MySQL Workbench Release Notes

3.11 Changes in MySQL Workbench 6.3.0 (Not released, Internal)

Functionality Added or Changed

  • Platforms support changes: Fedora 21 and Ubuntu 14.10 support was added, while Ubuntu 12.10 support was dropped.

  • 64-bit architecture support:

    For OS X, the build architecture changed from 32-bit to 64-bit, meaning 32-bit binaries are no longer built.

    For Windows, both 32-bit and 64-bit binaries are built, but users are encouraged to use the 64-bit builds. 32-bit support is deprecated.

  • Fabric 1.5 is now supported. Older versions of Fabric are no longer supported due to incompatible protocol changes.

  • A new "fast migration" option was added to the migration wizard. This is another way to transfer data from one MySQL server to another while performing a migration, and it complements the existing solutions. The premise is to use a generated script on the source server to create a dump that you move to the target machine to perform the import there. This avoids the need to traffic all data through MySQL Workbench, or to have a permanent network connection between the servers. Instead, the dump and restore is performed at maximum speed by using the LOAD DATA call for the MySQL import. The migration wizard automatically creates all necessary scripts for all supported platforms and servers. It creates a self-contained Zip file that must be copied to the target server. You unzip it and execute the provided script to perform the data import.

  • A new SSL certificate generation wizard was added. This new wizard helps create proper SSL certificates for both MySQL clients and MySQL servers. Connections in MySQL Workbench are updated with the certificates by the wizard. This wizard requires OpenSSL to create the certificates.

  • A new table data import/export wizard was added. This feature enhances the current CSV import and export feature found in the SQL editor's result set viewer. It supports import and export of CSV and JSON files, and allows a more flexible configuration (separators, column selection, encoding selection, and more). This new wizard does not require an executed statement on a table for a result set to be operated on, as it can now work directly on tables.

  • Code completion support was improved. Code suggestions are more precise and work with additional statement types, when before only SELECT statements were fully supported. Additional database features are also supported including table engines, log file groups, table spaces, character sets, and more.

  • The Test Connection panel was restructured. The Host, Port, User, and SSL entries are now listed separately on their own lines. Before, the text "SSL not enabled" confused some users as being a possible error.

Bugs Fixed

  • On Linux, the Saved password in keychain functionality for a MySQL connection would not always save correctly. A possible workaround was to execute "export GNOME_KEYRING_CONTROL=1" before starting MySQL Workbench. (Bug #20074563, Bug #74771)

  • When clicking the Replace and Find button in the SQL editor without selected text, a replace-string was inserted at the current cursor position before the editor highlighted the next match. If instead text was selected, the selected text was also replaced with the replace-string even if it did not match the found-string.

    Now, selected text does not affect the "Replace and Find" functionality. (Bug #19957424, Bug #76499)

  • On Linux, the query result view did not populate with libglib version 2.42 and above. This affected Linux distributions that recently upgraded libglib, such as Ubuntu 14.10 and OpenSUSE 13.2.

    To solve this, additional builds were added. For example, Ubuntu 14.10 builds are now available as Ubuntu 14.04 builds fail on Ubuntu 14.10. (Bug #19831054, Bug #74147)