MySQL Shell 8.0 Release Notes

8 Changes in MySQL Shell 8.0.18 (2019-10-14, General Availability)

AdminAPI Added or Changed Functionality

  • MySQL Shell can now optionally log SQL statements that are executed by AdminAPI operations, and output them to the console if the --verbose option is set. The dba.logSql MySQL Shell configuration option or --dba-log-sql command line option activates logging for these statements. Statements executed by sandbox operations are excluded. Viewing the statements lets you observe the progress of the AdminAPI operations in terms of SQL execution, which can help with problem diagnosis for any errors.

  • AdminAPI now supports IPv6 addresses if the target MySQL Server version is higher than 8.0.13. When using MySQL Shell 8.0.18 or higher, if all cluster instances are running 8.0.14 or higher then you can use an IPv6 or hostname that resolves to an IPv6 address for instance connection strings and with options such as localAddress, groupSeeds and ipWhitelist. For more information on using IPv6 see Support For IPv6 And For Mixed IPv6 And IPv4 Groups.

    References: See also: Bug #29557250, Bug #30111022, Bug #28982989.

  • You can now reset the passwords for the internal recovery accounts created by InnoDB Cluster, for example to follow a custom password lifetime policy. Use the Cluster.resetRecoveryAccountsPassword() operation to reset the passwords for all internal recovery accounts used by the cluster. The operation sets a new random password for the internal recovery account on each instance which is ONLINE. If an instance cannot be reached, the operation fails. You can use the force option to ignore such instances, but this is not recommended, and it is safer to bring the instance back online before using this operation. This operation only applies to the passwords created by InnoDB cluster and cannot be used to update manually created passwords.


    The user which executes this operation must have all the required clusterAdmin privileges, in particular CREATE USER, in order to ensure that the password of recovery accounts can be changed regardless of the password verification-required policy. In other words, independent of whether the password_require_current system variable is enabled or not.

  • MySQL Shell now supports specifying TLS version 1.3 and TLS cipher suites for classic MySQL protocol connections. You can use:

    • the --tls-version command option to specify TLS version 1.3.

    • the --tls-ciphersuites command option to specify cipher suites.

    • the tls-versions and tls-ciphersuites connection parameters as part of a URI-type connection string.


    tls-versions (plural) does not have a key-value equivalent, it is only supported in URI-type connection strings. Use tls-version to specify TLSv1.3 in a key-value connection string.

    To use TLS version 1.3, both MySQL Shell and MySQL server must have been compiled with OpenSSL 1.1.1 or higher. For more information see Using Encrypted Connections.

AdminAPI Bugs Fixed

  • The Cluster.rejoinInstance() operation was not setting the auto increment values defined for InnoDB Cluster, leading to the use of the default Group Replication behavior if the instance configuration was not properly persisted, for example on 5.7 servers. The fix ensures that the Cluster.rejoinInstance() operation updates the auto increment settings of the target instance. (Bug #30174191)

  • The output of Cluster.status() now includes the replicationLag field. The value is displayed in HH:MM:SS format and shows the time difference between the last transaction commit timestamp and the last transaction applied timestamp. This enables you to monitor the amount of time between the most recent transaction being committed and being applied on an instance. (Bug #30003034)

  • Cluster.addInstance() did not ensure that the MySQL Clone plugin was installed or loaded on all cluster instances, when available and not disabled. This meant that whenever a cluster was created using an older MySQL Shell version, on a target MySQL instance supporting clone, the instance would not have the clone plugin installed. The result was that any Cluster.addInstance() call that used clone would fail. The same issue happened if an instance was added to a cluster consisting of one instance using the incremental recovery type and afterwards the seed instance was removed. This resulted in all cluster instances not having the clone plugin installed and therefore any instance added using the clone recovery method would fail. The fix ensures that the clone plugin is installed on all cluster members (if available and not disabled) at cluster creation time and also whenever an instance is added to a cluster. (Bug #29954085)

  • The Cluster.rejoinInstance() operation was not checking the GTID consistency of an instance being rejoined to a cluster, which could result in data diverging. Now, the GTID consistency checks conducted as part of the Cluster.rejoinInstance() operation have been improved to check for irrecoverable or diverged data-sets and also for empty GTID sets. If an instance is found to not be consistent with the cluster, it is not rejoined and the operation fails with a descriptive error. You are also shown the list of errant transactions, possible outcomes and solutions. (Bug #29953812)

  • Cluster.describe() was retrieving information about the cluster's topology and the MySQL version installed on instances directly from the current session. Now, the information is retrieved from the Metadata schema, and the MySQL version is not included in the information output by Cluster.describe(). (Bug #29648806)

  • Using a password containing the ' character caused dba.deploySandbox() to fail. Now, all sensitive data is correctly wrapped to avoid such issues. (Bug #29637581)

  • The Cluster.addInstance() operation creates internal recovery users which are required by the Group Replication recovery process. If the Cluster.addInstance() operation failed, for example because Group Replication could not start, the created recovery users were not removed. Now, in the event of a failure any internal users are removed. (Bug #25503159)

  • When a cluster had lost quorum and the majority of the cluster instances were offline except the primary, after reestablishing quorum and adding a new instance to the cluster, it was not possible to remove and add the previous primary instance to the cluster. This was because the operation failed when trying to contact offline instances, which was because the feature to verify if a Group Replication protocol upgrade is required was not considering the possibility of some cluster instances being offline (not reachable). The fix improves the Group Replication protocol upgrade handling for the Cluster.removeInstance() operation, which now attempts to connect to other cluster instances and use the first reachable instance for this purpose. (Bug #25267603)

  • The dba.configureInstance() operation was not setting the binlog_checksum option with the required value (NONE) in the option file for instances that did not support SET PERSIST (for example instances running MySQL 5.7), when the option file path was not provided as an input parameter but instead specified though the operation wizard in interactive mode. (Bug #96489, Bug #30171090)

Functionality Added or Changed

  • MySQL Shell's upgrade checker utility (the util.checkForServerUpgrade() operation) includes the following new and extended checks:

    • The utility now checks for tablespace names containing the string FTS, which can be incorrectly identified as tablespaces of full-text index tables, preventing upgrade. The issue has been fixed in MySQL 8.0.18, but affects upgrades to earlier MySQL 8.0 releases.

