MySQL Workbench Routine Groups Adding Routine Groups to the Physical Schemata

Double-clicking the Add Routine Group icon in the Physical Schemata section of the MySQL Model page adds a routine group with the default name of routines1. If a routine group with this name already exists, the new routine group is named routines2.

Adding a new routine group automatically opens the routine groups editor docked at the bottom of the application. For information about using the routine groups editor, see Section, “The Routine Group Editor”.

Right-clicking a routine group opens a pop-up menu with the following items:

  • Rename

  • Cut 'routine_group_name'

  • Copy 'routine_group_name'

  • Edit Routine...

  • Edit in New Window...

  • Copy SQL to Clipboard

  • Delete 'routine_group_name'

The Edit Routine Group... item opens the routine group editor, which is described in Section, “The Routine Group Editor”.

The cut and paste items are useful for copying routine groups between different schemata.

Deleting a routine group from the MySQL Model page removes the group but does not remove any routines contained in that group.

Any routine groups added to the Physical Schemata also show up in the Catalog palette on the right side of the application. They may be added to an EER diagram by dragging and dropping them from this palette. Adding Routine Groups to an EER Diagram

To add routine groups to an EER Diagram, use the Routine Groups tool on the vertical toolbar. Make sure that the EER Diagram tab is selected, then right-click the routine groups icon on the vertical toolbar. The routine groups icon is immediately above the lowest toolbar separator.

Clicking the mouse on this icon changes the mouse pointer to a routine group pointer. You can also change the mouse pointer to a routine pointer by pressing the G key.

Choosing the Routine Group tool changes the contents of the toolbar that appears immediately below the menu bar. When the Routine Groups pointer is active, this toolbar contains a schemata list and a color chart list. Use these lists to select the appropriate schema and color accent for the new routine group. Make sure that you associate the new routine group with a database. The color of your routine group can be changed later using the Properties palette.

Create a routine group by clicking anywhere on the EER Diagram canvas. This creates a new routine group with the default name routines1. To revert to the default mouse pointer, click the arrow icon at the top of the vertical toolbar.

Right-clicking a routine group opens a pop-up menu. With the exception of the delete option and rename options, these menu options function as described in Section, “Adding Routine Groups to the Physical Schemata”. There is no rename option, and the behavior of the delete option is determined by your MySQL Workbench options settings. For more information, see Section 3.2.4, “Modeling Preferences”. The Routine Group Editor

To invoke the routine group editor, double-click a routine group object on the EER Diagram canvas or double-click a routine group in the Physical Schemata section on the MySQL Model page. This opens the routine group editor docked at the bottom of the application. Double-clicking the title bar undocks the editor. Do the same to redock it. Any number of routine groups may be open at the same time. Each additional routine group appears as a tab at the top of the routine editor,

Routine group and Privileges tabs appear at the bottom of the routine editor. Navigate between different tabs using the mouse or from the keyboard by pressing Control+Alt+Tab. The Routine Groups Tab

Use the Routine Groups tab of the routine groups editor to perform the following tasks:

  • Rename the routine group using the Name field.

  • Add routines to the group by dragging and dropping them.

  • Add comments to the routine group. The Privileges Tab

The Privileges tab of the routine group editor functions in exactly the same way as the Privileges tab of the table editor. For more information, see Section, “The Privileges Tab”. Modifying a Routine Group Using the Properties Palette

When you select a routine group on the EER Diagram canvas, its properties are displayed in the Properties palette. All of the properties accessible from the Properties palette apply to the appearance of a routine group on the EER Diagram canvas.

For a list of properties accessible through the Properties palette, see Section, “The Properties Palette”.