MySQL NDB Cluster API Developer Guide

3.2.1 Log Event Functions

This section provides information about MGM API functions used for listening to log events.



This function is used to listen to log events, which are read from the return file descriptor. Events use a text-based format, the same as in the cluster log.

int ndb_mgm_listen_event
      NdbMgmHandle handle,
      const int    filter[]

This function takes two arguments:

  • An NdbMgmHandle handle.

  • A filter which consists of a series of {level, ndb_mgm_event_category} pairs (in a single array) that are pushed to a file descriptor. Use 0 for the level to terminate the list.

Return value

The file descriptor from which events are to be read.



This function is used to create a log event handle.

NdbLogEventHandle ndb_mgm_create_logevent_handle
      NdbMgmHandle handle,
      const int    filter[]

This function takes two arguments:

  • An NdbMgmHandle handle.

  • A filter which consists of a series of {level, ndb_mgm_event_category} pairs (in a single array) that are pushed to a file descriptor. Use 0 for the level to terminate the list.

Return value

A log event handle.



Use this function to destroy a log event handle when there is no further need for it.

void ndb_mgm_destroy_logevent_handle
      NdbLogEventHandle* handle

A pointer to a log event handle.

Return value




This function retrieves a file descriptor from an NdbMgmLogEventHandle; this descriptor can be used in (for example) an application select() call.


Do not attempt to read from the file descriptor returned by this function; this can cause the descriptor to become corrupted.

int ndb_logevent_get_fd
      const NdbLogEventHandle handle

A LogEventHandle.

Return value

A file descriptor. In the event of failure, -1 is returned.



This function is used to retrieve the next log event, using data from the event to fill in the supplied ndb_logevent structure.

int ndb_logevent_get_next
      const NdbLogEventHandle handle,
      struct ndb_logevent*    logevent,
      unsigned                timeout

Prior to NDB 7.3.2, the log event's ndb_mgm_event_category was cast to an enum type. This behavior, although incorrect, interfered with existing applications and was reinstated in NDB 7.3.7; a new function exhibiting the corrected behavior ndb_logevent_get_next2() was added in these releases.


Three parameters are expected by this function:

  • An NdbLogEventHandle

  • A pointer to an ndb_logevent data structure

  • The number of milliseconds to wait for the event before timing out; passing 0 for this parameter causes the function to block until the next log event is received

Return value

The value returned by this function is interpreted as follows: If the return value is less than or equal to zero, then the logevent is not altered or affected in any way.

  • > 0: The event exists, and it data was retrieved into the logevent

  • 0: A timeout occurred while waiting for the event (more than timeout milliseconds elapsed)

  • < 0: An error occurred.



This function is used to retrieve the next log event, using data from the event to fill in the supplied ndb_logevent structure.

ndb_logevent_get_next2() was added in NDB 7.3.7. It is intended to serve as a replacement for ndb_logevent_get_next() which corrects that function's handling of the structure's ndb_mgm_event_category, for applications which do not require backward compatibility. It is otherwise identical to ndb_logevent_get_next().

int ndb_logevent_get_next2
      const NdbLogEventHandle handle,
      struct ndb_logevent*    logevent,
      unsigned                timeout

Three parameters are expected by this function:

  • An NdbLogEventHandle

  • A pointer to an ndb_logevent data structure

  • The number of milliseconds to wait for the event before timing out; passing 0 for this parameter causes the function to block until the next log event is received

Return value

The value returned by this function is interpreted as follows: If the return value is less than or equal to zero, then the logevent is not altered or affected in any way.

  • > 0: The event exists, and it data was retrieved into the logevent

  • 0: A timeout occurred while waiting for the event (more than timeout milliseconds elapsed)

  • < 0: An error occurred.



This function retrieves the error code from the most recent error.


You may prefer to use ndb_logevent_get_latest_error_msg() instead. See ndb_logevent_get_latest_error_msg()

int ndb_logevent_get_latest_error
      const NdbLogEventHandle handle

A log event handle.

Return value

An error code.



Retrieves the text of the most recent error obtained while trying to read log events.

const char* ndb_logevent_get_latest_error_msg
      const NdbLogEventHandle handle

A log event handle.

Return value

The text of the error message.