7 Understanding jdeinterop.ini for COM Connector

This chapter contains the following topic:

7.1 Settings for jdeinterop.ini File for the COM Connector

The jdeinterop.ini file includes settings the server might need. The default location for the file is c:\; however, you can configure this location. Information is organized by section, for example [JDENET].

These sections are configured for the COM connector:

  • OCM


  • Server

  • Security

  • Debug

  • Interop

  • Events

  • JMSEVENTS (Only for guaranteed events delivery method using JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.94)


Unless otherwise indicated, the sections and the settings for the COM connector are for all JD Edwards EnterpriseOne releases.

7.1.1 [OCM]

Configure these [OCM] settings for the COM connector:

Setting and Typical Value Purpose Applicable Release
DSN=ODA ITTND17 The data source name from the system DSN of the ODBC setting. All
OCM Datasource=COM OCM System data source for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne client. All
DB User=jde User for the data source connection. All
DB Pwd=jde Password for the data source connection. All
Object Owner=sysb9 For UNIX platforms, this is the object owner in the [DB SYSTEM SETTINGS]. All
Seperator=. Separator used in SQL query.

For Oracle, SQL, and UDB databases, the separator is period (.); for IBM i, the separator is a slash (/).


7.1.2 [JDENET]

Configure these [JDENET] settings for the COM connector:

Setting and Typical Value Purpose Applicable Release
enterpriseServerTimeout=90000 Timeout value for a request to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne enterprise server. All
maxPoolSize=30 JDENET socket connection pool size. All

7.1.3 [SERVER]

Configure these [SERVER] settings for the COM connector:

Setting and Typical Value Purpose Applicable Release
glossaryTextServer=JDED:6010 The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne enterprise server and port that provide glossary text information. All
codePage=1252 The encoding scheme, such as:

1252 English and Western European.

932 Japanese.

950 Traditional Chinese.

936 Simplified Chinese.

949 Korean.


7.1.4 [SECURITY]

Configure this [SECURITY] setting for the COM connector.

Setting and Typical Value Purpose Applicable Release
NumServers=1 Number of security servers set. All

7.1.5 [DEBUG]

Configure these [DEBUG] settings for the COM connector:

Setting and Typical Value Purpose Applicable Release
JobFile=c:\Interop.log Location of error file. All
DebugFile=c:\InteropDebug.log Location of debug file. All
log=c:\net.log Location of log file. All
debugLevel=0 - 12 Defines the level of tracing provided by the COM connector and the CallObject component in the specified log file, in the COM server only.

0 None: Logging is turned off and only errors are written to the JobFile.

2 Errors (error messages).

4 System Errors (exception messages).

6 Warning Information.

8 Min Trace (Key operations; for example, Login, Logoff, Business Function calls).

10 Trouble Shooting Information (Help).

12 Complete Debug Information (Logs everything).

Note: The odd values are reserved for future levels to be added.

You typically do not need to use tracing. However, tracing is useful for debugging.

netTraceLevel=0 Defines the level of tracing provided by the ThinNet component in the specified log file, in the COM server only.

0 No trace.

1 Record process ID, thread ID, and the available socket status when a new connection is added and the socket pool is searched.

2 Includes the information in trace level 1 and also traces every call made in the Connection Manager class.

3 Includes all information in trace level 2, and also traces getPort calls and getHost calls.

Note: You typically do not need to use tracing. However, tracing is useful for debugging.


7.1.6 [INTEROP]

Configure these [INTEROP] settings for the COM connector:

Setting and Typical Value Purpose Applicable Release
SettingTime=10 Enables the connector to access and retrieve event information from the F90703 and F90704 tables. Defines the time for the connector applications to start up before the connector starts recovering an event.

This value is seconds.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.93 with ESU
RecoveryInterval=60 Enables the connector to access and retrieve event information from the F90703 and F90704 tables. Defines the time for the connector applications to start up before the connector starts recovering an event.

This value is seconds.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.93 with ESU
enterpriseServer=JDED The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server. All
port=6010 The port number of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server. All
manual_timout=300000 The time-out value for a transaction in manual commit mode. All
Repository=c:\JDEdwards\ Interop\repository Points to the location of the repository directory containing business object libraries (generated JAR files). All

7.1.7 [EVENTS]

Configure these [EVENTS] settings for the COM connector:

Setting and Typical Value Purpose Applicable Release
UseGuaranteedEvents System= True Indicates guaranteed event delivery. Values are true and false.

