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Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter Command Reference

Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter Command Reference
The Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter Command Reference describes system processes and commands delivered with the Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter software.
Table 1 lists Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter commands and functions.
DMConfigChecker – Encrypts configuration file passwords.
DMConfigChecker <config_file_name> [key_file_name]
The DMConfigChecker utility is used to encrypt configuration file passwords. It checks the Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter configuration file syntax and replaces all the unencrypted password elements with the encrypted password. If necessary, this utility can also generate a key file which is used to encrypt/decrypt the passwords.
DMConfigChecker requires the unlimited strength jurisdiction policy files installed in the $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security directory. You can download the jurisdiction policy files from Sun or IBM Web sites for your respective JEE installation.
Parameters and Options
This utility supports the following parameters and options:
Required parameter.The name of the configuration file to be processed (either a file name or a full path name). If it is not a full path name, it is assumed that it is located in current working directory.
Optional parameter. Either a file name or a full path name. If it is not of full path name, then it must be located in the current working directory. If it is not specified, a new one is created in the current working directory with the default file name ".msainternal.dat". If the specified file does not exist, a new file is created with the specified name.
The encrypted password uses the following format: {salted-AES}Base64-encoded-cipher-text.
Command-Line Input
The following is a command-line input example:
java -classpath $CLASSPATH bdmconfig.xml foo.key
Password Output
The following is an example of the encrypted password output in the configuration file:
See Also
viewj, viewj32
viewj, viewj32 – View compiler for Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter ATMI views.
viewj [options] [package-name] view-definition-table
This viewj, viewj32 utility is used to read a View definition file and produce a java file that implements the TypedView and TypedView32 interface. The java file should be compiled into a class which can then be used to set and retrieve entries from a View buffer.
For more information, see Oracle Tuxedo Javadoc.
This utility is analogous to the viewc, viewc32(1) utility in the Oracle Tuxedo Command Reference Guide.
Parameters and Options
This utility supports the following optional parameters:
Uses associated count and length fields in generated setters and getters.
Uses original naming conventions for generated setters and getters: set or get prefix plus field name.
Uses JavaBean naming conventions for generated setters and getters: convert first letter of field name to upper case and add set or get prefix.
Adds null to strings before sending to Tuxedo and truncate strings received from Tuxedo at first null.
Generates output class as extending TypedXCommon instead of TypedView.
Generates output class as extending TypedXCType instead of TypedView.
Listing 1‑1 shows a VIEW32 file name (View32) input example.
Listing 1‑1 VIEW32 File Name
VIEW View32
short TEST_SHORT - 1 - - 0
string TEST_STRING - 1 - 100 -
The command line input used to compile the VIEW definition is as follows:
file: java -class $CLASSPATH tuxedo.test.simpapp View32
This generates a Java class file ( in the current working directory (tuxedo.test.simpapp package).
See Also
mkfldclass, mkfldclass32
mkfldclass, mkfldclass32 – Utility function that reads an FML Field Table and produces a java file that implements the FldTbl interface.
mkfldclass [package-name] fml-field-table
This class is a utility function that reads an FML Field Table and produces a java file which implements the FldTbl interface. This java file should be compiled into a class which can then be used to add, retrieve and delete fielded entries from an FML field. This utility is analogous to the mkfldhdr, mkfldhdr32(1) utility in the Oracle Tuxedo Reference Guide.
Parameters and Options
This utility supports the following parameters:
The name of the field table to process.
See Also

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