MySQL Enterprise Monitor 4.0.13 Manual

15.1 Manage Instances Controls

This section describes the controls on the Manage Instances view.

Alert Buttons

The alert buttons list the number of problematic instances, connections, and agents in your implementation. If a problem exists, they are displayed on the top-right side of the view.


These buttons depend on the permissions defined for the user. If the permission MySQL Instances is set to Read-Only, the buttons are visible, but inactive, and it is not possible to open the associated lists.

  • Unmonitored MySQL Instances: lists the number of MySQL instances which are available, but currently unmonitored by MySQL Enterprise Monitor. Click to open the Unmonitored MySQL Instances list. See Unmonitored MySQL Instances for more information.

  • Bad MySQL Connections: displays the number of misconfigured connections to MySQL instances. Click to open the Bad Connection Configurations list. See Bad Connection Configurations for more information.

  • Unreachable Agents: lists the number of agents which are currently uncontactable. Click to open the Unreachable Agents list. See Unreachable Agents for more information.

Bad Connection Configurations

This section lists the connection configurations which are unable to establish a connection with the MySQL instance.

Table 15.1 Bad Connection List

Name Description

Agent Host

Lists the hostname of the monitoring agent.

Connection Details

Lists the IP address defined in the connection string.

Last Error Date

Date and time of the last occurrence of this error.

Error Details

Cause of the error.

If the bad connection results from a misconfiguration, select Edit Connection from the drop-down menu. The connection configuration window is displayed, enabling you to review and edit the connection.

To delete the bad configuration, select Delete Connection from the drop-down menu.

Unreachable Agents

This section lists the agents which are configured, and were communicating with the Service Manager, but cannot be contacted.

Table 15.2 Unreachable Agents

Name Description


Hostname of the server on which the agent is installed.


State of the agent. For example, if the agent is shut down properly, it signals the Service Manager that it is shutting down, and the state is displayed as SHUTDOWN. If the agent did not shutdown properly, if its host shutdown unexpectedly, or due to a network fault, the state displayed is TIMEDOUT.

Last Seen

Time and date at which the agent last contacted the Service Manager.


Agent version.


The unique identifier of the agent.

Agent Directory

Agent installation directory.

Unmonitored MySQL Instances

This section lists the running MySQL instances which have been detected but not added to the system. You can monitor, ignore, or cancel these connections if pending.

To begin monitoring one, or more, of the unmonitored instances, select them using the check boxes and click Monitor Instances. The add instance dialog is displayed and is auto-populated with the agent name, instance address, and so on. For more information on adding connections, see Section 15.3.1, “Adding a MySQL Instance”.

To ignore instances, make your selection and click Ignore Instances. A check box, Display n ignored instances is displayed, where n is the number of instances ignored. To undo the ignore, and display the instance, check the Display n ignored instances check box, select the instance and click Show Instance.

If no unmonitored instances are present, the ignored instances are listed instead.


If an ignored instance is uninstalled, the ignored instance is removed from the list of unmonitored instances.

To cancel a pending connection, select the pending connection and click Cancel Pending Connections.

Table 15.3 Unmonitored MySQL Instances

Name Description


The server on which the running MySQL instance was discovered.


Whether a connection is being attempted with the instance.


Port or socket on which the MySQL instance is listening.

Process ID

The process ID of the running instance.

Process User: Group

ID of the user and group.

Process Arguments

The arguments with which the instance was started.