Must be set to true when using JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.95 and later Tools releases with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications 8.10 and later Applications releases, and you want to use guaranteed event delivery.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.95 and later Tools releases with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications 8.10 and later Applications releases.
Transport=HTTP Defines the event transport mechanism. Valid values are HTTP and JMS. The default value is HTTP. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.95 and later Tools releases with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications 8.10 and later Applications releases.
eventServiceURL=http:// hpdev1:9081/e1events/ EventClientService Locates the event service. If the value for the Transport= setting is HTTP, then this setting must be configured. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.95 and later Tools releases with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications 8.10 and later Applications releases.
jndiProviderURL=jndiProvider URL=corbaloc::denmlps14. mlab.jdedwards.com:9810/ NameServiceServerRoot Locates the event service. If the value for the Transport= setting is JMS, then this setting must be configured. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.95 and later Tools releases with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications 8.10 and later Applications releases.
eventReceiveTimeout=60000 Maximum number of milliseconds that the event receiver waits before unsubscribing the event from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.95 and later Tools releases with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications 8.10 and later Applications releases.
initialContextFactory=com.ibm. websphere.naming. WsnInitialContextFactory The initial Context Factory JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.94 with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications 8.11 and COM connection is through WebSphere.
jndiProviderURL=corbaloc:: <server_name:server_port/ NameServiceServerRoot Replace <server_name:server_port> with actual values relevant to the WebSphere server. A common value for the server_port for WebSphere is 9810, but consult the WebSphere administrator to confirm this port value. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.94 with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications 8.11 and COM connection is through WebSphere.
port=6002 The socket port number where the EventListener receives the events from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server. This port should not be used by any other resource. Also, the port should not be changed dynamically when the connector is running, as this causes subsequent subscriptions to be lost. All
ListenerMaxConnection=10 The maximum number of connections allowed by the EventListener. The default number of connections is 10, but you can change this number. The maximum number of connections allowed is 64. All
ListenerMaxQueueEntry=10 The maximum number of events that the EventListener can hold before processing by the EventManager. The default number of events for the queue is 10, but you can change this number. The maximum number of events that can be held in the queue is 100. All
Outbound_timeout=1200000 Maximum number of milliseconds that the EventManager waits before unsubscribing the transient event from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server. All


Use this section only if you use the COM connector with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.94 and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications 8.11.

This section has a single setting, CLASSPATH. Note that you must include the full directory path of each file, separating each file by a semicolon. For example, CLASSPATH=connector.jar;log4j.jar;System_JAR.jar.

Unless otherwise noted, these files can be found in the <JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Windows client installation directory>\system\classes folder:

  • ApplicationAPIs_JAR.jar

  • ApplicationLogic_JAR.jar

  • Base_JAR.jar

  • BizLogicContainer_JAR.jar

  • BizLogicContainerClient_JAR.jar

  • BusinessLogicServices_JAR.jar

  • castor.jar

  • commons-httpclient-3.0.jar

  • commons-logging.jar

  • Connector.jar

  • EventProcessor_JAR.jar

    This file can be found in the <Transaction server installation directory>\EventProcessor\app folder.

  • Generator.jar

  • j2ee1_3.jar

  • JdbjBase_JAR.jar

  • JdbjInterfaces_JAR.jar

  • JdeNet_JAR.jar

  • jmxremote.jar

  • jmxremote_optional.jar

  • jmxri.jar

  • log4j.jar

  • ManagementAgent_JAR.jar

  • Metadata.jar

  • MetadataInterface.jar

  • PMApi_JAR.jar

  • Spec_JAR.jar

  • System_JAR.jar

  • SystemInterfaces_JAR.jar

  • xerces.jar

  • xmlparserv2.jar

  • The path to the directory where the jdeinterop.ini, jdbj.ini, and jdelog.properties files exist, which must all be in one directory.

  • The full path to the JDBC driver files, including the filenames.

The CLASSPATH entry must end with a slash (\), which indicates it is a directory name and not a file name.


The files on the client side and Transaction server side must always match. This is important if the Transaction server is updated. WebSphere

Normally IBM WebSphere MQ is included as part of other WebSphere applications, including the WebSphere Application Client. If you use WebSphere for the Java connection, you must include these additional files.

  • com.ibm.mqjms.jar

    Normally located in the <IBM WebSphere MQ installation directory>/Java/lib folder.

  • com.ibm.mq.jar

    Normally located in the <IBM WebSphere MQ installation directory>/Java/lib folder.

  • bootstrap.jar

    Normally located in the <WebSphere installation directory>\lib folder.

  • com.ibm.ws.runtime_6.1.0.jar

    Normally located in the <Websphere installation directory>\plugins folder.

  • com.ibm.ws.admin.client_6.1.0.jar

    Normally located in the <WebSphere installation directory>\runtime folder.

  • ibmorb.jar

    Normally located in the <WebSphere installation directory>\Java/endorsed folder.

  • ibmext.jar

    Normally located in the <WebSphere installation directory>\Java/endorsed folder.

  • ibmcfw.jar

    Normally located in the <WebSphere installation directory>\Java/endorsed folder.

You must also include the <WebSphere installation directory>/properties directory in the CLASSPATH. Oracle Application Server

If you use Oracle Application Server for the Java connection, you must include additional files.

These files are normally located in the Oracle installation directories:

  • oc4j.jar

  • oc4jclient.jar

  • jms.jar

  • javax77.jar