    • The check for database objects with names that conflict with reserved keywords now covers the additional keywords ARRAY, MEMBER, and LATERAL.

    • - The checks for obsolete sql_mode flags now check the global sql_mode setting.

    Running the upgrade checker utility no longer alters the gtid_executed value, meaning that the utility can be used on Group Replication group members without affecting their synchronization with the group. The upgrade checker also now works correctly with the ANSI_QUOTES SQL mode. (Bug #30002732, Bug #30103683, Bug #96351, Bug #30103640, Bug #96350)

    References: See also: Bug #29992589.

  • MySQL Shell has two new built-in reports, which provide information drawn from various sources including MySQL's Performance Schema:

    • threads lists the current threads in the connected MySQL server which belong to the user account that is used to run the report. Using the report-specific options, you can choose to show foreground threads, background threads, or all threads. You can report a default set of information for each thread, or select specific information to include in the report from a larger number of available choices. You can filter, sort, and limit the output.

    • thread provides detailed information about a specific thread in the connected MySQL server. By default, the report shows information on the thread used by the current connection, or you can identify a thread by its ID or by the connection ID. You can select one or more categories of information, or view all of the available information about the thread.

    You can run the new reports using MySQL Shell's \show and \watch commands. The reports work with servers running all supported MySQL 5.7 and MySQL 8.0 versions. If any item of information is not available in the MySQL Server version of the target server, the reports leave it out.

  • MySQL Shell has two new control commands:

    • The \edit (\e) command opens a command in the default system editor for editing. If you specify an argument to the command, this text is placed in the editor, and if you do not, the last command in the MySQL Shell history is placed in the editor. When you have finished editing, MySQL Shell presents your edited text ready for you to execute or cancel. The command can also be invoked using the short form \e or the key combination Ctrl-X Ctrl-E.

    • The \system (\!) command runs the operating system command that you specify as an argument to the command, then displays the output from the command in MySQL Shell. MySQL Shell returns an error if it was unable to execute the command.

  • MySQL Shell now uses Python 3. For platforms that include a system supported installation of Python 3, MySQL Shell uses the most recent version available, with a minimum supported version of Python 3.4.3. For platforms where Python 3 is not included, MySQL Shell bundles Python 3.7.4. MySQL Shell maintains code compatibility with Python 2.6 and Python 2.7, so if you require one of these older versions, you can build MySQL Shell from source using the appropriate Python version.

Bugs Fixed

  • In debug mode, MySQL Shell raised an assertion when handling a character contained in SQL strings. (Bug #30286680)

  • If a Python lambda was added as a member of a MySQL Shell extension object, the Python object was not released correctly when MySQL Shell shut down, causing a segmentation fault. (Bug #30156304)

  • A memory leak could occur when Python code was executed in interactive mode. (Bug #30138755)

  • Help information for a MySQL Shell report could not be displayed unless there was an active session. MySQL Shell now checks for an open session only before actually running the report. (Bug #30083371)

  • If a default schema was set for the MySQL Shell connection, and a different default schema was set after the connection was made, MySQL Shell's \reconnect command attempted to use the default schema from the original connection. The user's current default schema is now used for the reconnection attempt. (Bug #30059354)

  • Due to a bug introduced by a change in MySQL Shell 8.0.16, the MSI file that is used by Windows Installer to install MySQL Shell overwrote the Windows PATH environment variable with the path to the application binary (mysqlsh), removing any other paths present. The issue has now been fixed. (Bug #29972020, Bug #95432)

  • When the \reconnect command is used to attempt reconnection to a server, if the last active schema set by the user appears to be no longer available, MySQL Shell now attempts to connect with no schema set. (Bug #29954572)

  • In interactive mode, MySQL Shell now handles multiline comments beginning with a slash and asterisk (/*) and ending with an asterisk and slash (*/). (Bug #29938424)

  • The MySQL Shell \source command was not handled correctly when used in combination with SQL statements. (Bug #29889926)

  • With MySQL Shell in SQL mode, if multiple SQL statements including a USE statement were issued on a single line with delimiters, the USE statement was not handled correctly. (Bug #29881615)

  • If MySQL Shell's JSON import utility was used to send a large number of JSON documents to a server with insufficient processing capacity, the utility could fill up the write queue with batches of prepared documents, causing the connection to time out and the import to fail. The utility now waits to read the response from the server before sending the next batch of prepared documents to the server. (Bug #29878964)

  • When MySQL Shell was built from source with a bundled OpenSSL package, the required linker flags were not set. The issue has now been fixed. (Bug #29862189)

  • If a new query was executed in MySQL Shell while a result was still active, resulting in rows being cached, not all rows were returned by the old query. (Bug #29818714)