MySQL Router Release Notes

3.3 Changes in MySQL Router 2.1.4 (2017-07-24, General Availability)

Functionality Added or Changed

  • MySQL passwords generated by MySQL Router during bootstrapping were not guarantied to work with the validate_password plugin, but now generate passwords to pass the STRONG validate_password level by checking the generated password against VALIDATE_PASSWORD_STRENGTH.

    Related to this are the new --force-password-validation and --password-retries command line options that were added in Router 2.1.4. (Bug #25858394)

  • A new --bootstrap-socket command line option was added.

    Used in conjunction with the --bootstrap command line option, it's used to connect using a Unix domain socket instead of TCP/IP. (Bug #25450756)

  • Added support to bootstrap the router using IPv6 addresses, along with support for RFC 3986. (Bug #25225260, Bug #25828663)

Bugs Fixed

  • The sample configuration file defined keyring_path and master_key_path under a nonexistent "[keyring]" section instead of under the "[DEFAULT]" section. (Bug #26449960)

  • Bootstrapping a MySQL Router instance did not work when DNS lookups were unsuccessful on the host where the bootstrap operation was performed. (Bug #26100966)

  • After a primary failure within an InnoDB Cluster, MySQL Router required an extended amount of time to reconnect. (Bug #26044181, Bug #86259)

  • An incorrect profile setting produced permission-denied errors during MySQL Router bootstrap operations when AppArmor was enabled. (Bug #26041542)

  • Stand-alone routing failed and produced errors when used with a valid URI. (Bug #25973199)

  • The bootstrap procedure for the system-wide bootstrap now creates the proper directory ownership required to start the router, when before it failed to start in some cases. (Bug #25956532, Bug #86050)

  • Difficulties observed when installing and starting MySQL Router on older Windows platforms due to missing libraries are now resolved. (Bug #25853059, Bug #25494942)

  • Passing in a directory to the --config option instead of a MySQL Router configuration file now reports a more relevant error, when before it did not mention that a file is required. (Bug #25800863)

  • Sample MySQL Router configuration files were generated with the .ini extension instead of with the .conf file extension as expected. (Bug #25616924)

  • Specifying an invalid user account in the metadata_cache section of the MySQL Router configuration file after bootstrapping now issues an appropriate error message. (Bug #25460958)

  • Omitting a MySQL Router configuration file when using the --config option now displays an error indicating an empty path instead of throwing an exception. (Bug #25449685)

  • The commercial version of MySQL Router did not have the correct setting for the AppArmor profile configuration file /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqlrouter. (Bug #25253001, Bug #84074)

  • Invalid configuration variables in the MySQL Router configuration file that expect numeric values, such as the expiration time (TTL), now report errors. (Bug #24756621)

  • MySQL Router did not exit after failing to bind a port. (Bug #23501906, Bug #81643)