MySQL Workbench Release Notes

7.26 Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.24 (2010-06-21)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes applied since the release of MySQL Workbench 5.2.23.

Functionality Added or Changed

  • A Kill Query button has been added to the Connections tab of the Administrator. (Bug #54409)

Bugs Fixed

  • In the Configuration tab of the Administrator, this error resulted when changes were applied:

    Could not Save Configuration File
    There was an error saving the configurationfile: exec_cmd() takes at least 3 arguments (2

    This happened while connecting to a FreeBSD 7.1 server over an SSH connection. (Bug #54647)

  • In the SQL Editor, entering a space into the SQL Query tab, selecting an external tab (such as the Overview tab or Output tab), and then selecting File, Close Tab caused MySQL Workbench to crash.

    Further, the Add Table dialog had numerous issues, including inability to select PK and other check boxes, failure to validate input, inability to apply changes, and deletion of user data in certain cases. (Bug #54124)

  • The Connections tab in the Administrator did not feature automatic refresh. This had to be manually triggered using the Refresh button. Further, the Kill Connection button was sometimes incorrectly disabled. (Bug #53703)

  • If a foreign key relationship was created, and its modelOnly property set, the relationship was correctly excluded when the model was synchronized with a live database. However, the DDL code for the foreign key indexes was still generated in the synchronization script. (Bug #53420)

  • Synchronizing a model with a live database generated ALTER statements, even when there appeared to be no difference between the database and the model. (Bug #50938)

  • In the SQL Editor, there was a space between the Execute and Stop toolbar buttons. Hovering the mouse cursor over this space resulted in the tooltip Explain selected SQL being displayed, which appeared to indicate a missing icon. (Bug #49316)