MySQL Shell 8.0 (part of MySQL 8.0)

8.6 Dump Loading Utility

MySQL Shell's dump loading utility util.loadDump(), introduced in MySQL Shell 8.0.21, supports the import into a MySQL Database Service DB System (a MySQL DB System, for short) or a MySQL Server instance of schemas or tables dumped using MySQL Shell's Section 8.5, “Instance Dump Utility, Schema Dump Utility, and Table Dump Utility”. The dump loading utility provides data streaming from remote storage, parallel loading of tables or table chunks, progress state tracking, resume and reset capability, and the option of concurrent loading while the dump is still taking place.

For import into a MySQL DB System, the MySQL Shell instance where you run the dump loading utility must be installed on an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute instance that has access to the MySQL DB System. If the dump files are in an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage bucket, you can access the Object Storage bucket from the Compute instance. If the dump files are on your local system, you need to transfer them to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute instance using the copy utility of your choice, depending on the operating system you chose for your Compute instance. Ensure the dump was created with the ocimds option set to true in MySQL Shell's instance dump utility or schema dump utility, for compatibility with MySQL Database Service. MySQL Shell's table dump utility does not use this option.

  1. The dump loading utility uses the LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE statement, so the global setting of the local_infile system variable on the target MySQL instance must be ON for the duration of the import. By default, this system variable is set to ON in a standard MySQL DB System configuration.

  2. On the target MySQL instance, the dump loading utility checks whether the sql_require_primary_key system variable is set to ON, and if it is, returns an error if there is a table in the dump files with no primary key. By default, this system variable is set to OFF in a standard MySQL DB System configuration.

  3. The dump loading utility does not automatically apply the gtid_executed GTID set from the source MySQL instance on the target MySQL instance. The GTID set is included in the dump metadata from MySQL Shell's instance dump utility, schema dump utility, or table dump utility, as the gtidExecuted field in the @.json dump file. To apply these GTIDs on the target MySQL instance for use with replication, from MySQL Shell 8.0.22, use the updateGtidSet option to either append them to or replace the gtid_purged GTID set, depending on the release of the target MySQL instance. This is not currently supported on MySQL DB System due to a permissions restriction. In MySQL Shell 8.0.21, the GTID set can be imported manually, though this is not supported on MySQL DB System.

For output produced by the instance dump utility or schema dump utility, MySQL Shell's dump loading utility uses the DDL files and tab-separated .tsv data files to set up the server instance or schema in the target MySQL instance, then load the data. Dumps containing only the DDL files or only the data files can be used to perform these tasks separately. The dump loading utility also lets you separately apply the DDL files and data files from a regular dump that contains both sorts of files.

For output produced by MySQL Shell's table dump utility, from MySQL Shell 8.0.23, the dump contains the information required to set up the schema that originally contained the table. By default, from that release, the schema is recreated in the target MySQL instance if it does not already exist. Alternatively, you can specify the schema option in the dump loading utility to load the table into an alternative schema in the target MySQL instance, which must exist there. In MySQL Shell 8.0.22, the table dump utility's files do not contain the schema information, so the target schema must exist in the target MySQL instance. In that release, by default, the current schema of the global shell session is used as the target schema, or the schema option can be used to name the schema.

You can customize the import with further options in the dump loading utility:

You can carry out a dry run with your chosen set of dump loading options to show what actions would be performed when you run the utility for real with those options.

The waitDumpTimeout option lets you apply a dump that is still in the process of being created. Tables are loaded as they become available, and the utility waits for the specified number of seconds after new data stops arriving in the dump location. When the timeout elapses, the utility assumes the dump is complete and stops importing.

Progress state for an import is stored in a persistent progress state file, which records steps successfully completed and steps that were interrupted or failed. By default, the progress state file is named load-progress.server_uuid.json and created in the dump directory, but you can choose a different name and location. The dump loading utility references the progress state file when you resume or retry the import for a dump, and skips completed steps. De-duplication is automatically managed for tables that were partially loaded. If you interrupt a dump in progress by using Ctrl + C, on the first use of that key combination, no new tasks are started by the utility but existing tasks continue. Pressing Ctrl + C again stops existing tasks, resulting in error messages. In either case, the utility can still resume the import from where it stopped.

