MySQL Workbench Release Notes

4.4 Changes in MySQL Workbench 6.2.2 (2014-09-05, Release Candidate)

Functionality Added or Changed

  • The following SSL related changes were introduced:

    • The Use SSL option for SSL connection options was changed to a dropdown, where you can select one of: No, If Available, or Required.

    • If Required is selected, the connection will fail if a SSL connection cannot be enabled.

    • New MySQL connections default to If available.

    • The Test Connection button now shows whether SSL was enabled when the connection was opened.

    • The Session Information panel in the SQL Editor sidebar shows is SSL is enabled, and also the Cipher in use.

    (Bug #18547269)

  • Indentation is now respected in the SQL and code editors, when before the current indention level would be forgotten. New lines now start at the previous indention level. (Bug #17354356, Bug #14666286, Bug #70138, Bug #66941)

  • The tab key now inserts a tab character into the query editor, when before it inserted three spaces. (Bug #14499535, Bug #66382)

Bugs Fixed

  • On OS X, the SQL auto-completion feature did not function for table or field names. (Bug #19563290, Bug #73805)

  • Refreshing the query results grid after an external source modified a table would sometimes fail to yield the expected results, such as showing a bogus row containing NULL values. (Bug #19527620, Bug #73762)

  • Executing Execute (All or selection) to Text on queries that SELECT from empty tables failed and generate an error similar to "Error during "Execute Query Into Text Output" error calling Python module function SQLIDEUtils.executeQueryAsText". (Bug #19490650, Bug #72611)

  • Selecting a color from color picker on a table would generate an invalid color value. (Bug #19487822, Bug #73682)

  • On Windows, the catalog treeview now has tooltips to show object names of any length. On Linux, this information is available from a new column. (Bug #19487798, Bug #73681)

  • The Commit results edits and Discard results Edits options would sometimes be hidden from view. (Bug #19484760, Bug #71539)

  • The document tab controls now block mouse movements when the button is down, as to prevent accidental window dragging. (Bug #19484086, Bug #72256)

  • If a transaction was already open with auto-commit disabled, there was a dialog that prompted to commit the open transaction before applying the changes. That dialog was simplified to only offer Apply and Cancel options. This dialog still has no effect on the transaction for applying the result set itself.

    Also, the result set changes will no longer be committed if a transaction was already open when Apply is clicked. With auto-commit enabled, the old behavior of applying the change inside a new transaction is maintained. (Bug #19482785, Bug #73076)

  • The SQL beautification feature would change "NOW()" to "NOW ()" (note the inserted space), which created an SQL syntax error. (Bug #19477485, Bug #73661)

  • The server management functionality would sometimes fail with connections using SSH tunneling. (Bug #19447288, Bug #73580)

  • Clicking the spatial view in the results tab could cause a crash. (Bug #19429414, Bug #19574103, Bug #73824)

  • With the presence of char(0) (0x00) in data fields, exporting result sets to CSV would sometimes generate corrupt data. (Bug #19412388, Bug #73524)

  • Several typos were fixed in the GUI descriptions, such as "Program Fiels" to "Program Files". (Bug #19397736, Bug #73510)

  • When there were multiple result sets, then only one was shown in the output pane when using "Vertical Output" output type. (Bug #19344302, Bug #73452)

  • The Queries per Second metric was renamed to Selects per Second, to avoid confusion. (Bug #19314885, Bug #70132)

  • On OS X, changing database settings would cause a crash. (Bug #19313190, Bug #73416)

  • On Linux, clicking the "Zoom out the diagram" icon in the Visual Explain interface would cause a crash. (Bug #19279674)

  • Quickly clicking Apply twice after editing a result set entry would cause a crash. (Bug #19264864, Bug #73348)

  • The --script parameter, which is meant to load an SQL script into a query editor, will now explicitly emit a warning when it is mistakenly used with a Python script. (Bug #19255337, Bug #73334)

  • The CHAR() data type was added to the SQL and Model editors. (Bug #19206172, Bug #73282)

  • After adding enough SQL statements in the SQL editor to require scrolling, and scrolling to the bottom statement and executing it, the SQL window would automatically scroll to the top statement. Now, the cursor position is preserved. (Bug #19194043, Bug #73262)

  • The three columns widths under Status and system variables can now be resized. (Bug #19186598, Bug #73245)

  • Under certain conditions, Visual Explain would only display the raw explain data. (Bug #19186177, Bug #73256)

  • The form editor would only display up to 250 characters. (Bug #19176830, Bug #73234)

  • The "column privileges" section in the Table Inspector contained an extra third column. (Bug #19166119, Bug #73221)

  • Saving a query in the SQL editor would clear the undo history. (Bug #19153350, Bug #73188)

  • When exporting a database, MySQL Workbench now checks and notifies the user when the bundled or configured mysqldump is older than the target MySQL version, and prompts the user to set Path to mysqldump Tool in MySQL Workbench to the appropriate version. (Bug #19127351, Bug #72312)

  • Clicking Help, Report a Bug did not function. (Bug #19063645, Bug #73104)

  • Clicking Import or Export from a Model's table properties Inserts tab did not function. (Bug #18974785, Bug #72733)

  • The results grid columns only showed a small number of characters. (Bug #18966800, Bug #72967)

  • The generated code from an EER diagram would sometimes add the Primary Key in the wrong order. (Bug #18945899, Bug #72920)

  • On Linux, assigning a referenced foreign key could cause a crash. (Bug #18936194, Bug #72916)

  • MySQL Workbench incorrectly reported that the current user did not have permission to execute a SELECT query that requested values from columns that the user was explicitly granted SELECT permission. (Bug #18932984, Bug #72905)

