Interface ComponentLifeCycle

public interface ComponentLifeCycle

This interface must be implemented by a JBI component to provide initialization, start, stop, and shutdown life cycle processing. These methods comprise the life cycle contract between the JBI implementation and the component. The life cycle of a component begins with a call to the init() method on an instance of the component's implementation of this interface, and ends with the first call to the shutDown() method on that instance. Between these two calls, there can be any number of stop() and start() calls.

The JBI implementation must track the running state of a component, and ensure that life cycle state changes are always legal. For example, if the management interface for controlling a component's life cycle (ComponentLifeCycleMBean) is used to start a component that was just installed (and thus in the Shutdown state), the implementation must invoke this component's init(ComponentContext) method before invoking its start() method.

JSR208 Expert Group

Method Summary getExtensionMBeanName()
          Get the JMX object name for the extension MBean for this component; if there is none, return null.
 void init(ComponentContext context)
          Initialize the component.
 void shutDown()
          Shut down the component.
 void start()
          Start the component.
 void stop()
          Stop the component.

Method Detail


public getExtensionMBeanName()
Get the JMX object name for the extension MBean for this component; if there is none, return null.

the JMX object name of the additional MBean or null if there is no additional MBean.


public void init(ComponentContext context)
          throws JBIException
Initialize the component. This performs initialization required by the component but does not make it ready to process messages. This method is called once for each life cycle of the component.

If the component needs to register an additional MBean to extend its life cycle, or provide other component management tasks, it should be registered during this call.

context - the component's context, providing access to component data provided by the JBI environment; must be non-null.
JBIException - if the component is unable to initialize.


public void shutDown()
              throws JBIException
Shut down the component. This performs clean-up, releasing all run-time resources used by the component. Once this method has been called, init(ComponentContext) must be called before the component can be started again with a call to start().

JBIException - if the component is unable to shut down.


public void start()
           throws JBIException
Start the component. This makes the component ready to process messages. This method is called after init(ComponentContext), both when the component is being started for the first time and when the component is being restarted after a previous call to shutDown(). If stop() was called previously but shutDown() was not, start() can be called again without another call to init(ComponentContext).

JBIException - if the component is unable to start.


public void stop()
          throws JBIException
Stop the component. This makes the component stop accepting messages for processing. After a call to this method, start() may be called again without first calling init(ComponentContext).

JBIException - if the component is unable to stop.

Built 06/07/2005 11:16 AM on acer (SunOS 5.9)

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