You can choose to reset the progress state and start the import for a dump again from the beginning, but in this case the utility does not skip objects that were already created and does not manage de-duplication. If you do this, to ensure a correct import, you must manually remove from the target MySQL instance all previously loaded objects from that dump, including schemas, tables, users, views, triggers, routines, and events. Otherwise, the import stops with an error if an object in the dump files already exists in the target MySQL instance. With appropriate caution, you may use the ignoreExistingObjects option to make the utility report duplicate objects but skip them and continue with the import. Note that the utility does not check whether the contents of the object in the target MySQL instance and in the dump files are different, so it is possible for the resulting import to contain incorrect or invalid data.


Do not change the data in the dump files between a dump stopping and a dump resuming. Resuming a dump after changing the data has undefined behavior and can lead to data inconsistency and data loss. If you need to change the data after partially loading a dump, manually drop all objects that were created during the partial import (as listed in the progress state file), then run the dump loading utility with the resetProgress option to start again from the beginning.

If you need to modify any data in the dump’s data files before importing it to the target MySQL instance, you can do this by combining MySQL Shell’s parallel table import utility util.importTable() with the dump loading utility. To do this, first use the dump loading utility to load only the DDL for the selected table, to create the table on the target server. Then use the parallel table import utility to capture and transform data from the output files for the table, and import it to the target table. Repeat that process as necessary for any other tables where you want to modify the data. Finally, use the dump loading utility to load the DDL and data for any remaining tables that you do not want to modify, excluding the tables that you did modify. For a description of the procedure, see Modifying Dumped Data.

To load dump files with pre-authenticated requests from an Object Storage bucket into a MySQL DB System, you need the pre-authenticated read request URL that has been created for the manifest file object (@.manifest.json). Also create a pre-authenticated read-write request for a text file in the same prefixed location as the dump files in the Object Storage bucket. This will be the dump loading utility's progress state file, which is required when you are loading dump files with pre-authenticated requests. You can use any user account with the required permissions to create the request. The text file can have any name, and you can create the file or let the utility create it. The content of the file will be in JSON format, so a .json file extension is appropriate if you are using one (for example, progress.json).

As an alternative to storing the progress state file with the dump files, which is the default, you can use a local file in the location where you run the dump loading utility. If you do not have permissions to create a pre-authenticated read-write request for the progress state file, this method enables you to store progress. When you use a local file, note that the dump cannot be resumed by running the dump loading utility from an alternative location.

With pre-authenticated requests, when you run the dump loading utility, specify the dump's URL as the pre-authenticated request URL for the @.manifest.json file. Also specify the progress state file (progressFile option) as the pre-authenticated request URL for the file in the Object Storage bucket, or as the file on the local system if you chose that option. The user account that runs the dump loading utility can then load the dump files using the URLs in the manifest file without additional access permissions. If the dump is still in progress, the dump loading utility monitors and waits for new additions to the manifest file, rather than to the Object Storage bucket.

The DDL files for a dump are loaded by a single thread, but the data is loaded in parallel by the number of threads you select, which defaults to 4. If table data was chunked when the dump was created, multiple threads can be used for a table, otherwise each thread loads one table at a time. The dump loading utility schedules data imports across threads to maximize parallelism. If the dump files were compressed by MySQL Shell's dump utilities, the dump loading utility handles decompression for them.

By default, fulltext indexes for a table are created only after the table is completely loaded, which speeds up the import. You can choose to defer all index creation (except the primary index) until each table is completely loaded. You can also opt to create all indexes during the table import. You can also choose to disable index creation during the import, and create the indexes afterwards, for example if you want to make changes to the table structure after loading.

For an additional improvement to data loading performance, you can disable the InnoDB redo log on the target MySQL instance during the import. Note that this should only be done on a new MySQL Server instance (not a production system), and this feature is not available on MySQL DB System. For more information, see Disabling Redo Logging.

The dump loading utility uses the MySQL Shell global session to obtain the connection details of the target MySQL instance to which the dump is to be imported. You must open the global session (which can have an X Protocol connection or a classic MySQL protocol connection) before running the utility. The utility opens its own sessions for each thread, copying options such as connection compression and SSL options from the global session, and does not make any further use of the global session.

