10 Working with Object Configuration Manager

This chapter contains the following topics:

Understanding Object Configuration Manager

The Object Configuration Manager (OCM) program (P986110) has the ability to distribute logic and data provides for flexibility in determining your own partitioning schemes. It also provides independence in using only the data and logic objects that you need and allows for growth within your enterprise systems. You can later add more databases to store data or machines to process logic. You would need to define the data sources for each and create appropriate OCM mappings.

The OCM stores information in tables that tell the software where data resides and where processing occurs. At runtime, the software looks to the OCM to determine these data and processing locations.

OCM configures distributed processing and data dynamically without any programming. Depending on the environment and the user, the OCM points to the correct location for:

  • Data

  • Batch processes

  • Business functions

  • Events

In Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, business data objects (tables) map to database data sources. Batch processes and business functions map to machine data sources. Events map to datasources.

You always need at least two OCM tables:

One table for all workstations.

Store this table in a centralized system data source. Normally, a central data server stores the system data source. If the central server is unavailable, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne looks to the workstation's jde.ini file for a secondary location.

One table for each logic server.

Servers process differently than workstations; for example, the server map data source for each logic server stores separate OCM tables for server processing.

Example: Application Request for Logic

This is an example of how the OCM works with a general logic request.

Step 1:

The request process for application logic is similar to data requests. The OCM controls where all business functions and batch processes are processed.

For example, when you add a purchase order, any event that calls a business function looks to the OCM to determine where to process that business function. After you click OK to complete a purchase order, the software calls a master business function to validate all information and record the transaction. The software can process these business functions locally or on the server.

The primary, unique index to the OCM includes:

  • Environment, such as PD900 or DV900.

  • User, which is either a specific User ID / Role or *PUBLIC.

  • Object name, such as F0101, B401002, or R09801.

  • Database path

For this example:

  • The environment is PD900 (production)

  • The status is AV (active)

  • The object type can be either a batch process (UBE) or business function (BSFN)

This table describes the search hierarchy that the OCM uses to locate the correct data source for a logic request:

Search Sequence Object Name User or Role Search Criteria
1 B0900049 SI5745669 (user ID) Is there a record for the named environment, status active, type (UBE or BSFN) for the named object, and the specific user?
2 B0900049 OWTOOL (role) Is there a record for the named environment, status active, type (UBE or BSFN) for the named object, and the specific role?
3 B0900049 *PUBLIC Is there a record for the named environment, status active, type (UBE or BSFN) for the named object, and *PUBLIC?
4 DEFAULT SI5745669 (user ID) Is there a record for the named environment, status active, type (UBE or BSFN) with no named object (default), and the specific user?
5 DEFAULT OWTOOL (role) Is there a record for the named environment, status active, type (UBE or BSFN) with no named object (default), and the specific role?
6 DEFAULT *PUBLIC Is there a record for the named environment, status active, type (UBE or BSFN) with no named object (default), and *PUBLIC?
7 NA NA If there is no record for this object type, then the software processes the process on the workstation.

Step 2:

After the data source is determined, the software passes the definition of that data source to JDENet.

Step 3:

JDENet sends a message to the server to begin processing logic. When JDENet on the server receives the message, a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne process on the server responds to the message by processing the requested logic object.

Setting Up Object Configuration Manager

This section discusses how to set up processing option for Object Configuration Manager

Form Used to Map Objects

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Object Configuration Manager W986110D In the Microsoft Windows client, in Solution Explorer, navigate to System Administration Tools, Object Configuration Manager (P986110).

In the web client enter P986110 in the Fast Path.

Determine the location where data is located and logic is run.

Setting Processing Options for Object Configuration Manager

The Object Configuration Manager program (P986110) has one processing option that controls error handling.


Although processing options are set up during JD Edwards EnterpriseOne implementation, you can change processing options each time you run a program.

1. Non-existent table error

Specify whether an error or a warning should be issued when a table does not exist in the data source to which it is mapped. Values are:

1 Issue an error

Blank: Issue a warning

Setting Up Object Mappings for the Object Librarian Table

This section discusses how to set up object mappings for an Object Librarian table.

Forms Used to Set Up Object Mappings for the Object Librarian Table

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Machine Search & Select W986110D In Solution Explorer, navigate to System Administration Tools, System Installation Tools, Advanced Operations, Object Configuration Manager (P986110).

In the web client enter P986110 in the Fast Path.

