MySQL Workbench Release Notes

8.2 Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.1.18 (2009-09-03)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes applied since the release of MySQL Workbench 5.1.17.

Functionality Added or Changed

  • The Column Editor has been updated to remove the feature whereby a column could be toggled to a primary key by double-clicking it. Primary key status can now only be set by selecting the appropriate check box in the adjacent Column Details frame. (Bug #46579)

  • It was not possible to change column order by dragging and dropping columns in the Columns tab of the Table Editor. MySQL Workbench has been changed to enable you to drag and drop a column to change the column order as required. (Bug #40601)

Bugs Fixed

  • When editing a stored routine or trigger in the Table Editor, the cursor would relocate to the top of the editing window if a key was not pressed for a few seconds.


    On Windows this issue was fixed in 5.1.18. On OS X this issue was fixed in 5.2.4. On Linux this issue was fixed in 5.2.7.

    (Bug #48156)

  • MySQL Workbench generated an unhandled exception when using File, Export, Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script. The exception was generated if an attempt was made to generate a script so that it wrote over a script already created. (Bug #47115)

  • Clicking the Test Connection button in DB Connection Editor wizard did not appear to have any effect. (Bug #47083)

  • MySQL Workbench crashed on launch on OS X 10.6.0. (Bug #46953)

  • When the data type of a table column was changed in the Table Editor, it was not reflected in the EER Diagram, although the tooltip was updated correctly. This only happened in MySQL Workbench 5.1.17. (Bug #46940)

  • In the Columns tab of the Table Editor, when the empty row at the end of the column list was right clicked, MySQL Workbench crashed with this error:

    ** (mysql-workbench-bin:15234): WARNING **: /tmp/sakila.mwbd1/document.mwb.xml:26: link
    '{591FC376-B82F-4F3D-B185-BA5C65B77080}' <object workbench.Workbench> key=owner could not
    be resolved
    ** Message: unhandled message 4: wb.file.openRecentModel finished in 0.58s
    glibmm-ERROR **:
    unhandled exception (type std::exception) in signal handler:
    what: Index out of range.

    (Bug #46937)

  • The DDL was generated without foreign keys, regardless of whether the Skip generation of foreign keys option was turned on. (Bug #46875)

  • In the Column tab of the Table Editor, if the NN check box was selected or deselected, the change was not immediately reflected in the EER Diagram, but was seen if some other operation caused the table object in the diagram to be refreshed. This also happened with the AI check box. (Bug #46869)

  • The auto-completion of column names in the Table Editor completed names unnecessarily, requiring characters in the name to be manually deleted. This only happened on the Linux version of MySQL Workbench. (Bug #46847)

  • The Esc key did not initiate the closing of an active dialog box. (Bug #46829)

  • Editing of Text Objects did not work correctly. When Enter was hit, line feed did not move editing to the next line, and introduced a box character. (Bug #46789)

  • The Forward Engineer SQL Script wizard generated invalid SQL code for a small model with foreign keys:


    (Bug #46787)

  • MySQL Workbench did not export Foreign Keys when using the File, Export, Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script wizard, even though the option Skip Creation of FOREIGN KEYS check box was cleared. Further, MySQL Workbench crashed when a column with a Foreign Key was added to a table. (Bug #46783)

  • If the Default Storage Engine was selected as MyISAM in the Model Options dialog, when a new table was created in the EER Diagram it was found to have a storage engine type of InnoDB. (Bug #46752)

  • When synchronizing with a live database, the script generated included drop statements that were placed in the wrong order, this led to the a schema being dropped after it was created. (Bug #46740)

  • When a N:M identifying relationship was created on a single table, a foreign key name collision occurred - both keys were given the same name. MySQL Workbench has been changed so that key names have a trailing number added to avoid conflicts. (Bug #46363)

  • MySQL Workbench generated an exception when the mouse wheel was used to move between tabs in the Table Editor:

    (mysql-workbench-bin:4864): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_tree_view_unref_tree_helper: assertion
    `node != NULL' failed
    glibmm-ERROR **:
    unhandled exception (type std::exception) in signal handler:
    what: invalid index

    (Bug #46304)

  • When an EER Diagram contained tables or views with underscores in their names, the context menu associated with them displayed their names incorrectly in the menu. The underscores where displayed as accelerator keys in the context menu. (Bug #46302)

  • The User Defined Types dialog, launched from Model, User Defined Types... on the main menu, did not permit user-defined types to be changed. Further, it appeared to be possible to edit the new user type in the User Types side panel, but no changes made there were retained.

    MySQL Workbench has been changed to permit User Types to be edited only from the User Defined Types dialog, and correct operation of this dialog has been restored. (Bug #45936)

  • When editing a trigger, the trigger editor would automatically insert a delimiter during a pause in typing, and also relocate the cursor. (Bug #45929)

  • In the Synchronize Model with Database dialog the text in the upper right area of the dialog did not wrap correctly, resulting in some text not being visible. (Bug #45455)

  • The DBDoc documentation generation system did not support facilities for Stored Routines, Views and Triggers. (Bug #41589)

  • After using the Help, Update... to upgrade MySQL Workbench, the application failed to start correctly. After the splash screen was displayed MySQL Workbench displayed an error dialog - MySQL Workbench has stopped working. (Bug #41460)

  • In the Physical Schemata pane if more schema were added than could fit within the pane, these schema could not be viewed because there was no ability to scroll the pane. Further, double-clicking the schema in the Catalog pane did not locate the schema in the Physical Schemata pane.

    MySQL Workbench was changed so that a small down arrow button was added to the right side of the Physical Schemata tab bar. This provides a list to select a specific schema tab. (Bug #39735)

  • When a diagram was exported as PNG it used the height and width of the model as displayed in the EER Diagram. This resulted in the exported picture being too small or too large, rather than being scaled to a consistent size. (Bug #36226)

  • Printing of an EER Diagram did not work correctly if a table vertically spanned multiple pages. In this case pages would be printed up to and including the page that contained the first part of the table that spanned multiple pages, but the pages containing the remaining parts of the table would not be printed. This problem typically occurred when a table had more fields than could comfortably fit on a single page. (Bug #33919)