In the MySQL Shell API, the dump loading utility is a function of the util global object, and has the following signature:

util.loadDump(url[, options])

If you are importing a dump that is located in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute instance's filesystem where you are running the utility, url is a string specifying the path to a local directory containing the dump files. You can prefix a local directory path with the file:// schema. In this example in MySQL Shell's JavaScript mode, a dry run is carried out to check that there will be no issues when the dump files are loaded from a local directory into the connected MySQL instance:

shell-js> util.loadDump("/mnt/data/worlddump", {dryRun: true})

If you are importing a dump from an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage bucket, url is the path prefix that the dump files have in the bucket, which was assigned using the outputUrl parameter when the dump was created. Use the osBucketName option to provide the name of the Object Storage bucket, and the osNamespace option to identify the namespace for the bucket. In this example in MySQL Shell's JavaScript mode, the dump prefixed worlddump is loaded from an Object Storage bucket into the connected MySQL DB System using 8 threads:

shell-js> util.loadDump("worlddump", {
        > threads: 8, osBucketName: "hanna-bucket", osNamespace: "idx28w1ckztq"})

The namespace for an Object Storage bucket is displayed in the Bucket Information tab of the bucket details page in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console, or can be obtained using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure command line interface. A connection is established to the Object Storage bucket using the default profile in the default Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI configuration file, or alternative details that you specify using the ociConfigFile and ociProfile options. For instructions to set up a CLI configuration file, see SDK and CLI Configuration File

options is a dictionary of options that can be omitted if it is empty. The following options are available:

dryRun: [ true | false ]

Display information about what actions would be performed given the specified options and dump files, including any errors that would be returned based on the dump contents, but do not proceed with the import. The default is false.

osBucketName: "string"

The name of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage bucket where the dump files are located. By default, the [DEFAULT] profile in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI configuration file located at ~/.oci/config is used to establish a connection to the bucket. You can substitute an alternative profile to be used for the connection with the ociConfigFile and ociProfile options. For instructions to set up a CLI configuration file, see SDK and CLI Configuration File.

osNamespace: "string"

The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure namespace where the Object Storage bucket named by osBucketName is located. The namespace for an Object Storage bucket is displayed in the Bucket Information tab of the bucket details page in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console, or can be obtained using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure command line interface.

ociConfigFile: "string"

An Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI configuration file that contains the profile to use for the connection, instead of the one in the default location ~/.oci/config.

ociProfile: "string"

The profile name of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure profile to use for the connection, instead of the [DEFAULT] profile in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI configuration file used for the connection.

threads: int

The number of parallel threads to use to upload chunks of data to the target MySQL instance. Each thread has its own connection to the MySQL instance. The default is 4. if the dump was created with chunking enabled (which is the default), the utility can use multiple threads to load data for a table; otherwise a thread is only used for one table.

progressFile: "string"

A local file location for the dump loading utility's progress state file, which persists progress state for an import. By default, the progress state file is named load-progress.server_uuid.json and created in the dump directory, but you can change that using this option. Setting progressFile to an empty string disables progress state tracking, which means that the dump loading utility cannot resume a partially completed import.

showProgress: [ true | false ]

Display (true) or hide (false) progress information for the import. The default is true if stdout is a terminal (tty), such as when MySQL Shell is in interactive mode, and false otherwise. The progress information includes the number of active threads and their actions, the amount of data loaded so far, the percentage complete and the rate of throughput. When the progress information is not displayed, progress state is still recorded in the dump loading utility's progress state file.

resetProgress: [ true | false ]

Setting this option to true resets the progress state and starts the import again from the beginning. The default is false. Note that with this option, the dump loading utility does not skip objects that were already created and does not manage de-duplication. If you want to use this option, to ensure a correct import, you must first manually remove from the target MySQL instance all previously loaded objects, including schemas, tables, users, views, triggers, routines, and events from that dump. Otherwise, the import stops with an error if an object in the dump files already exists in the target MySQL instance. With appropriate caution, you may use the ignoreExistingObjects option to make the utility report duplicate objects but skip them and continue with the import.

waitDumpTimeout: int

Setting this option activates concurrent loading by specifying a timeout (in seconds) for which the utility waits for further data after all uploaded data chunks in the dump location have been processed. This allows the utility to import the dump while it is still in the process of being created. Data is processed as it becomes available, and the import stops when the timeout is exceeded with no further data appearing in the dump location. The default setting, 0, means that the utility marks the dump as complete when all uploaded data chunks have been processed and does not wait for more data.