Used to display the data source that stores the Object Configuration Manager table.
Work With Object Mappings W986110B In the Machine Search & Select form, select the data source you want and click Select. Used to display data sources that have the OCM Data Source field checked on the Data Source Revisions form.
Object Mapping Revisions W986110C In the Work With Object Mappings form, click Add. Used to add new object mappings for data sources.

Setting Up Object Mappings for the Object Librarian Table

Batch applications and business functions automatically run locally if there is no default map for that object type.

Machine Search & Select

The Machine Search & Select form displays data sources that have the OCM Data Source field checked on the Data Source Revisions form. Workstation use the system data source for their mappings. Each enterprise server has its own server map data source.

Access the Machine Search & Select form.

Figure 10-1 Machine Search & Select form

Description of Figure 10-1 follows
Description of "Figure 10-1 Machine Search & Select form"

Machine Name

A value that defines the logic host to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.

Data Source

The name that identifies the data source.

Object Mapping Revisions

Object Mapping Revisions is used to add new object mappings for data sources.

Access the Object Mappings Revisions form.

Figure 10-2 Object Mapping Revisions form

Description of Figure 10-2 follows
Description of "Figure 10-2 Object Mapping Revisions form"


Specify the environment name is also called the Plan Name and is used to uniquely identify an upgrade environment for Install/Reinstall.

For JD Edwards EnterpriseOne (Environment or Version Applications) this is the path code that identifies the location of the application or version specification data.

Object Name

Specify the name that identifies a system object. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne ERP architecture is object-based. Discrete software objects are the building blocks for all applications. The Object Librarian tracks each object. Examples of system objects include:

  • Batch Applications

  • Interactive Applications

  • Business Functions

  • Business Functions Data Structures

  • Event Rules

  • Media Object Data Structures

Object Type

Specify the type of object with which you are working. For example, if you are working with tables the object type is TBLE, or business functions is BSFN.

BSFN Business Function Modules

GT Generic Text / Media Objects

RTE Real Time Event

TBLE Table Definition

UBE Batch Applications

XAPI Extended Third-Party API Call

Primary Data Source

Specify the name that identifies the data source.

System Role

Specify a profile that you use to classify user into groups for system purposes. You use group profiles to give the members of a group access to specific programs.

Some rules for creating a profile for a user class or group are as follows:

  • The name of the user class or group must begin with and Asterisk (*) so that it does not conflict with any system profiles.

  • The User Class/Group field must be blank when you enter a new group profile.

Object Status

Indicate the data source called by the specifies object.

Secondary Data Source

Use this data source if the primary data source or the data item in the primary data source cannot be located.

Allow OBE

Use this flag to turn On or OFF row-level record locking for the data source.

You should have this flag turned ON to help prevent database integrity issues.

JDEBASE middleware uses this flag to determine whether or not to use row-level record locking.

Changing Mappings for an Object Librarian Table

This section discusses how to change object mappings for an Object Librarian table.

Forms Used to Change Object Mappings

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Machine Search & Select W986115E In Solution Explorer, navigate to System Administration Tools, System Installation Tools, Advanced Operations, Object Configuration Manager (P986110). Used to display the data source that stores the Object Configuration Manager table.
Work With Object Mappings W986110B In Machine Search & Select form, select the data source and click Select. Used to display data sources that have the OCM Data Source field checked on the Data Source Revisions form.
Revise OL Data Source W986110G In the Work With Object Mappings form, click Revise OL DS from the Form menu. Used to map Object Librarian tables to a data source.

Changing Mappings for an Object Librarian Table

When you map any of the Object Librarian tables, the software validates your entries to ensure that all environments based on the same path code have their Object Librarian tables mapped to the same data source. The software alerts you with an error message if you map your Object Librarian tables to different data sources.

Work With Object Mappings

The Work With Object Mappings form is used to display data sources that have the OCM Data Source field checked on the Data Source Revisions form.

Access the Work With Object Mappings form.

Machine Search & Select

The Machine Search & Select form displays data sources that have the OCM Data Source field checked on the Data Source Revisions form. Workstation use the system data source for their mappings. Each enterprise server has its own server map data source.

Access the Machine Search & Select form.

Figure 10-3 Machine Search & Select form

Description of Figure 10-3 follows
Description of "Figure 10-3 Machine Search & Select form"

Machine Name

A value that defines the logic host to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.

Data Source

The name that identifies the data source.

Revise OL Data Source

Access the Revise OL Data Source form.

Figure 10-4 Revise OL Data Source form

Description of Figure 10-4 follows
Description of "Figure 10-4 Revise OL Data Source form"

Path Code

Specify the path code to a set of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne objects that will be used to keep track of sets of objects and their locations within JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.

