MySQL Enterprise Monitor 4.0.13 Manual

7.1 General Considerations

This section describes some of the general tasks which may be required after installation or upgrade.

New Users

  1. Groups and Connections: Groups have always been used to define Event handling and Advisor scheduling policies; in this release Groups can also be used to restrict visibility and access to specific MySQL instances and their hosts. Before you create Connections and set up Groups, we recommend you first read the note immediately following on Users, Roles, and Access Control

    • To create connections, select Instances from the Configuration section of the navigation menu . Create new monitoring connections either by processing the unmonitored instances already discovered by MEM or by manually specifying connection parameters for each MySQL Instance you want to monitor. See Section 15.2, “Monitored Instance Details” for more information on creating connections in the User Interface.

    • Select Groups from the Configuration section of the navigation menu to collect your MySQL instances into Groups.

  2. Users, Roles, and Access Control (ACLs): Before creating your user accounts, see Chapter 21, Access Control and Chapter 22, Access Control - Best Practices.

    Do you want to provide open access to all monitored resources for all Users? Or define Roles granting access to specific groups of MySQL Instances? If you intend to restrict access in this way, you must first create Groups of MySQL instances, see Chapter 16, Managing Groups of Instances. Only after you create groups can you create group-specific Roles.

    Finally, assign users to your Roles.

    You can also map users to Roles defined in LDAP or Active Directory.

  3. Configure Event Handling and Notification policies: Open Event Handling from the navigation menu. Complete, and test, the SMTP, or SNMP, configuration. See Chapter 20, Event Handlers for more information.

  4. Overview: Select Overview from the navigation menu. Set the defaults for the groups you want to view, the time range, and graphs to display. See Chapter 23, Overview for more information.

  5. Replication: If you are using MySQL Replication, select Replication a from the navigation menu and select a group to view its configuration, status and replication error details. Select Topology a from the navigation menu to see the topology of the replication. See Chapter 26, Replication Dashboard for more information.

  6. Advisors: You can accept the defaults defined, or select Advisors from the Configuration section of the navigation menu and customize the threshold for groups, or individual MySQL Instances. For more information, see Chapter 17, Advisors.

  7. SQL Performance Tuning: If you are monitoring instances of MySQL running version 5.6.14 or later, rich SQL performance tuning data is available in the Query Analyzer.

  8. I/O and Lock Contention: If you are using MySQL 5.6 or later consider deploying the sys schema, and making use of the Database File I/O and Lock Waits reports from the Reports & Graphs menu. These help you identify who or what is using the most I/O, and whether there is any lock wait contention within your MySQL Instance. See Section 28.2, “Database File I/O and Lock Waits” for more information.

Existing users: Guide to completing your upgrade