ignoreExistingObjects: [ true | false ]

Import the dump even if it contains objects that already exist in the target schema in the MySQL instance. The default is false, meaning that an error is issued and the import stops when a duplicate object is found, unless the import is being resumed from a previous attempt using a progress state file, in which case the check is skipped. When this option is set to true, duplicate objects are reported but no error is generated and the import proceeds. This option should be used with caution, because the utility does not check whether the contents of the object in the target MySQL instance and in the dump files are different, so it is possible for the resulting import to contain incorrect or invalid data. An alternative strategy is to use the excludeTables option to exclude tables that you have already loaded where you have verified the object in the dump files is identical with the imported object in the target MySQL instance. The safest choice is to remove duplicate objects from the target MySQL instance before restarting the dump.

ignoreVersion: [ true | false ]

Import the dump even if the major version number of the MySQL instance from which the data was dumped is different to the major version number of the MySQL instance to which the data will be uploaded. The default is false, meaning that an error is issued and the import does not proceed if the major version number is different. When this option is set to true, a warning is issued and the import proceeds. Note that the import will only be successful if the schemas in the dump files have no compatibility issues with the new major version.

From MySQL Shell 8.0.23, this option also permits the import of a dump created without the use of the ocimds option into a MySQL Database Service instance.

Before attempting an import using the ignoreVersion option, use MySQL Shell's upgrade checker utility checkForServerUpgrade() to check the schemas on the source MySQL instance. Fix any compatibility issues identified by the utility before dumping the schemas and importing them to the target MySQL instance.

updateGtidSet: [ off | append | replace ]

Apply the gtid_executed GTID set from the source MySQL instance, as recorded in the dump metadata, to the gtid_purged GTID set on the target MySQL instance. The gtid_purged GTID set holds the GTIDs of all transactions that have been applied on the server, but do not exist on any binary log file on the server. This option is available from MySQL Shell 8.0.22, but in that release it is not supported on MySQL DB System due to a permissions restriction. From MySQL 8.0.23, the option can also be used for a MySQL DB System instance. The default is off, meaning that the GTID set is not applied.

Do not use this option for a dump produced by MySQL Shell's table dump utility, only for dumps produced by MySQL Shell's instance dump utility or schema dump utility. Also, do not use this option when Group Replication is running on the target MySQL instance.

For MySQL instances that are not MySQL DB System instances, when you set append or replace to update the GTID set, also set the skipBinlog option to true. This ensures the GTIDs on the source server match the GTIDs on the target server. For MySQL DB System instances, this option is not used.

For a target MySQL instance from MySQL 8.0, you can set the option to append, which appends the gtid_executed GTID set from the source MySQL instance to the gtid_purged GTID set on the target MySQL instance. The gtid_executed GTID set to be applied, which is shown in the gtidExecuted field in the @.json dump file, must not intersect with the gtid_executed set already on the target MySQL instance. For example, you can use this option when importing a schema from a different source MySQL instance to a target MySQL instance that already has schemas from other source servers.

You can also use replace for a target MySQL instance from MySQL 8.0, to replace the gtid_purged GTID set on the target MySQL instance with the gtid_executed GTID set from the source MySQL instance. To do this, the gtid_executed GTID set from the source MySQL instance must be a superset of the gtid_purged GTID set on the target MySQL instance, and must not intersect with the set of transactions in the target's gtid_executed GTID set that are not in its gtid_purged GTID set.

For a target MySQL instance at MySQL 5.7, set the option to replace, which replaces the gtid_purged GTID set on the target MySQL instance with the gtid_executed GTID set from the source MySQL instance. In MySQL 5.7, to do this the gtid_executed and gtid_purged GTID sets on the target MySQL instance must be empty, so the instance must be unused with no previously imported GTID sets.

