MySQL Workbench Options Tab

The Options subtab enables you to set several types of options. The next figure shows an example of this tab.

Figure 8.19 The Options Tab

Content is described in the surrounding text.

Table options are grouped into the following sections:

The following sections describe these options in more detail.

General Options Section

In the General Options section, choose a pack keys option. The options are Default, Pack None, and Pack All. You may also encrypt the definition of a table. The AUTO_INCREMENT and delayed key update behaviors apply only to MyISAM tables.

Row Options Section

To set the row format, choose the desired row format from the list. For more information about the different row formats that are available, see MyISAM Table Storage Formats.

These options are:

When you expect a table to be particularly large, use the Avg. Row, Min. Rows, and Max. Rows options to enable the MySQL server to better accommodate your data. See CREATE TABLE Statement for more information on how to use these options.

Storage Options Section

The Storage Options section is available only for MyISAM tables. Use it to configure a custom path to the table storage and data files. This can help improve server performance by locating different tables on different hard drives.

Merge Table Options Section

Use the Merge Table Options section to configure MERGE tables. To create a MERGE table, select MERGE as your storage engine and then specify the MyISAM tables you wish to merge in the Union Tables dialog.

You may specify the action the server should take when users attempt to perform INSERT statements on the merge table. You may also select the Merge Method by selecting from the list. For more information about MERGE tables, see The MERGE Storage Engine.