
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  P  Q  R  S  T  U  W 


accounts receivable credit limit process, example, 3.6
Action task
adding escalation rules, 5.11.8
configuring, 5.11, 5.11.6
contents, 5.11.2
deleting escalation rules, 5.11.9
understanding escalation rules, 5.11.7
activating a workflow process version, 6.3.1
add a distribution list, 5.13.3, 5.13.4
add a recipient condition (pre-8.94 processes), A.2.6
add escalation rules, 5.11.7
to pre-8.94 workflow processes, A.2.3
add transition conditions, 5.6
add transitions, 5.6
additional data structure, creating, 5.2.2
additional data structures, setting up, 5.2
Address Book users, setting up
mail preference,
Address Parent/Child Revisions, forms, 5.13.3
administrative tasks
overview, 12.1
analyzing workflow processes, 12.6.1
And Join property, 5.5.2
application security records, 11.2.2
applications, attaching processes to, 6.3
associated data items, 5.13.3
asynchronous processing, 7.1
attach processes in TDA, RDA, FDA, 6.3
attaching a workflow process, 6.3.2
attachments, reviewing,
authorization required, routing options,


Batch Application task, creating, 5.7
benefits of workflow, 2.3
Business Function Search forms, 5.8.3
Business Functions, forms, 5.8.3


components of a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow process, 3.5
configure an Action task, 5.11
configure an Information task, 5.11
create a Business Function task, 5.8
create an Information or Action task, 5.11.6


data files, purging, 12.8
data structures
also known as, 5.2
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow naming conventions,
setting up, 5.2
data structures, creating, 5.2.2
deactivating a workflow process version, 6.3.1
delegate lists, predefined, 11.1.1
deleting transition conditions, 5.14.6
detach transition conditions, 5.14.6
distribution list scenarios, 10
distribution list scenarios, group processing, 10.2
distribution list scenarios, hierarchical processing, 10.3
distribution lists
adding, 5.13.3, 5.13.4
adding hierarchical distribution list, 5.13.4
group processing, 5.12.3
guidlines for, 5.13.1
hierarchical processing, 5.12.5
roles (pre-8.94 workflow processes), A.2.5
routing features for, 5.12.4
routing options in,
setting up, 5.13
setting up for group processing, 5.13.3
setting up for hierarchical processing, 5.13.4
structure types in, 5.12.2
threshold values in,
understanding, 5.12.1


electronic mail components
setting up, 4.2
understanding, 4.1
Escalation Monitor
manually starting the escalation monitor, 12.4
understanding, 12.4
escalation rules
adding to Action task, 5.11.8
adding to pre-8.94 Message tasks, A.2.4
deleting, 5.11.9
escalation, adding, 5.11.7
escalation, defined,
Event Rules Design, forms, 6.3
event rules, attaching the start process activity in, 6.3
Examples, attach workflow process to an application, 6.3
Expiration Information, forms, 5.10.2
external mail access, 4.2.2
external mail access, setting up, 4.2.2


features of EnterpriseOne JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Workflow, 3.3
first response, routing options,
form interconnections, 6.3.5
Address Parent/Child Revisions, 5.13.3
Business Function Search, 5.8.3
Business Functions, 5.8.3
Criteria Design, 5.6.4
Event Rules Design, 6.3
Expiration Information, 5.10.2
form interconnections, 6.3.5, 6.3.5
Process Search and Select, 6.3.4
System Functions, 6.3.4
UBE Interconnections, 5.7.2
User Defined Codes (Employee Task Queues), 4.2.1
Work With Applications, 5.7.2, 6.3.5
Work With Distribution Lists, 5.13.3, 5.13.5
Work With User Defined Codes (Employee Task Queues), 4.2.1
Work with Versions, 5.7.2
Workflow Approval, 3.6
Workflow Delegation Revisions form,
Workflow Pending Review Notification, 3.6


group processing distribution lists, 5.12.3
group processing, scenarios, 10.2


Halt tasks, configuring, 5.10
hierarchical processing, 5.12.5
hierarchical processing, scenarios, 10.3
higher level overrides, routing options,
hyper exit security, 11.2.4


Information task
configuring, 5.11, 5.11.6
contents, 5.11.2


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Workflow
features of, 3.3
key concepts, 3.2
monitoring, 3.4
purging completed workflow process instances, 12.8.3
purging completed workflow tasks, 12.8.2
purging data files, 12.8
transferring workflow processes, 12.9
workflow process analyzing, 12.6.1
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow
accounts receivable credit limit example, 3.6
tasks, 3.5.2
transaction processing, 7.3
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow data structures
naming conventions used in,
setting up, 5.2
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow messages
contents, 5.11.2
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Workflow Modeler
adding tasks, 5.5, 5.5.4
attaching transition conditions, 5.6.4
definition, 5.4
toolbar, 5.4.2
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow process
Action task, 5.11
Batch Application task, 5.7
Business Function task, 5.8
Halt task, 5.10
Information task, 5.11
Local Subprocess task, 5.9
transition conditions, 5.6
transitions, 5.6
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow process version
activating, 6.3.1
attaching to applications, 6.3
deactivating, 6.3.1
defined, 6.1
validating, 6.2
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow processes
attaching to applications, 6.3
components of, 3.5
in OMW, 5.3.2
naming conventions used in, 5.3.1
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow processing
asynchronous, 7.1
synchronous, 7.1
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow queues, setting up, 4.2.1
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow tasks, 3.5.2
Action, 5.11
adding, 5.5
Batch Application, 5.7
Business Function, 5.8
Halt, 5.10
Information, 5.11
Local Subprocess, 5.9
JD Edwards Workflow Scheduler, setting up, 5.10.3
JDE.ini file
JDE.ini file on the workstation and the enterprise server,,