In MySQL Shell 8.0.21, where this option is not available, you can apply the GTID set manually on a MySQL Server instance (except where Group Replication is in use). For MySQL DB System, this method is not supported. To apply the GTID set, after the import, use MySQL Shell's \sql command (or enter SQL mode) to issue the following statement on the connected MySQL instance, copying the gtid_executed GTID set from the gtidExecuted field in the @.json dump file in the dump metadata:

shell-js> \sql SET @@GLOBAL.gtid_purged= "+gtidExecuted_set";

This statement, which works from MySQL 8.0, adds the source MySQL Server instance's gtid_executed GTID set to the target MySQL instance's gtid_purged GTID set. For MySQL 5.7, the plus sign (+) must be omitted, and the gtid_executed and gtid_purged GTID sets on the target MySQL instance must be empty. For more details, see the description of the gtid_purged system variable in the release of the target MySQL instance.

skipBinlog: [ true | false ]

Skips binary logging on the target MySQL instance for the sessions used by the utility during the course of the import, by issuing a SET sql_log_bin=0 statement. The default is false, so binary logging is active by default. For MySQL DB System, this option is not used, and the import stops with an error if you attempt to set it to true. For other MySQL instances, always set skipBinlog to true if you are applying the gtid_executed GTID set from the source MySQL instance on the target MySQL instance, either using the updateGtidSet option or manually. When GTIDs are in use on the target MySQL instance (gtid_mode=ON), setting this option to true prevents new GTIDs from being generated and assigned as the import is being carried out, so that the original GTID set from the source server can be used. The user account must have the required permissions to set the sql_log_bin system variable.

loadIndexes: [ true | false ]

Create (true) or do not create (false) secondary indexes for tables. The default is true. When this option is set to false, secondary indexes are not created during the import, and you must create them afterwards. This can be useful if you are loading the DDL files and data files separately, and if you want to make changes to the table structure after loading the DDL files. Afterwards, you can create the secondary indexes by running the dump loading utility again with loadIndexes set to true and deferTableIndexes set to all.

deferTableIndexes: [ off | fulltext | all ]

Defer the creation of secondary indexes until after the table data is loaded. This can reduce loading times. off means all indexes are created during the table load. The default setting fulltext defers full-text indexes only. all defers all secondary indexes and only creates primary indexes during the table load, and also (from MySQL Shell 8.0.22) indexes defined on columns containing auto-increment values. In MySQL Shell 8.0.21, do not set all if you have any unique key columns containing auto-increment values.

analyzeTables: [ off | on | histogram ]

Execute ANALYZE TABLE for tables when they have been loaded. on analyzes all tables, and histogram analyzes only tables that have histogram information stored in the dump. The default is off. You can run the dump loading utility with this option to analyze the tables even if the data has already been loaded.

characterSet: "string"

The character set to be used for the import to the target MySQL instance, for example in the CHARACTER SET option of the LOAD DATA statement. The default is the character set given in the dump metadata that was used when the dump was created by MySQL Shell's instance dump utility, schema dump utility, or table dump utility, which default to using utf8mb4. The character set must be permitted by the character_set_client system variable and supported by the MySQL instance.

schema: "string"

The existing target schema into which a dump produced by MySQL Shell's table dump utility must be loaded.

From MySQL Shell 8.0.23, this option is not required, because the dump files from the table dump utility contain the information required to set up the schema that originally contained the table. By default, from that release, the schema is recreated in the target MySQL instance if it does not already exist. Alternatively, you can specify the schema option to load the table into an alternative schema in the target MySQL instance, which must exist there.

In MySQL Shell 8.0.22, the dump files from the table dump utility do not contain the schema information, so the target schema must exist in the target MySQL instance. In that release, by default, the current schema of the global shell session is used as the target schema, or the schema option can be used to name the target schema.

excludeSchemas: array of strings

Exclude the named schemas from the import. Note that the information_schema, mysql, ndbinfo, performance_schema, and sys schemas are always excluded from a dump that is created by MySQL Shell's instance dump utility. If a named schema does not exist in the dump files, the utility ignores the item.

includeSchemas: array of strings

Load only the named schemas from the dump files. You can specify both options, in which case a schema name matched by both an includeSchemas string and an excludeSchemas string is excluded.

excludeTables: array of strings

Exclude the named tables from the import. Table names must be qualified with a valid schema name, and quoted with the backtick character if needed. Note that the data for the mysql.apply_status, mysql.general_log, mysql.schema, and mysql.slow_log tables is always excluded from a dump created by MySQL Shell's schema dump utility, although their DDL statements are included. Tables named by the excludeTables option are not uploaded to the target MySQL instance. If a named table does not exist in the schema or the schema does not exist in the dump files, the dump loading utility ignores the item.

