MySQL Enterprise Monitor 4.0.13 Manual

18.11 Security Advisors

This section describes the Security Advisors.


MySQL Enterprise Firewall and MySQL Enterprise Audit Plug-in advisors are described in MySQL Enterprise Firewall and MySQL Enterprise Audit Plugin.

Account Has Old Insecure Password Hash

Prior to MySQL 4.1, password hashes computed by the PASSWORD() function were 16 bytes long. As of MySQL 4.1 (and later), PASSWORD() was modified to produce a longer 41-byte hash value to provide enhanced security.

Default frequency 06:00:00

Default auto-close enabled no

Account Requires Unavailable Authentication Plug-ins

MySQL supports many forms of authentication as of the 5.5 release, including external authentication mechanisms using PAM, or Windows native authentication with commercial releases of MySQL version 5.5.16 or greater. If a user is configured to use an authentication plug-in, and that plug-in does not get loaded with server start, this blocks access to the database for those users.

Default frequency 06:00:00

Default auto-close enabled yes

Insecure Password Authentication Option Is Enabled

Prior to MySQL 4.1, password hashes computed by the PASSWORD() function were 16 bytes long. As of MySQL 4.1 (and later), PASSWORD() was modified to produce a longer 41-byte hash value to provide enhanced security. However, in order to allow backward-compatibility with user tables that have been migrated from pre-4.1 systems, you can configure MySQL to accept logins for accounts that have password hashes created using the old, less-secure PASSWORD() function, but this is not recommended.

Default frequency 06:00:00

Default auto-close enabled no

Insecure Password Generation Option Is Enabled

Prior to MySQL 4.1, password hashes computed by the PASSWORD() function were 16 bytes long. As of MySQL 4.1 (and later), PASSWORD() was modified to produce a longer 41-byte hash value to provide enhanced security. In order to allow backward-compatibility with older client programs, you can configure MySQL to generate short (pre-4.1) password hashes for new passwords, however, this is not recommended.

Default frequency 06:00:00

Default auto-close enabled no

LOCAL Option Of LOAD DATA Statement Is Enabled

The LOAD DATA statement can load a file that is located on the server host, or it can load a file that is located on the client host when the LOCAL keyword is specified.

There are two potential security issues with supporting the LOCAL version of LOAD DATA statements:

  • The transfer of the file from the client host to the server host is initiated by the MySQL server. In theory, a patched server could be built that would tell the client program to transfer a file of the server's choosing rather than the file named by the client in the LOAD DATA statement. Such a server could access any file on the client host to which the client user has read access.

  • In a Web environment where the clients are connecting from a separate web server, a user could use LOAD DATA LOCAL to read any files that the web server process has read access to (assuming that a user could run any statement against the SQL server). In this environment, the client with respect to the MySQL server actually is the web server, not the remote program being run by the user who connects to the web server.

For more information, see LOAD DATA Statement.

Default frequency 00:05:00

Default auto-close enabled no

Policy-Based Password Validation Does Not Perform Dictionary Checks

If users create weak passwords it compromises the security of the server, making it easier for unauthorized people to guess the password and gain access to the server. Starting with MySQL Server 5.6, MySQL offers the validate_password plug-in that can be used to test passwords and improve security. With this plug-in you can implement and enforce a policy for password strength (e.g. passwords must be at least 8 characters long, have both lowercase and uppercase letters, contain at least one special non-alphanumeric character, and do not match commonly-used words).

For more information on validate_password plug-in, see The Password Validation Plugin.

Default frequency 06:00:00

Default auto-close enabled no

Policy-Based Password Validation Is Weak

If users create weak passwords, it compromises the security of the server, making it easier for unauthorized people to guess the password and gain access to the server. Starting with MySQL Server 5.6, MySQL offers the validate_password plug-in that can be used to test passwords and improve security. With this plug-in you can implement and enforce a policy for password strength (e.g. passwords must be at least 8 characters long, have both lowercase and uppercase letters, and contain at least one special non-alphanumeric character).

For more information on validate_password plug-in, see The Password Validation Plugin.

Default frequency 06:00:00

Default auto-close enabled no

Policy-Based Password Validation Not Enabled

If users create weak passwords, it compromises the security of the server, making it easier for unauthorized people to guess the password and gain access to the server. Starting with MySQL Server 5.6, MySQL offers the validate_password plug-in that can be used to test passwords and improve security. With this plug-in you can implement and enforce a policy for password strength (e.g. passwords must be at least 8 characters long, have both lowercase and uppercase letters, and contain at least one special non-alphanumeric character).

For more information on validate_password plug-in, see The Password Validation Plugin.

Default frequency 06:00:00

Default auto-close enabled no

Privilege Alterations Detected: Privileges Granted

For development environments, changes to database security privileges may be a normal occurrence, but for production environments it is wise to know when any security changes occur with respect to database privileges, and to ensure that those changes are authorized and required.

