MySQL Workbench Release Notes

7.29 Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.21 (2010-05-12, Release Candidate)

First release candidate. This section documents all changes and bug fixes applied since the release of MySQL Workbench 5.2.20.

Functionality Added or Changed

  • MySQL Workbench now features a check that compares the mysqldump version on the client and server machines. (Bug #52689)

  • MySQL Workbench now includes the following menu items and keyboard shortcuts:

    • Execute Current Statement, Control+Enter

    • Execute (All or Selection), Control+Shift+Enter

    • Explain Current Statement, Control+Alt+Enter

    • Explain (All or Selection), Control+Alt+Shift+Enter

    The Stop toolbar button and menu item now are automatically enabled and disabled. (Bug #50911)

Bugs Fixed

  • Proceeding through the Edit Table Data wizard (launched by the Edit Table Data action item on the Home screen) and clicking Finish to complete the wizard caused MySQL Workbench to crash. (Bug #53511)

  • When forward engineering a model to a database, not all tables were created on the live database. (Bug #53506)

  • Russian characters were not displayed correctly in the SQL Query tab of the SQL Editor. (Bug #53408)

  • It was not possible to give the index name and foreign key name of a column different names. Now renaming an index in MySQL Workbench does not automatically rename a corresponding foreign key. Renaming a foreign key automatically renames the associated index only if the names still match at the time the foreign key is renamed. (Bug #53370)

  • The Edit SQL Script action item on the Home screen failed to load and execute the script. (Bug #53359)

  • If a socket/pipe connection method was used, and the password was stored in the keychain, MySQL Workbench could not connect to the server. (Bug #53355)

  • On OS X, the overlay text for NULL and BLOB fields was missing from the results grid in the SQL editor. This meant that those fields appeared empty if a query was executed that returned a BLOB, such as SELECT SHA1('hello');. (Bug #53335)

  • Changing the fonts in the Workbench Preferences dialog had no effect on the appearance of MySQL Workbench. (Bug #53321, Bug #49832)

  • In the SQL Editor, if some script text was highlighted, when Control+S was pressed to save the script to a file, only the highlighted text was saved. (Bug #53275)

  • An error was generated when a server was selected from the Import/Export MySQL Data dialog, displayed after clicking the Manage Import/Export action item on the Home screen. (Bug #53271)

  • In the modeler, if a table was double-clicked to open it in the Table Editor, and then, without closing the Table Editor, another table was double-clicked to open it, the Table Editor was rendered as a blank panel. (Bug #53250, Bug #53347)

  • MySQL Workbench crashed after using the Edit SQL Script action item from the Home screen. In the Edit SQL Script wizard, a connection was chosen that did not use a stored password, and then a script selected and the Finish button clicked to exit the wizard. MySQL Workbench subsequently crashed when the requested password was entered into the dialog and the OK clicked. (Bug #53247)

  • In the SQL Editor, if a BLOB field containing an image was loaded into the Viewer, the image was not displayed. (Bug #53245)

  • In the Administrator tab of the Workbench Preferences dialog, the description to the right of the text field Path to mysql Tool was incorrect. (Bug #53201)

  • MySQL Workbench permitted the creation of invalid foreign keys that referenced a column that did not use a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE key declaration. MySQL Workbench now filters the list of columns permitted for a referenced foreign key, so that only primary key and indexed columns are listed. (Bug #53136)

  • In the Alter Table dialog of the SQL Editor, it was not possible to create new Foreign Keys. (Bug #53134)

  • If a model was saved using a file name that contained non-English characters, it could not be reopened from the list of existing models on the Home screen. (Bug #53110)

  • In the SQL Editor, if multiple Query tabs were opened so that they used more than the available screen width, it was not possible to move to the tabs that were not visible. MySQL Workbench now includes scroll buttons should the number of tabs exceed the screen width. The scroll buttons make it possible to access non-visible tabs. (Bug #53070)

  • If a model was forward engineered to a database, renamed, and then forward engineered again, the SQL that was generated was erroneous. (Bug #53068)

  • In the Inserts tab of the Table Editor, if characters were entered into an integer column, MySQL Workbench crashed when a new column was selected. (Bug #53066)

  • If a table was copied in the modeler, the copy of the table was renamed. However, foreign key relationships contained within the table were not renamed. (Bug #53020)

  • In the Alter Table dialog of the SQL Editor, if two triggers were created, the second with a bad command, and the error corrected, then when changes were applied, the generated code was incorrect, dropping both triggers. (Bug #52997)