includeTables: array of strings

Load only the named tables from the dump files. Table names must be qualified with a valid schema name, and quoted with the backtick character if needed. You can specify both options, in which case a table name matched by both an includeTables string and an excludeTables string is excluded.

loadDdl: [ true | false ]

Setting this option to true imports only the DDL files from the dump, and does not import the data. The default is false.

loadData: [ true | false ]

Setting this option to true imports only the data files from the dump, and does not import the DDL files. The default is false.

loadUsers: [ true | false ]

Import (true) or do not import (false) users and their roles and grants into the target MySQL instance. The default is false, so users are not imported by default. Statements for the current user are skipped. From MySQL Shell 8.0.22, if a user already exists in the target MySQL instance, an error is returned and the user's grants from the dump files are not applied. From MySQL Shell 8.0.22, you can use the excludeUsers or includeUsers option in the dump loading utility to specify user accounts to be excluded or included in the import.


In MySQL Shell 8.0.21, attempting to import users to a MySQL DB System causes the import to fail if the root user account or another restricted user account name is present in the dump files, so the import of users to a MySQL DB System is not supported in that release.

MySQL Shell's schema dump utility and table dump utility do not include users, roles, and grants in a dump, but the instance dump utility can, and does by default. From MySQL Shell 8.0.22, the excludeUsers and includeUsers options can also be used in the instance dump utility to exclude or include named user accounts from the dump files.

If you specify true but the supplied dump files do not contain user accounts, before MySQL Shell 8.0.23, the utility returns an error and stops the import. From MySQL Shell 8.0.23, the utility instead returns a warning and continues.

excludeUsers: array of strings

Exclude the named user accounts from the import. This option is available from MySQL Shell 8.0.22, and you can use it to exclude user accounts that are not accepted for import to a MySQL DB System, or that already exist or are not wanted on the target MySQL instance. Specify each user account string in the format "'user_name'@'host_name'" for an account that is defined with a user name and host name, or "'user_name'" for an account that is defined with a user name only (which is equivalent to "'user_name'@'%'"). If a named user account does not exist in the dump files, the utility ignores the item.

includeUsers: array of strings

Include only the named user accounts in the import. Specify each user account string as for the excludeUsers option. This option is available from MySQL Shell 8.0.22, and you can use it as an alternative to excludeUsers if only a few user accounts are required in the target MySQL instance. You can also specify both options, in which case a user account matched by both an includeUsers string and an excludeUsers string is excluded.

Modifying Dumped Data

MySQL Shell’s parallel table import utility util.importTable() can be used in combination with the dump loading utility util.loadDump() to modify data in the chunked output files before uploading it to the target MySQL instance. You can modify the data for one table at a time by this method. Follow this procedure, which works from MySQL Shell 8.0.23:

  1. Use the dump loading utility with the loadDdl option, to load the DDL file and create the selected table on the target MySQL instance with no data.

    shell-js> util.loadDump("/mnt/data/proddump", { 
            > includeTables: ["product.pricing"], 
            > loadDdl: true, 
            > loadData: false});
  2. Use the parallel table import utility to capture and transform the data for the table, and import it to the empty table on the target MySQL instance. In this example, the data for the pricing table is in multiple compressed files, which are specified using wildcard pattern matching. The values from the id and prodname columns in the dump files are assigned unchanged to the same columns in the target table. The values from the price column in the dump files are captured and assigned to the variable @1. The decodeColumns option is then used to reduce the prices by a standard amount, and the reduced prices are placed in the price column of the target table.

    shell-js> util.importTable ("/mnt/data/proddump/product@pricing@*.zst", {   
            > schema: "product",  
            > table: "pricing",  
            > columns: ["id",  "prodname",  1],
            > decodeColumns: { "price": "0.8 * @1"}});
  3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 as needed for any other tables in the dump files where you need to modify the data.

  4. When you have finished uploading all the tables and data that needed to be modified, use the dump loading utility to load both the DDL and the data for any remaining tables that you do not need to modify. Be sure to exclude the tables that you did modify in the previous steps.

    shell-js> util.loadDump("/mnt/data/proddump", {excludeTables: ["product.pricing"]});