MySQL Workbench Release Notes

9.18 Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.14-beta (2008-02-25, Beta)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes applied since the release of MySQL Workbench 5.0.13-beta.

Workbench Improvements in this Version

  • Expand All and Collapse All menu options have been added under the Arrange menu. The Expand All option expands all objects on an EER. This option will display a table's columns if the object notation supports expansion. Indexes will not automatically be expanded unless they were previously expanded and have been collapsed using the Collapse All menu option. Some object notations, such as Classic, do not permit expansion or contraction. Collapse All undoes the operation performed by Expand All.

  • A Fit Objects to Contents option has been added under the Arrange menu option. This option expands an object on an EER diagram. For example, if a table has a long column name that is not fully displayed, using this menu option will expand the table making the column name visible.

  • A System Information menu option has been added to the Help menu. This option displays information about your system that is useful when reporting a big.

  • An Export as SVG menu option has been added under the File, Export menu option.

  • Because of serious performance and display issues Workbench no longer uses Mesa. For those users who don't have native OpenGL support, Workbench now uses the Windows GDI API. The command line switch for using this mode is -swrendering. For more information about running Workbench from the command line see Launching.

  • The GRT inspector has been improved to support new types. Namely:

    • text

    • longtext

    • bool

    • color

    • file

    This makes it much easier to change object properties manually. Multiple selection support has also been improved—you can easily change a value for several selected objects at once.

Bugs Fixed

  • When exporting an SQL CREATE script it was possible to create two tables in the same schema with the same name. (Bug #34668)

  • After placing related tables on an EER diagram and then removing them using the Undo menu option, the connection lines between related tables no longer showed up. (Bug #34601)

  • When choosing the Export as PNG menu option the file dialogue box file type was All Filesinstead of PNG. The same was true for Export as singlePage PDF and Export as singlePage PS. The default is now the appropriate file type. (Bug #34548)

  • If there was a relationship between table A and table B and also one between table B and table A, the connection lines appeared on top of each other. Connection lines now appear attached at the related columns. (Bug #34543)

  • When there were multiple tables with long identifiers the Physical Schemata section of the MySQL Model page was messy. Table names were obscured and sometimes overlapped. Also, the position of the Add Table icon was not optimal. Now the space between table names is adjusted to the largest entry and the Add Table icon is fixed in the upper left corner. (Bug #34536)

  • When returning to the SQL Export Filter page after using the Back button, filters were no longer selected. Selections now persist. (Bug #34503)

  • The export filters were applied more than once when forward engineering an SQL CREATE script. This happened if you exported the script after using the Back button on the SQL Export Filter page. (Bug #34501)

  • When the object notation was Workbench Classic the width of a table on an EER diagram could not be less than the widest column. If there was an enum column with many options, this made for a disproportionately wide table. Table width can now be less than the widest column. (Bug #34496)

  • When multiple objects on an EER diagram were selected and deleted, Workbench crashed. This happened when both connections and tables were selected. (Bug #34434)

  • Setting a column to AUTO_INCREMENT caused the application to crash. (Bug #34418)

  • It was reported that you could not add a primary key to a table imported from a MySQL CREATE script. This was not true but did highlight the fact that the method for adding a primary key was not obvious. Now, in addition to adding a primary key by double-clicking the icon to the left of a column in the table editor view, you can also add a primary key by checking the PRIMARY KEY check box in the Column Details section of the table editor. (Bug #34408)

  • When using the menu option Generate Schema Diff Report an exception was thrown. A new tree-less version of the Diff report plugin resolves this problem. (Bug #34396)

  • Users failed to be created when exporting an SQL CREATE script. (Bug #34342)

  • When a table's expanded property was set to 0, the connection line between related tables, appeared at a diagonal orientation. A connection line is now docked on the sides of a table even when the expanded property is set to 0. (Bug #34249)

  • Copying a table from the MySQL Model page to an EER diagram canvas created a duplicate table with the same name as the original. This table did not show up in the Catalog palette or in the appropriate schema in thePhysical Schemata section of the MySQL Model page. (Bug #34230)

  • Creating a new foreign key did not update an EER diagram. An EER diagram is now updated immediately. (Bug #34206)

  • When there were many tables on an EER diagram, constant screen refreshing made the application unusable. The performance of the software rendering mode has been improved. (Bug #33646)

  • A table with many columns did not display properly. When the table was expanded on an EER diagram it was impossible to scroll down and view all the columns. Improved rendering has helped solve this problem. However, for very large tables you may have to increase the size of an EER. To do this use the Model, Diagram Size ... menu option. (Bug #33367)

  • When changing the foreign key column of a table on an EER diagram, the foreign key did not change color and Workbench crashed when attempting to save the MWB file. The application no longer crashes and the foreign key is updated. (Bug #33139)

  • It was not possible to resize a table that used the Workbench (Default) object notation. This was problematic for a number of reasons:

    • Long table names make the table very wide.

    • Column definitions that are long relative to the table name, are truncated.

    • Even if you trimmed column names using the Diagram tab of the Workbench Options the names were sometimes truncated bled over the table border.

    This has been corrected. (Bug #32981)

  • When there were two schemata and two EER diagrams tables did not show up on the EER diagram if tables from different schemata were added to different EER diagrams. This was caused by defective software rendering. (Bug #32588)

  • When forward engineering to a live database, objects not selected on the Select Objects page were still created. This applied to tables, routines, and users. (Bug #32578)

  • It was not possible to drag or resize tables on an EER diagram. Tables can now be manually resized. To revert a table to automatic sizing use the Property palette and set manualSizingto True. (Bug #32549)

  • In the Image tool, canceling the open file dialog caused a crash. (Bug #32453)

  • The display turned black when the application was resized. This happened when viewing the MySQL Model page or when viewing an EER diagram. (Bug #23959)