MySQL Enterprise Monitor 4.0 Release Notes

14 Changes in MySQL Enterprise Monitor 4.0.1 (2017-10-26)

Functionality Added or Changed

  • It is now possible to specify time intervals for the Overview graphs. To set an interval, open the Sparkline Options and select the required interval. The interval is saved for the selected targets. (Bug #26927079)

  • The performance of the Advisors page was improved. (Bug #26274454)

  • The Tomcat server, bundled with MySQL Enterprise Service Manager, has been upgraded to 8.5.23.

  • The bundled JRE was updated to 1.8.0_151 for both the Agent and Service Manager.

Bugs Fixed

  • The advice page for the Prepared Statements Not Being Used Effectively advisor incorrectly referred to the variables Com_stmt_prepare and Com_stmt_execute. The correct variables are Com_prepare_sql and Com_execute_sql. (Bug #26949933)

  • Timeseries graphs displayed old data, such as filesystems and network interfaces which were removed or no longer exist.

    As of this release, only recently reported, active assets are displayed in the timeseries graphs. (Bug #26942873)

  • The Target selector menu did not update immediately if a MySQL instance was deleted from MySQL Enterprise Monitor. Although it was no longer monitored, the MySQL instance remained in the menu for some time. (Bug #26915505)

  • It was not possible to refresh a replication topology using the Rediscover Replication Topologies button. An error was displayed. (Bug #26900106)

  • The Last Check status field on the Configure What's New dialog was not updated correctly. (Bug #26899987)

  • The link between two inactive nodes on the Replication topology view remained green, indicating an active connection. As of this release, links between inactive nodes are gray, indicating an unknown state. The same is now true for lines between active and inactive nodes. (Bug #26878020)

  • Topology did not correctly display nodes which were not running. They were displayed in Green, instead of Yellow, indicating that the replication thread was not running. (Bug #26871473)

  • A fatal error occurred when upgrading a MySQL Enterprise Service Manager installation which used an external repository instead of the bundled repository.


    The existing installation was unchanged.

    (Bug #26870405)

  • Under certain circumstances, if you were upgrading to the previous version, it was necessary to edit server.xml and add maxHttpHeaderSize="65536" to each of the default connectors.

    As of this release, it is no longer necessary to manually edit server.xml, the upgrade installer checks and corrects the values automatically if they are set to a value less than 64K. If maxHttpHeaderSize is set to 64K or higher, the upgrader installer makes no changes. (Bug #26828438)

    References: See also: Bug #26391094.

  • The default settings for purging aggregate data were incorrect. As of this release, the default values are set as follows:

    • Remove Hourly Aggregated Metric Data Older Than: 1 year

    • Remove Daily Aggregated Metric Data Older Than: 10 years

  • MySQL Enterprise Monitor Agents were not displayed if the Global Summaries selection was either InnoDB Cluster or NDB Cluster.

  • The asset selector on the Groups page has been updated. For more information, see Creating Groups.

  • Under certain circumstances, while calculating the status of group replication partitions, a Null Pointer Exception was logged.

    The error was transient and usually resolved in the next collection.

  • Auto-refresh refreshed the entire page for the Replication view, rebuilding all elements, rather than the contents of the view.

    As of this release, only the contents of the Replication view are refreshed.

  • Backup was not displayed on the Navigation bar for InnoDB Cluster selections, but was displayed for NDB Cluster selection.

    As of this release, Backup is displayed for InnoDB Cluster selections and not for NDB Cluster selections.

  • Under certain circumstances, the graphs in the Support Diagnostics archive could not be loaded in some browsers.

  • The graphs tab of the Query Analyzer's Query dialog was larger than the dialog which contained it.

  • The Group Name icon was not displayed correctly on the Email Notification Group page.

  • A rate limit exception caused a null pointer exception which stopped MySQL Enterprise Service Manager from retrieving the sys schema version.

  • The All Targets menu was too narrow to correctly display long asset names.

  • OS X 10.13 was not reported as Mac OS X (High Sierra), but as Unknown.