate. The reports archive also includes a SQL dump of the Advisor Schedules, Inventory and Configuration schemas.


    The Configuration schema may contain login credentials. However, these credentials are encrypted using keys which are not stored in the repository and are not included in the Support Diagnostics report.


    Generating a diagnostic report is an expensive operation, the Diagnostics Report report is cached for six hours. All requests within this six hour time period download the cached report. A request after this period triggers generation of a new report.

  • Enable Event Handler Blackout: stops all Event Handlers associated with the selected instance. Events continue to be generated and advisors continue evaluating the data collected by the agent monitoring the selected host, but all event handlers are suspended for the selected instance.