  • New lines inside an SQL statement comment would truncate the comment at the new line. (Bug #18925569, Bug #72904)

  • On OS X, executing a query would sometimes hide the results grid. (Bug #18922858, Bug #72897)

  • Expanding the schema list in the object browser could take a long time to execute, depending on the number of procedures present. Now, mysql.proc is used to get procedure and function information, with the previously used (and less efficient) SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS as a fallback option. (Bug #18906030)

  • On Linux, the BLOB columns were not viewable in the query results editor. (Bug #18788268, Bug #72676)

  • Migrating SQL Server 2005 tables with timestamps would not import the timestamp column data. (Bug #18764121, Bug #72650)

  • Importing or exporting data records to/from a table to/from an external file would cause a crash. (Bug #18762702, Bug #72648)

  • The bundled MySQL Workbench documentation was removed, and it was replaced with a link to the official online manual. (Bug #18734566)

  • While executing the Forward Engineering wizard after renaming a schema, the routines and views were not exported when the Omit Schema Qualifier option was selected. (Bug #18719282)

  • The object dialog tooltip remained viewable when an object was dragged. (Bug #18718988, Bug #72549)

  • Corrupted tables were listed under the Views tab, instead of being listed under the Tables tab. (Bug #18621591, Bug #72380)

  • The Notifications tab in the Scripting Shell was missing its panel title. (Bug #18548008, Bug #72299)

  • The MySQL 5.7+ implementation of the server-side statement timeout syntax is now supported in the syntax checker, configuration editor, and error handler. Example syntax includes "SELECT MAX_STATEMENT_TIME = 1 * FROM". (Bug #18545802)

  • In the schema inspector, the Copy to Clipboard and Send to SQL Editor context menu options did not function. (Bug #18540059, Bug #72282)

  • Executing a model to database synchronization immediately after the model was forward engineered would show too many differences. (Bug #18492219)

  • Migrating from Sybase ASE could generate an incorrect connection string. (Bug #18490804)

  • Connections using SSH tunneling would sometimes die after a short idle period. (Bug #18454694, Bug #72105)

  • The comment input box for a model view was too short. (Bug #18454388)

  • The Export Recordset dialog was too wide. (Bug #18454356)

  • The DBdoc Model reporting feature did not function. (Bug #18453959)

  • On Linux, the left and right arrow keys now expand and collapse nodes in the schema (object) navigator tab. (Bug #18451434, Bug #72103)

  • The performance dashboard tooltips would remain open and cover other GUI elements. (Bug #18445789)

  • The Previous and Next buttons did not function after loading a large audit file in the Audit Inspector. (Bug #18427194)

  • In the table inspector, the Drop Index button would be pushed off the screen (hidden) when the index name was too long. (Bug #18426804)

  • When migrating from Microsoft SQL Server 2008 to MySQL 5.6+, copying a table with the column type DATETIME using milliseconds precision would only fill the target entry milliseconds as .000. (Bug #18412667, Bug #72060)

  • Some options were listed twice in the Relay Log box in the Replication tab of the Options File window, options such as relay-log-index, relay-log-recovery, and relay-log-info-file. (Bug #18373619, Bug #71976)

  • SSH authentication would sometimes fail when the password was not saved to the vault. (Bug #18149737, Bug #71504)

  • The query tab names would be forgotten after closing MySQL Workbench, and these tab names are now preserved across sessions. (Bug #18131999, Bug #19492952, Bug #69234, Bug #71471)

  • Workbench did not recognize ALTER ONLINE|OFFLINE TABLE syntax, a syntax removed in MySQL server 5.6. (Bug #18067770)

  • On 64-bit operating systems, MySQL Workbench would display the incorrect default value for the "thread_stack" system variable. (Bug #17879238, Bug #71045)

  • The "expanded" property in the Property Editor was ignored when opening an EER Diagram. All routine groups were expanded, regardless of the "expanded" setting. Expanded, manual sizing, and any other properties are now persistent. (Bug #17554059, Bug #70506)

  • The innodb_buffer_pool_size option was listed twice under option file management. (Bug #17339642, Bug #70003)

  • On Windows, the Schema transfer wizard background image was cropped. This background image was removed. (Bug #17300415)

  • During a partial backup operation, under certain circumstances the desired schema would not be visible in the UI. (Bug #17300033)

  • The migration wizard would not migrate PostgreSQL to MySQL server 5.7. (Bug #17075011)

  • The "word wrap" state is now preserved across SQL tabs and MySQL Workbench sessions. (Bug #16505796, Bug #68693)

  • Empty user names are no longer allowed. (Bug #16298174, Bug #68305)

  • Closing an ERR Model would not release an appropriate amount of RAM. (Bug #14768662, Bug #67264)

  • When the ALTER Table editor had changes committed and an error occurred, it would attempt to re-create the original object. However, that was not functioning correctly most of the time, so this feature was completely removed to avoid confusing error messages. (Bug #13640795)

  • The syntax checker and parser now handles SQL_NO_CACHE and SQL_CACHE in subqueries. This is accepted as valid syntax for MySQL server versions less than or equal to 5.1. For higher versions, a syntax error is generated. (Bug #12711154, Bug #61668)

  • On Windows, the dialog windows would appear under the Windows task bar. (Bug #12622572, Bug #61125)

  • Draggable boxes were difficult to locate when the model view zoom was lowered. (Bug #11749682, Bug #39608)

  • The migration wizard now sets "SQL_MODE=NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO" before copying data, which causes auto_increment field values of 0 to be copied as 0. (Bug #11747050, Bug #30486)