key concepts of EnterpriseOne JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Workflow, 3.2
key data structure, creating, 5.2.2
key data structures, setting up, 5.2


lists, distribution, 5.12.1
Local Subprocess task, creating, 5.9


message approval process
overriding, 12.2.5
message approvals, overriding,
message queues, setting up, 4.2.1
message recipients, 5.11.4
adding to pre-894 processes, A.2.1
distribution list, 5.11.4
in pre-8.94 workflow processes, A.2
single recipient, 5.11.4
message setup, 4.2.2
Message task
adding escalation rules (pre-8.94 processes), A.2.3
configuring pre-8.94 Message task, A.2.2
message tasks
configuring Information and Action tasks, 5.11.6
message templates, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow setting up,
modifying task properties, 5.14.3
modifying workflow process properties, 5.14.2
workflow delegation, 11.1.3
monitoring EnterpriseOne JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Workflow, 3.4


naming conventions
for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow data structures,
for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow processes, 5.3.1


Pending Approval form, example of a form interconnection, 6.3.5
predefined delegate lists
creating, 11.2.6
defined, 11.1.1
printing process instance reports, 12.7
process example, accounts receivable credit limit, 3.6
process instance, 12.2.1
resume, suspend, or terminate,
Process Instance Reports, 12.7
process instances
purging completed instances, 12.8.3
Process Search and Select, forms, 6.3.4
process status
reviewing, 12.2.2
Process Task Monitor
overriding message approval process,
overview, 12.2.1
reviewing a process status, 12.2.2
reviewing attachments,
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow naming conventions, 5.3.1
processes not completing, troubleshooting information, 5.13.1
processing option security, 11.2.3
purging completed workflow process instances, 12.8.3
purging completed workflow process tasks, 12.8.2
purging workflow data files, 12.8


queue security
change public security, 12.3
understanding, 12.3
queues, setting up, 4.2.1


recipient conditions in pre-8.94 workflow processes, A.2.6
for pre-894 Message tasks, A.2.1
Report Design Aid, attaching processes in, 6.3
resume workflow process,
roles, in distribution lists (pre-8.94 workflow processes), A.2.5
routing messages
methods for, 5.11.5
routing options,
authorization required,
first response,
higher level overrides,


application security, 11.2.2
for workflow delegation, 11.1.2
hyper exit security, 11.2.4
processing option security, 11.2.3
queue security, 12.3
Send Message Extended system function, B.1
set up JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow message templates,
setting up
Workflow Scheduler, 5.10.3
shortcut links
configuring, 9.1.3
on enterprise server, 9.1.1
on Microsoft Windows client, 9.1.2
understanding, 9.1
SMTP server, verifying setup,
Start Process system function, attach to an application example, 6.3
structure types, 5.12.2
suspend workflow process,
synchronous processing, 7.1
system function
Send Message Extended, B.1
Start Process, 6.3.2
system functions
for asynchronous processing, 7.2
for synchronous processing, 7.2
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow, 8.2
message system functions, 8.1
System Functions, forms, 6.3.4


Table Design Aid, attaching processes in, 6.3
adding a batch application task, 5.7
adding an Action task, 5.11
adding an Information task, 5.11
adding Local Subprocess task, 5.9
adding to a workflow process, 5.5
configuring a Halt task, 5.10
deleting, 5.14.5
modifying task properties, 5.14.3
monitoring, 12.2
overriding message approval process,
purging completed tasks, 12.8.2
replacing, 5.14.8
reviewing attachments,
terminate workflow process,
threshold values,
transaction processing and workflow processes, 7.3
transferring workflow processes, 12.9
transition conditions
adding, 5.6
deleting, 5.14.6
detaching, 5.14.6
modifying properties of, 5.14.4
adding, 5.6
deleting, 5.14.5
troubleshooting information, processes not completing, 5.13.1


UBE Interconnection forms, 5.7.2
understand distribution lists, 5.12.1
understand key data and additional data, 5.2
user defined codes, queues setting up, 4.2.1


Work With Applications, forms, 6.3.5
Work With Distribution Lists, forms, 5.13.3, 5.13.5
Workflow Approval form, 3.6
workflow benefits, 2.3
workflow data files, purging, 12.8
workflow delegation
activating workflow delegation record, 11.3.2
configuring, 11.2
creating a workflow delegation record, 11.3.1
creating predefined delegate list, 11.2.6
creating workflow delegation records for users, 11.2.7
disabling workflow delegation record, 11.3.2
modifying workflow delegation records, 11.3.3
monitoring, 11.1.3
overview, 11.1
predefined delegate lists, 11.1.1
processing options, 11.2.5
security, 11.1.2
workflow delegation record
activating or disabling, 11.3.2
creating, 11.3.1
deleting, 11.3.4
modifying, 11.3.3
Workflow Pending Review Notification form, 3.6
workflow process
activating, 6.3.1
analyzing, 12.6.1
attaching to an application, 6.3.2
creating, 5.3.2
deactivating, 6.3.1
modifying existing, 5.14
modifying properties of, 5.14.2
monitoring tasks, 12.2
process instance, 12.2.1
workflow process instance
terminate, suspend, or resume,
workflow process status, reviewing,
workflow processes
delegating, 11.3
developed before release 8.94, A.1
transferring, 12.9
Workflow Scheduler, setting up, 5.10.3
workflow system functions, 8
workflow tasks
monitoring, 11.4.1
reassigning, 11.4.1