Sun Adapter for COM/DCOM API
Interface STCIDispatch

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ComOtdInterfaceImpl, STCDispatchDriver

public interface STCIDispatch
extends STCIUnknown

IDispatch interface.

Method Summary
 STCComVariant getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, STCComVariant[] args)
          Gets a property by name.
 STCComVariant invoke(java.lang.String methodName, STCComVariant[] args)
          Allows you to call a method by name on the underlying COM interface.
 void setProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, STCComVariant[] args)
          Sets a property by name.
Methods inherited from interface
AddRef, Release

Method Detail


STCComVariant invoke(java.lang.String methodName,
                     STCComVariant[] args)
                     throws STCComException
Allows you to call a method by name on the underlying COM interface.

methodName - The method name. Note that case is significant.
args - An array of STCComVariant. As per COM rules, the arguments in this array are in reverse order.
STCComVariant - Returns an STCComVariant which will hold the return value of the underlying Invoke, if applicable and if successful.
STCComException - Thrown if Invoke on the underlying object fails.


void setProperty(java.lang.String propertyName,
                 STCComVariant[] args)
                 throws STCComException
Sets a property by name.

propertyName - The name of the property to set. Note that case is significant.
args - An array of STCComVariant. As per COM rules, the arguments in this array are in reverse order. This parameter must be provided all the time since the array contains at least the new property value.
STCComException - Thrown if the method on underlying object fails.


STCComVariant getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName,
                          STCComVariant[] args)
                          throws STCComException
Gets a property by name.

propertyName - The name of the property to get. Note that case is significant.
args - An array of STCComVariant. As per COM rules, the arguments in this array are in reverse order. This parameter can be null or empty STCComVariant[] when the property does not have any parameters.
STCComVariant - Returns an STCComVariant which holds the resulting value.
STCComException - Thrown if the method on underlying COM interface fails.

Sun Adapter for COM/DCOM API

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