OL Data Source

Specify the name that identifies the data source.

Updating the Object Configuration System Table

This section discusses how to update the object configuration system table.

Forms Used to Run the Object Configuration System Table Update

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Work With Batch Versions - Available Versions W98305A In Solution Explorer, navigate to System Administration Tools, System Administration Tools, Data Source Management, Data Source Management Advance and Technical Operations, Object Configuration System Table Update (P98305). Used to add OCM records to the system table.
Versions Prompting W98305D In the Work With Batch Versions-Available Versions form, focus on a versionand select it. Used to change data selection or data sequencing before submitting a report.

Running the Object Configuration System Table Update

This program adds active Object Configuration Manager (OCM) records for a specified table, user ID, and data source for all environments listed in the Environment Detail table (F00941). You can use data selection to filter the environments to which this process adds OCM records.

Access the Work With Batch Versions - Available Versions form.

Figure 10-5 Work With Batch Versions - Available Versions form

Description of Figure 10-5 follows
Description of "Figure 10-5 Work With Batch Versions - Available Versions form"


A user defined set of specifications that control how applications and reports run. You use versions to group and save a set of user-defined processing option values, data selection and sequencing options. Interactive versions are associated with applications (usually as a menu selection). Batch versions are associated with batch jobs or reports. To run a batch process, you must choose a version.

Version Title

A description of the version that appears next to the version number. The version title is different from the report title.

This field should describe the use of a version. For example, an application for generating pick slips might have a version called Pick Slips - Accounting and another version called Pick Slips - Inventory Management.


Identifies the user ID of the user that last modified the application or version.

Last Modified

Indicates the last time the application or version was modified by the specified user.


This field allows you to restrict user access for a report version.

Values are:

0 - No security - Anyone can design, change processing option values, change detail values, check in, check out, install, copy, transfer, delete, or run the version. This is the default when adding a new version.

1 - Medium Security Only the "Last Modified By" user can design, change processing option values, change detail values, check in, check out, or delete the version. Anyone call install, copy, transfer, or run the version. This is how JDE Demo versions are delivered.

2 - Medium to Full Security Only the "Last Modified By" user can design, change processing option values, change detail values, check in, check out, transfer, delete or run the version. Anyone call install or copy the version.

3 - Full Security Only the "Last Modified By" user can design, change processing option values, change detail values, check in, check out, install, copy, transfer, delete, or run the version. This is the default when adding a new version.


A user defined name or remark

Client Platform

A category code associated with the Versions List table for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne (F983051).

Figure 10-6 Version Prompting form

Description of Figure 10-6 follows
Description of "Figure 10-6 Version Prompting form"

Data Selection

Turn this option on to change data selection before submitting the report.

Data Sequencing

Turn this option on to change data sequencing before submitting the report.

Setting Processing Options for Object Configuration System Table Update

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


These processing options enable you to specify the table name, data source, and user ID to use in creating an OCM mapping. You can also specify whether to run the report in proof or final mode.

1. Enter a specific Table Name

Define which mailbox a message is sent to. Values are:

Blank: The field will be not visible when creating a new message

1 The field will be visible when creating a new message

2. Enter a specific Data Source

Specify the data source you want to map to each environment. The data source, along with the values you specify for the Table Name and User ID processing options, is used to create a whole OCM Mapping.

3. Enter a specific User ID

Identify the user ID that is mapped to each environment. The user ID, along with the values you specify for the Table Name and Data Source processing options, is used to create an OCM mapping.

4. Proof / Final Mode

Indicate whether records are changed or not changed when the batch application is run. Values are:

Blank: Proof mode

1 Final mode

Creating OCM Records for Business Functions

This section provides and overview of OCM Business Functions and discusses how to run the Create Server Business Function OCM Records Report.

Understanding Create OCM Records for Business Functions

This batch process (R986140) reads the Object Librarian tables for server business functions, and then creates Object Configuration Manager records for those business functions in the target data source that you specify in processing options. Processing options also enable you to specify the source data source and environment to use when creating these Object Configuration Manager records.

Forms Used to Create OCM Records for Business Functions

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Work With Batch Versions - Available Versions W98305A In Solution Explorer, navigate to System Administration Tools, System Administration Tools, Data Source Management, Data Source Management Advance and Technical Operations, Create OCM Records for Business Functions(P98305). Used to create OCM records for business functions.

Creating OCM Records for Business Functions

Access Work With Batch Versions-Available Versions form.


