MySQL NDB Cluster API Developer Guide ColumnMetadata

 public interface ColumnMetadata {
// Public Methods  public abstract String charsetName();
  public abstract ColumnType columnType();
  public abstract boolean isPartitionKey();
  public abstract boolean isPrimaryKey();
  public abstract Class<?> javaType();
  public abstract int maximumLength();
  public abstract String name();
  public abstract boolean nullable();
  public abstract int number();
  public abstract int precision();
  public abstract int scale();
} charsetName()
public abstract String charsetName();

Return the charset name.

Table 4.15 charsetName()

Parameter Description
return the charset name columnType()
public abstract ColumnType columnType();

Return the type of the column.

Table 4.16 columnType()

Parameter Description
return the type of the column isPartitionKey()
public abstract boolean isPartitionKey();

Return whether this column is a partition key column.

Table 4.17 isPartitionKey()

Parameter Description
return true if this column is a partition key column isPrimaryKey()
public abstract boolean isPrimaryKey();

Return whether this column is a primary key column.

Table 4.18 isPrimaryKey()

Parameter Description
return true if this column is a primary key column javaType()
public abstract Class<?> javaType();

Return the java type of the column.

Table 4.19 javaType()

Parameter Description
return the java type of the column maximumLength()
public abstract int maximumLength();

Return the maximum number of bytes that can be stored in the column after translating the characters using the character set.

Table 4.20 maximumLength()

Parameter Description
return the maximum number of bytes that can be stored in the column name()
public abstract String name();

Return the name of the column.

Table 4.21 name()

Parameter Description
return the name of the column nullable()
public abstract boolean nullable();

Return whether this column is nullable.

Table 4.22 nullable()

Parameter Description
return whether this column is nullable number()
public abstract int number();

Return the column number. This number is used as the first parameter in the get and set methods of DynamicColumn.

Table 4.23 number()

Parameter Description
return the column number. precision()
public abstract int precision();

Return the precision of the column.

Table 4.24 precision()

Parameter Description
return the precision of the column scale()
public abstract int scale();

Return the scale of the column.

Table 4.25 scale()

Parameter Description
return the scale of the column