Default frequency 00:05:00

Default auto-close enabled no

Privilege Alterations Detected: Privileges Revoked

For development environments, changes to database security privileges may be a normal occurrence, but for production environments it is wise to know when any security changes occur with respect to database privileges, and to ensure that those changes are authorized and required.

Default frequency 00:05:00

Default auto-close enabled no

Privilege Alterations Have Been Detected

For development environments, changes to database security privileges may be a normal occurrence, but for production environments it is wise to know when any security changes occur with respect to database privileges, and to ensure that those changes are authorized and required.

Default frequency 00:05:00

Default auto-close enabled no

Root Account Can Login Remotely

By default, MySQL includes a root account with unlimited privileges that is typically used to administer the MySQL server. If possible, accounts with this much power should not allow remote logins in order to limit access to only those users able to login to the machine on which MySQL is running. This helps prevent unauthorized users from accessing and changing the system.

Default frequency 00:05:00

Default auto-close enabled no

Root Account Without Password

The root user account has unlimited privileges and is intended for administrative tasks. Privileged accounts should have strong passwords to prevent unauthorized users from accessing and changing the system.

Default frequency 00:05:00

Default auto-close enabled yes

SHA-256 Password Authentication Not Enabled

To help keep the server secure, each user's password is encrypted, and the stronger the encryption method, the more secure the server is. Starting with MySQL Server 5.6, MySQL offers a new encryption algorithm that performs authentication using SHA-256 password hashing. This is stronger encryption than that available with native authentication.

Default frequency 06:00:00

Default auto-close enabled no

Server Contains Default "test" Database

By default, MySQL comes with a database named test that anyone can access. This database is intended only for testing and should be removed before moving into a production environment. Because the default test database can be accessed by any user and has permissive privileges, it should be dropped immediately as part of the installation process.

Default frequency 00:05:00

Default auto-close enabled no

Server Has Accounts Without A Password

Accounts without passwords are particularly dangerous because an attacker needs to guess only a username. Assigning passwords to all accounts helps prevent unauthorized users from accessing the system.

Default frequency 00:05:00

Default auto-close enabled yes

Server Has Anonymous Accounts Not Being Used As Proxies

Anonymous MySQL accounts allow clients to connect to the server without specifying a username. Since anonymous accounts are well known in MySQL, removing them helps prevent unauthorized users from accessing the system.


This advisor differentiates between anonymous accounts and proxy users. For more information on proxy users, see Proxy Users.

Default frequency 00:05:00

Default auto-close enabled yes

Server Has No Locally Authenticated Root User

MySQL 5.5 supports both built-in authentication and external authentication via other methods such as PAM (LDAP, Unix user authentication) and Windows native authentication. However, if all 'root' users are configured to use external authentication, if this external authentication were to fail (such as the LDAP server losing power), then all administrator access to the MySQL Server is denied.

Default frequency 06:00:00

Default auto-close enabled no

Server Includes A Root User Account

By default, MySQL includes a root account with unlimited privileges that is typically used to administer the MySQL server. There is no reason this account must be named root. Accounts with this much power should not be easily discovered. Since the root account is well known in MySQL, changing its name helps prevent unauthorized users from accessing and changing the system.

Default frequency 00:05:00

Default auto-close enabled no

Symlinks Are Enabled

You can move tables and databases from the database directory to other locations and replace them with symbolic links to the new locations. You might want to do this, for example, to move a database to a file system with more free space or to increase the speed of your system by spreading your tables to different disks.

However, symlinks can compromise security. This is especially important if you run mysqld as root, because anyone who has write access to the server's data directory could then delete any file in the system!

Default frequency 06:00:00

Default auto-close enabled no

User Has Rights To Database That Does Not Exist

When a database is dropped, user privileges on the database are not automatically dropped. This has security implications as that user regains privileges if a database with the same name is created in the future, which may not be the intended result.

Default frequency 00:05:00

Default auto-close enabled no

User Has Rights To Table That Does Not Exist

When a table is dropped, user privileges on the table are not automatically dropped. This has security implications as that user regains privileges if a table with the same name in the same database is created in the future, which may not be the intended result.

Default frequency 00:05:00

Default auto-close enabled no

Users Can View All Databases On MySQL Server

The SHOW DATABASES privilege should be granted only to users who need to see all the databases on a MySQL Server. It is recommended that the MySQL Server be started with the --skip-show-database option enabled to prevent anyone from using the SHOW DATABASES statement unless they have been specifically granted the SHOW DATABASES privilege.


If a user is granted any global privilege, such as CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES or LOCK TABLES, they are automatically given the ability to show databases unless the server is started with the --skip-show-database option enabled. DBAs should be aware of this fact, in the event that any applications make use of temporary tables.

Default frequency 00:05:00

Default auto-close enabled no