A user defined set of specifications that control how applications and reports run. You use versions to group and save a set of user-defined processing option values, data selection and sequencing options. Interactive versions are associated with applications (usually as a menu selection). Batch versions are associated with batch jobs or reports. To run a batch process, you must choose a version.

Version Title

A description of the version that appears next to the version number. The version title is different from the report title.

This field should describe the use of a version. For example, an application for generating pick slips might have a version called Pick Slips - Accounting and another version called Pick Slips - Inventory Management.


Identifies the user ID of the user that last modified the application or version.

Last Modified

Indicates the last time the application or version was modified by the specified user.


This field allows you to restrict user access for a report version.

Values are:

0 - No security - Anyone can design, change processing option values, change detail values, check in, check out, install, copy, transfer, delete, or run the version. This is the default when adding a new version.

1 - Medium Security Only the "Last Modified By" user can design, change processing option values, change detail values, check in, check out, or delete the version. Anyone call install, copy, transfer, or run the version. This is how JDE Demo versions are delivered.

2 - Medium to Full Security Only the "Last Modified By" user can design, change processing option values, change detail values, check in, check out, transfer, delete or run the version. Anyone call install or copy the version.

3 - Full Security Only the "Last Modified By" user can design, change processing option values, change detail values, check in, check out, install, copy, transfer, delete, or run the version. This is the default when adding a new version.


A user defined name or remark

Client Platform

A category code associated with the Versions List table for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne (F983051).

Figure 10-7 Version Prompting form

Description of Figure 10-7 follows
Description of "Figure 10-7 Version Prompting form"

Data Selection

Turn this option on to change data selection before submitting the report.

Data Sequencing

Turn this option on to change data sequencing before submitting the report.

Setting Processing Options for Create OCM Records for Business Functions

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


These processing options enable you to specify the run mode, data source, environment and target data source to use in creating OCM records for business functions.

1. Specify proof or final mode.

When you enter 1, the report runs in Final mode, which means that the report will be printed and reports will be updated. When you enter 0 or leave this field blank, the report runs in Proof mode, which means that the report will be printed but not updated.

2. Enter the Data Source Name.

Specify the machine data source that corresponds to the server you wish to run the business function on.

3. Enter the Environment Name.

Specify the environment you wish to use realtime events on.

4. Enter the name of the Target Data Source where the OCM records are to be placed.

Specify the system data source that the client-to-server machines use.

Updating the Oracle Parameters Table

This section discusses how to update the Oracle parameters table.

Forms Used to Update the Oracle Parameters Table

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Work With Oracle Database Object Sizing W9861151A In Solution Explorer, navigate to System Administration Tools, System Administration Tools, Data Source Management, Object Configuration Manager (P986110).

In the Machine Search & Select form, highlight the row you want and click Select.

In the Work With Object Mappings form, highlight the row you want and then select Oracle Parmsfrom the Row menu.

Used to modify the Oracle database object table fields.
Oracle Database Object Sizing W9861151B In the Work With Oracle Database Object Sizing form, click Add. Used to revise and add table and index information for a data source or table.
Revise Database and Data Source Overrides W9861151C In the Work With Oracle Database Object Sizing form, select Overrides from the Formmenu. Used to select override information for an Oracle table.

Updating the Oracle Parameters Table

You must update the Oracle parameters table if you use Oracle and do not follow the recommended naming conventions or if you add new Oracle data sources.

Machine Search & Select

Machine Search & Select is used to display the data source that stores the Object Configuration Manager table. The data source resides on a machine. Workstations use the system data source for their mappings. Each enterprise server has its own server map data source.

Access the Machine Search & Select form.

Machine Name

A value that defines the logic host to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.

Data Source

The name that identifies the data source.

Work With Oracle Database Object Sizing

Access the Work With Oracle Database Object Sizing form.

Figure 10-8 Work With Oracle Database Object Sizing form

Description of Figure 10-8 follows
Description of "Figure 10-8 Work With Oracle Database Object Sizing form"

Release Number

Specify the release number as defined in the Release Master.

Depending on whether you select a data source for the DEFAULT map or for a specific object, different fields appear on the Oracle Database Object Sizing form.

For the DEFAULT map, you can define only the name of the Oracle space where tables or indexes reside. However, for a specific object you can define parameters such as the amount of space to use for an Oracle table.

Data Source

Specify the name that identifies the data source.

Object Name

Define parameters for all objects in a data source, type DEFAULT in this field.

