MySQL Workbench Release Notes

3.3 Changes in MySQL Workbench 6.3.8 (2016-10-21, General Availability)

Bugs Fixed

  • Important Note: During normal operations, MySQL Workbench frequently and unexpectedly closed or became unresponsive. (Bug #24571739, Bug #82778)

  • Compiler errors were resolved with GCC 6.2.1. Thanks to Christian Hesse for the patch. (Bug #24842267, Bug #83372)

  • Using the ->> operator in a valid SQL statement within a stored procedure returned the following error: The object's DDL statement contains syntax errors. (Bug #24693021, Bug #83043)

  • The Columns tab of the table editor displayed an incorrect tooltip description for the G flag. (Bug #24558804, Bug #82790)

  • For macOS, the table-partition model transposed column values leading to an incorrect CREATE TABLE statement. Thanks to Kit Yam Tse for the patch. (Bug #24517322, Bug #82716)

  • The migration script could not successfully convert UCS-2 strings to UTF-8 in a table when migrating the table from Microsoft SQL Server to MySQL Workbench. (Bug #23751080, Bug #82134)

  • Database migration from Microsoft SQL Server 2000 emitted errors and stopped when the operation failed to locate the required schema list associated with the database version. (Bug #23747299, Bug #82069)

  • A CASE statement with WHEN clauses in a stored procedure emitted syntax errors. (Bug #23746795, Bug #82114)

  • Selecting TCP/IP over SSH for existing or new connections caused MySQL Workbench to fail and exit. (Bug #23743373, Bug #82113)

  • On Windows, migrating a table with an empty string in a column of type ntext failed and displayed the “Could not successfully convert UCS-2 string to UTF-8 ...” error message. (Bug #23630604, Bug #81967)

  • When migrating a table with a column of type nvarchar(max) from Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL Workbench found the record to be bigger than the server max_allowed_packet value and failed to copy the record to the server. (Bug #23623191, Bug #81944)

  • The usage graph under InnoDB Status in the Performance Dashboard consistently underreported the actual usage of the InnoDB buffer pool as reported on the server. This fix implements a new formula to represent the InnoDB buffer pool. (Bug #23584042, Bug #81837)

  • The Migration Wizard successfully migrated the schema, but failed to migrate the data, when the data source was SQL Anywhere 16 using ODBC. (Bug #22987681, Bug #79140)

  • Selecting too many tables when attempting to reverse engineer an EER diagram caused MySQL Workbench to fail and exit. This fix sets the permitted threshold to 1000 objects and displays a warning message when the number of objects exceeds the threshold. (Bug #22828056, Bug #80516)

  • Check for Updates from the Help menu failed to detect new releases. (Bug #22578656, Bug #80074)

  • The Export Data operation emitted an unhandled exception when the user connecting to the server lacked privileges on the mysql schema, but had full privileges on the database identified by the operation. (Bug #22478388, Bug #79807)

  • Adding or editing fields in the Table Templates window for a user-defined template caused MySQL Workbench to fail and exit. (Bug #22449752, Bug #79721)

  • Data exported from the Inserts tab of a table in an EER diagram generated invalid JSON syntax. (Bug #22381735, Bug #79673)

  • The autocomplete feature did not offer suggestions as expected. The CTRL+SPACEBAR keyboard shortcut can be used to activate this feature. (Bug #21685267, Bug #78185)

  • When closing a tab in the SQL Editor, the focus always returned to the first tab regardless of the number of tabs open. This fix returns focus to the preceding tab (to the left) of the closed tab. (Bug #20351753, Bug #75490)

  • Index comments were improperly generated within the index section of an SQL script when using the Forward Engineer SQL Script wizard to create and export the script. (Bug #19896276, Bug #74530)