  • It was not possible to increase the font size of text in the SQL Editor. MySQL Workbench has been changed so that fonts set in the Workbench Preferences dialog now also affect the SQL Editor. (Bug #52968)

  • It was not possible to delete a trigger from the Triggers tab in the Alter Table dialog. Even though the trigger code was selected and deleted, and then Apply clicked, the code that was generated did not drop the deleted trigger as expected. (Bug #52955)

  • Synchronize to live database failed when the model contained triggers. (Bug #52939)

  • In the SQL Editor, when the Alter Table context-sensitive menu option was used on a table and changes were made, it was not possible to save them because the dialog reported that no changes to the object had been detected. (Bug #52786)

  • In the SQL Editor, if the table data was edited, attempts to apply the changes did nothing. (Bug #52705)

  • Selecting Plugins, Utilities, Test filters produced an unexpected error:

    Error calling WbAdmin.openFilterDebugger

    The Filters Debugger facility can now be accessed in the Manage Server Instances dialog. It is located on the Server Stats sub-tab of the Server Profile tab. (Bug #52655)

  • In the SQL Editor the Find and Replace facility did not appear to function. (Bug #52251)

  • Changes to EER Diagram page size using File, Page Setup were not reflected in the model navigator. (Bug #52077)

  • When editing table data in the SQL Editor, the table would refresh after data was edited in the first column. This meant it was necessary to then scroll to the bottom of the table data to continue editing the record. (Bug #51965)

  • Any columns that contained a comment were marked for change when synchronizing the model with the live database. (Bug #51765)

  • Diagram names containing an ampersand were not displayed correctly in the Model Overview. (Bug #51617)

  • The default Export Directory Path in the Workbench Preferences dialog was given as DriveLetter:\MyDocumentsPath/dumps. This mixed the '/' and '\' directory separators.

    Further, the preferred Export Directory Path set in the Workbench Preferences dialog was not reflected in the Export to Disk section of the Data Dump facility in the Administrator. (Bug #51519)

  • In the Alter Table dialog of the SQL Editor, there was no effective way of altering a foreign key. Also, the Column and Referenced Column were not updated when a foreign key was created in the Foreign Keys tab. (Bug #51124, Bug #51262)

  • In trigger code, triggers using the alias new were correctly colored by the syntax highlighter, but triggers using the alias old were not. (Bug #51061)

  • When an EER Diagram layout was set to span multiple pages and then printed, the diagram was printed so small as to be illegible. (Bug #51032)

  • When MySQL Workbench was maximized, it did not fit correctly onto the screen and the title bar was not displayed. (Bug #50975)

  • If the name of a table was changed in the Alter Table dialog and Apply was clicked, the message no changes to object were detected was received, even though a change had been made. (Bug #50894)

  • In the EER Diagram view, changing the page orientation to landscape using File, Page Setup caused multiple problems in MySQL Workbench. The Navigator orientation did not change, the diagram did not print at the correct size, and MySQL Workbench eventually crashed. (Bug #50861)

  • When the SQL Editor was launched, MySQL Workbench became overloaded, due to a large number of tables (10,000+) in the schema. MySQL Workbench now includes two new options in the Workbench Preferences dialog: Disable Live Schema Overview and Show Schema Names Only in Catalog List. This enables the application to be configured to handle schemata with large numbers of tables. (Bug #50701)

  • The Relationship and Layer editors did not close if the object they were editing was deleted. MySQL Workbench now supports auto-closing of all open editors, should the object being edited be deleted. (Bug #50681)

  • If a PDF is generated of the EER Diagram and the resulting PDF file is viewed in Acrobat Reader, MySQL Workbench crashed if an attempt was made to reprint the diagram (overwriting the file that was currently opened in Acrobat Reader). (Bug #50408)

  • In the User Defined Types dialog (launched using the main menu item Model, User Defined Types), selection of the UNSIGNED or ZEROFILL check boxes was not reflected in SQL code generated by the Forward Engineer SQL Script wizard. (Bug #50323)

  • If some changes were made in the Table Editor, and the editor was still in edit mode, the active changes in the Table Editor were not saved when the model was saved. (Bug #50006)

  • Using the Compare and Report Differences in Catalogs wizard caused MySQL Workbench to crash. (Bug #49561)

  • Find was always enabled, even in contexts where it had no useful functionality. (Bug #49293)

  • MySQL Workbench permitted setting the auto-increment check box for multiple columns in the Table Editor. (Bug #49278)

  • In the Select Changes to Apply page of the Synchronize Model with Database wizard, if a schema was selected and then any of the Update Model, Ignore, or Update Source buttons was clicked, this change was not applied to child objects of the schema. (Bug #45454)