Enter the name that identifies a system object. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne architecture is object-based. Discrete software objects are the building blocks for all applications, and developers can reuse the objects in multiple applications. The Object Librarian tracks each object. Examples of system objects include:

  • Batch Applications (such as reports)

  • Interactive Applications

  • Business Views

  • Business Functions

  • Business Functions Data Structures

  • Event Rules

  • Media Object Data Structures

Object Description

Specify a user defined name or remark.

Oracle Database Object Sizing

Oracle Database Object Sizing is used to revise and add table and index information for a data source or table.

Access the Oracle Database Sizing form.

Figure 10-9 Oracle Database Object Sizing form

Description of Figure 10-9 follows
Description of "Figure 10-9 Oracle Database Object Sizing form"

Data Source

Specify the name that identifies data source.

Object Name

Specify the name that identifies a system object. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne architecture is object-based. Discrete software objects are the building blocks for all applications, and developers can reuse the objects in multiple applications. The Object Librarian tracks each object. Examples of system objects include:

  • Batch Applications (such as reports)

  • Interactive Applications

  • Business Views

  • Business Functions

  • Business Functions Data Structures

  • Event Rules

  • Media Object Data Structures


Specify the release number as defined in the Release Master.

Depending on whether you select a data source for the DEFAULT map or for a specific object, different fields appear on the Oracle Database Object Sizing form.

For the DEFAULT map, you can define only the name of the Oracle space where tables or indexes reside. However, for a specific object you can define parameters such as the amount of space to use for an Oracle table.

Table Space Name

Specify the name of an Oracle region of space created to store tables.

Index Space Name

Specify the name of an Oracle region of space created to store indexes.

Revise Table and Data Source Overrides

Access the Revise Table and Data Source Overrides form.

Figure 10-10 Revise Table and Data Source Overrides form

Description of Figure 10-10 follows
Description of "Figure 10-10 Revise Table and Data Source Overrides form"

Copy Data (Y/N)

Indicate if a file and its data are copied into production. A value of N moves the file without data during a file copy. When the system creates a production data library from JDFDATA, this field designates whether the data is included in the copy.

Create Tables (1/0)

Denote whether tables are automatically created for this data source.

See UDC H96/CR.

Revising the Generic Text Language Status Table

This section discusses how to revise the Generic Text Language Status table.

Understanding Revising the Generic Text Language Status Table

The Generic Text Language Status table (F001651) has more mapping flexibility than other objects because the data stored in this table has different uses. The generic text categories are as follows:

Common data that all environments use.

For example, data dictionary glossaries and business function notes are the same across all environments.

Production data specific to an environment.

For example, inventory item notes and address book supplemental data can be different for a corporation running JD Edwards EnterpriseOne over multiple environments, such as production, test, and demo data.

Example: Object Configuration Master Table (F986101)

This table is an example what the Object Configuration Master table (F986101) looks like after installing JD Edwards EnterpriseOne if your business follows the typical configuration: (This example includes only the PD900 (production) and TS900 (test) environments.)

Environment Object Name Description Data Source Object Type
PD900 F00165 Generic Text Table Business Data - Prod TBLE
PD900 GT92002 Data Dictionary Glossary Data Dictionary GT
PD900 GT9860A Object Librarian Object Librarian GT
PD900 GT9862A Business Function Notes Object Librarian GT
PD900 GT98DSA Data Structure Notes-Structure Object Librarian GT
PD900 GT98DSB Data Structure Notes-Structure and Item Object Librarian GT
PD900 GT98TMPL Media Objects Templates Object Librarian GT
TS900 F00165 Generic Text Table Business Data - Test TBLE
TS900 GT92002 Data Dictionary Glossary Data Dictionary GT
TS900 GT9860A Object Librarian Object Librarian GT
TS900 GT9862A Business Function Notes Object Librarian GT
TS900 GT98DSA Data Structure Notes-Structure Object Librarian GT
TS900 GT98DSB Data Structure Notes-Structure and Item Object Librarian GT
TS900 GT98TMPL Media Objects Templates Object Librarian GT

Forms Used for Revising the Generic Text Language Status Table

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Select User Defined Code W0005SB In the Work With Object Mappings form, click Add.

In the Object Type field, click Search and Select.

Used to map specific generic text objects.

Revising the Generic Text Language Status Table

Access the Select User Defined Code form.

Figure 10-11 Select User Defined Code form

Description of Figure 10-11 follows
Description of "Figure 10-11 Select User Defined Code form"


A list of valid codes for a specific user defined code list.


A user defined name or remark.