Sun Adapter for TCP/IP HL7


Interface Summary
TCPIPClientConfigInfoInterface This class wraps TCPIP client configuration information.
TCPIPClientGeneralInfoInterface This class represents general TCPIP client configuration information.
TCPIPSocketEstablishmentInfoInterface This class represents TCPIP Socket establishment information.
TCPIPSocketInfoInterface This class represents TCPIP Socket configuration information.

Class Summary
TCPIPApplicationConnection This class implements the ApplicationConnection interface for the TCPIP Application Connection.
TCPIPApplicationConnectionManager This class is not a full-featured ConnectionManager.
TCPIPClientApplicationImpl This class implements the TCPIP client application interface.
TCPIPClientConfigInfo This class wraps TCPIP client configuration information.
TCPIPClientGeneralInfo This class represents general TCPIP client configuration information.
TCPIPClientSunJavaAppServerInfo This class represents the configuration for the connector connection pool of Sun Java System Application Server (Sun One Application Server) or SeeBeyond Runtime Server version 5.1.x.
TCPIPEwayConnection This class implements the ValidatingEwayConnection interface for providing TCPIP connection oriented services for the Eway/JCA framework.
TCPIPManagedConnection Class extendes the STCManagedConnection class.getting eWays sepecific managedConnection.
TCPIPManagedConnectionFactory It implements the interface javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnectionFactory.
TCPIPSocket This class represents a java Socket API.
TCPIPSocketEstablishmentInfo This class represents TCPIP Socket establishment information.
TCPIPSocketInfo This class represents TCPIP Socket configuration information.

Sun Adapter for TCP/IP HL7